Space Jew

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Space Jew

Yid. Comedy writer. I run the JewSky Plus feed.
Bylines in Points in Case, Slackjaw, & staff writer for End of the Bench Sports. He/him.

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Check my feeds tab for JewSky+
[theme song to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia plays] The Gang Defends A Trump Rally
Incredible stuff.
Someone HAS to get this joke eventually, right?
Hey y’all. I’ve been wanting to get a really sick ear piercing but my usual guy is no longer available. Any leads?
Hey y’all. I’ve been wanting to get a really sick ear piercing but my usual guy is no longer available. Any leads?
It turns out the missed bullet meant for Trump is what killed that man—which means that this is the first time in history someone has failed the Trolley Problem.
It’s funny how many of us thought he would choose Tim Scott in a blatant attempt to reach non-White voters and Trump said actually what if I’m so racist I can’t even bring myself to tokenize?
Trump was like how can I ride this momentum to the white house, ill pick a running mate whose abortion views are from the 18th century
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
Scott Adams is training ChatGPT to make him cluck like a chicken every time he hears a doorbell like he’s in a 90s sitcom subplot
this is the most low budget only on amazon prime ass concept for a horror movie I've ever heard
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
Hi, I'd like to live in precedented times for a week please.
Wonder what would happen if I logged out of my social media apps. Sounds kinda fake tbh
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
while i can understand that yesterdays news [cranks up fall out boy's "i don't care"] right so as i was saying, while i can understand that the attempted shooting of trump is [air guitar] anyways what i was trying to imply was that there may be a negative impact on [patrick stump: *I* *DONT* *CARE*]
Hmm I guess there are some good Republicans
Men’s skulls don’t explode near the grassy knoll quite the way they used to.
It’s funny that on IG conservatives are crying about how brutal and mean democrats are but when i come on here the level-100 political strategists are all, “If Biden doesn’t put a cigarette out in Trump’s bleeding ear we are FUCKED”
so if i understand this correctly democrats are establishing trump as somebody to have sympathy for and unilaterally suspending their campaign efforts while the republicans work to establish a new rule that calling trump a fascist threat to democracy is stoking political violence
If you thought I was kidding
My Pittsburgh group chat is just a bunch of former nurses and CMU kids arguing about which UPMC facility is the default Presidential hospital
My Pittsburgh group chat is just a bunch of former nurses and CMU kids arguing about which UPMC facility is the default Presidential hospital
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
I’m either going to lose or gain a lot of followers tonight
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
ok so it wasn’t Richard Simmons
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
before you criticize this person for their aim, what have you done to assassinate him?
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
im old enough to remember when the cia was still good at this sorta thing
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
Remember: here's the breaking news handbook. All of these are good rules to stand by at the moment.
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
I can’t believe I have to say this but using whiteness to erase Jewishness is antisemitic. Jews are the second-most targeted victims of hate crimes in the US yet comprise 2% of the population. These stats predate a massive spike in antisemitic violence since October of 2023. 1/
Crazy that it is more normalize for men to punch a hole in a wall than cry.
Reposted byAvatar Space Jew
I'm at the pizza regatta, I'm at the jazz festival, I'm at the combination pizza regatta and jazz festival run by Some Guy.
I’ve said this before and I will again: so many internet arguments can simply be won by saying, “shut up, nerd.”
Ok getting drunk by myself in my basement and playing VR might sound very middle-aged divorced dad but i promise you i am just a problem-drinker nerd