Jon Sternfeld

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Jon Sternfeld

Author. Collaborator. Ghost.
NYT Bestseller SCENES FROM MY LIFE with Michael K. Williams (Crown); AN INCONVENIENT COP with Edwin Raymond (Viking)
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Trump: And I told China — Do we love Kevin Sorbo, by the way? He was so fantastic in a little film called…And inflation The Media:
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Brains leaking out his fucking ears, the media is gaslighting you to say anything else.
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This is setting a land speed record for whiteness
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"That vagueness of the GOP platform allows Republicans to mask the full horror they’re planning to unleash under a Trump presidency with Project 2025 as the roadmap, a bit of plausible deniability as they court swing voters." --
Project 2025 *is* the GOP Don't let them fool you.
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Something that is perhaps not crystal clear to some is that only people of color are going to be targeted by this. The people holding these signs will see themselves as the deputies who can harass and harm by proxy. Basically a 21st century fugitive slave act. Serious as a heart attack.
In case you missed it this was one of the official signs handed out by the RNC for delegates to wave. Not a joke, not a.i.
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The "wants to project" unity thing is literally a fake, imaginary narrative that the media invented to try to help Trump. It's not visible anywhere in Trump's own deranged social media posts and certainly not anywhere in his fellow Republicans' RNC speeches.
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Good morning! ✌️☕️
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It's pretty bleak that Trump is effectively running unchallenged because Democrats have decided that it's disrespectful to criticize a fascist while he's recovering from an ear injury.
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"We know how Donald Trump thinks America should be united: by reelecting him and allowing him and his cronies to ransack the country’s institutions." I wrote about the depressing aftermath of the assassination attempt
Nothing Has Changed: Trump Is Still After being shot at a rally on Saturday, Trump is a bigger threat to American democracy than ever before. Why aren’t Democrats acting like it?
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"I just want to remind everybody that I have committed many, many other crimes and am still waiting to be prosecuted and sentenced for some of them!"
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Uniting the nation by being the exact same guy he was before the assassination attempt.
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The Founders anticipated all of this, and that is why they buried throughout the constitution various secret hints and rules that would, centuries later, make it illegal to notice or get mad when a powerful and extremely dumb guy repeatedly commits obvious oafish political crimes.
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New in PN: Multiple things are true about Trump's shooting We must unequivocally condemn Trump's shooting while acknowledging the truths that he's a grave threat to democracy and nobody has done more to stoke the climate of political violence than him.
Multiple things are true about Trump's Political violence is wrong. And Trump is the candidate of political violence.
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I don’t wanna have to vote to keep people like this out of power. I wanna live in a world where saying this out loud gets you punched in the head every time you try to leave the house and grandmas spit on you.
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
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I am putting out this heartfelt call: please, I beg of you, it’s important that everyone except me turn down the political temperature! It’s so crucial in these turbulent times for everyone who isn’t myself to watch what they say!! 💗
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On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
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What they mean is that the "temperature" is raised whenever people say accurate things about Republican candidates and their policies. It is everyone's civic duty to repeat Republican falsehoods.
Seen a lot of comments like “hey Americans who support democracy, oppose political violence, and value truth, we have to take the temperature down,” and while well-intentioned, I don’t think it’ll work, because they’re not the ones raising the temperature.
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Excellent by Ed GLuce: "No honest accounting of America’s fetid climate can ignore the fact that the former president himself is the country’s most influential exponent of political violence.... A spirit of vengeance is haunting America."
America is staring into the After the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, an already existential election is now even more fraught
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Heard this too. Just utter bullshit. Trump: “Any election I don’t win is rigged. Immigrants poison the blood of our country. We will root out the vermin.” Democrats: “He’s saying dangerous things.” CNN: “Both sides are responsible for the political climate in this country.”
Scott Jennings on CNN right now saying this is on Dems for saying Trump will end democracy on the US. And Bash and Blitzer are like, yes, we have to tamp down the rhetoric on both sides. Absolute marks. Jesus Christ.
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Correction: Democrats are expressing sympathy and suspending campaign ads while Republicans are saying calling Trump a fascist is stoking violence . . . and also blaming Biden and calling for his arrest. Asymmetrical decency.
so if i understand this correctly democrats are establishing trump as somebody to have sympathy for and unilaterally suspending their campaign efforts while the republicans work to establish a new rule that calling trump a fascist threat to democracy is stoking political violence
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No one in America has done more to normalize the idea of political violence than the man who was the target of it tonight. There is no contradiction in deploring what happened and saying that any Republican who supports Trump has forfeited the right to be heard on the subject.
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the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
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It remains wild to me how much better AOC is at “doing politics” than something like 98 percent of Democrats. The Supreme Court is historically popular and insanely corrupt! Holding them accountable is good policy AND good politics!
This Is How Democrats Should Be Treating the Supreme AOC's decision to file of articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito is how Democrats should be engaging with a corrupt Supreme Court.
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Remarkable finding in new Marist poll: By 68-32, voters say they're more concerned about a president who doesn't tell the truth than one who is too old to serve. Maybe we should cover Trump's serial lying as a sign of his unfitness for the presidency. 1/ (new piece)
Shocker Poll Suggests Trump’s Lying May Be Huge Weakness for One possible reason the polls haven’t moved as much as pundits expected: Voters still don’t like or trust Trump. Can the Democrats shift focus to that?
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The undermining of the IRS was a form of sabotage of basic state administrative functioning. Expect much more of this under a second Trump term.
The IRS reported this week they collected $1 BILLION in taxes owed by rich tax cheats thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act funding that provided them the additional staffing to pursue these cases. First up on the GOP agenda for the next administration is gutting the IRS.
I'm watching EILEEN and I'm calling for a ban on all Boston accents until we can figure out what the hell is going on!
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Thank you and rest easy, Shelley... ~~~~~~~~~~ Shelley Duvall 1949 🖤 2024
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I get why this is the case, but it’s so wild that one million Americans died of COVID because of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, and it’s not even remotely an issue in this election. What a country!
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Margaret Sullivan, the much-missed former public editor of, on the bizarre collapse of our major media in the face of a fascist, rapist traitor who has been granted full immunity by a thoroughly corrupted SCOTUS stacked with GOP hacks.
The media has been breathlessly attacking Biden. What about Trump? | Margaret The bigger story is Donald Trump’s appalling unfitness for office. He tried to overturn a legitimate election and is a felon
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