Jenny Langin

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Jenny Langin

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball™. Painfully earnest. She/Her.
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Had a draft that was stressing me out and today I finally finished it by just sitting down and doing the work. I will learn nothing from this.
I've gone through depressive stretches where I read nothing but historical romances. To be part of the loving exploits of each mad, brilliant family through book after book, amidst all of that wit & humor & insight & compassion & sheer JOY, was almost like living when I could barely keep breathing.
Hello Blue Sky followers! I know that not everyone is, like, expected to know who I am, and I truly do not expect that. Just in case you missed it, I write romance novels. They have kissing in them.
Every year, I read I Capture the Castle on my birthday. Happy You-Day, my friend!
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Bluesky went down for 10 minutes and that's still longer than most straight guys are willing to.
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not to be all mom about it but . if you're gonna go thru all that trouble . you might wanna get some practice in first
I would do scream therapy with Pants
Reposted byAvatar Jenny Langin
Sigh. I wish I could just sit quietly with Pants and let that dispassionate serenity seep into my bones. Sweet baby.
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Strawberry workers at this Salinas area crew have been at it for almost 8 hours on this sunny day. They earn piece rate so they work as fast as they can so they can earn as much as possible. Their body hurts at the end of the day but this work feeds their family. #WeFeedYou
"How far can you yeet that baby?" - Travis
When I drop the aged Xbox controller, every button & joystick & lever activates for, like, no reason, Close Encounters-style. When I fumble it while trying to pause a show for real-life reasons, nothing happens. I have to hammer it on the ground like a primate until the picture stops.
Calm down, man. I'm just here for Pants.
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writing letters to various favorite authors asking them if it's not too much trouble to please not die suddenly or abet any sex crimes
Every single gripe attached to this skeet can be addressed by watching The Clone Wars, Rebels, Bad Batch, & Tales of the Jedi. The incompetence of the Senate, reevaluation of the Jedi order, the moral horror of an army of men engineered solely to fight & die, the Mortis gods - everything.
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Reposted byAvatar Jenny Langin
I forgot med to prevent tremors from more different med & now am sitting in waiting room with hands & humidity hair halo vibrating like a frightened Shih Tzu BUT Electric Mayhem Animal shirt is perfect here & now like it will never be again
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let’s all go to the movies let’s all go to the movies let’s all go to the movies ‘cuz it’s a thousand fuckin’ degrees
space is nice and cold just concentrate on outer space
We can always break the footnotes out into a separate volume. That should siphon off about 65% of the initial page count.
It's okay. Larry can fix it. America must pray to Larry.
"Damn, that's crazy" - Larry the Cat, as yet another PM moves out of his house
This is ... magnificent. We've just had, like, a hypoallergenic dog, and then a couple of bitey Shepherds that chomped several members of POTUS's security detail before being sent home in disgrace.
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Kiki has never had a good anything HOW DARE YOU