Joan Arkham

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Joan Arkham

Cats, film photography, food and drinks, and as much travel as possible.
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Faster, Pussycat! Eat! Pray! Love!
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Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
Wait! I remembered! It was L’Oreal Sea Fleur. 💄
I’m trying to remember the name of my go-to lipstick of the late 80s and Google is getting me nowhere. Back in the day some obsessive weirdo would have a whole website dedicated to listing lipstick names but everything online is useless now.
I’m trying to remember the name of my go-to lipstick of the late 80s and Google is getting me nowhere. Back in the day some obsessive weirdo would have a whole website dedicated to listing lipstick names but everything online is useless now.
Ugh, I had no idea. And NZ was on my “places to flee” list.
A cautionary tale
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I don't take the age thing seriously. THEY PICK A LIE ABOUT EVERY DEM, and the press knows it's some BS but plays along. They know that the other guy is worse in every way, especially his brain. They turned being a war hero into a liability against a fortunate son draft dodger.
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The cellular level at which I feel this, you have no idea. The kid who "bullied" me so badly at 13 ('92) that he suggested I kill myself more than once is, I kid you not, a Harvard alum who runs one of those predatory crypto financial schemes. He's doing great.
Everybody who told children ignoring bullies would make them safe back in the 90s is responsible for everything going on right now.
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Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there 🫡
There was a guy who looked like this who used to show up at the goth club. We never knew if it was on purpose or not. But I feel like it’s something you should check. “Do I have spinach in my teeth?” “Did I zip my fly?” “Do I look like Hitler?”
Imagine somebody following this guy's example unless it's how to get free food in a chain restaurant by whinging really loudly (or maybe how to look like a disgraced youth pastor from 1982 who's now on a registry)
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So the "don't vote" NYT op-ed guy: 1. is a tradcath freak who hates women 2. used to groom himself like Chunky Hitler 3. actually votes himself
This was our friend group’s 4th of July tradition for many years.
Well, time for me to save all the recipes I want to try and cancel NYT cooking, I guess. Why can’t we just have nice things anymore?
NO MORE KINGS! 🇺🇸 Seriously, I mean it this time.
JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. RFK: Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. RFK Jr.:
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July 4th Parade, Tule Lake Internment Camp, 1943.
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plot twist: there is no such thing as bluesky and we're all in the same psych hospital making typing motions into our mashed potatoes
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so excited to unveil my THERE WILL NEVER BE KINGS IN THE US OF A tattoo! no I haven’t seen the Supreme Court decision why
“Surely, this…” Nah. It’s not fun anymore. I wish I could see a hopeful future, but I guess I’ll just shitpost as the world burns.
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And then the Democrats swept into the White House in 1968 and America was saved from the darkness of a Nixon regime! That IS what happened, right?
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It was worth working the gate at the local pride so when a guy drove by and shouted "i'm PROUD to LOVE PUSSY" I could shout back "so are many people here, sir"
Ooh! This is very much My Thing.
I posted earlier about how much I enjoy the work of photographer Anne Brigman. Much of her work was published in Alfred Stieglitz's influential "Camera Work" magazine (1903-1917). You can download all 49 issues as PDF for free. The whole collection is 1.76GB.
Modernist Journals | Search
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Celebrating our independence from a monarchy while on the brink of a dictatorship feels unsettling. Like when you get a birthday reminder on Facebook for one of your friends who’s dead.
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Shitty Camera Challenge is cumming July 1st, bring your own poncho. #ShittyCameraChallenge
Is “bi-curious wine mom” to conceptual to be a Halloween costume? Asking for a friend (really)!
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currently in tears over these two dogs
No, I didn’t watch the “debate.” I don’t think there has been an actual televised presidential debate in my lifetime.
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Mitsuhashi-kun, a rice fairy from the planet Rice, is the mascot of Mitsuhashi Rice.