
Interesting way to confirm that we live in a culture of abuse.
In the anti-woke mindset, molesting children isn’t a crime, but judging someone for molesting children is.
Also in the anti-woke mindset, suspicion of molesting a child is justification for immediate summary vigilante execution, unless there is a preponderance of evidence and a testifying victim, in which case hey man judge not least ye be judged.
I don’t see why we can’t separate the art from the artist and guiltlessly watch movies like Manhattan where he dates a 17 year old.
It's totally still a crime. It's just that the rich and powerful aren't capable of committing crimes. If it was some broke soccer coach he would be demonic.
Why’d you have to drag McGuirk into this?
they don't call it patriarchy for nothing.
Then indeed, Hollywood is the molten core of wokeism
It’s been my observation that as long as you’re not a “godless Lib”, it’s perfectly OK.
Are there any credible allegations on him about molesting children? Did he settle any allegations with money?
Or the other way: what allegation is so strong that you regard him as a child molester? I am no fanboy, if he deserves this I am fine with it.
There is a pattern in Allen's life and work that shows his fascination with younger women. Manhattan is the most obvious example. There is also a recurring theme of men getting away with murdering pestering exes. It's clear by now he doesn't understand women at all.
Once you start looking for it, you see that even his better recent movies are hampered by the absurd dialogue he gives his characters when they discuss sex and emotions. He's a smart enough guy, but somehow he got lost.
His personality or his thoughts don't count, it's important what he did to call him a child molester. You may cannot separate work and creator but you can separate thoughts and actions. You have to unless you want a thought police.
"Credible" is not a word with an objective answer. A lot of people find Dylan Farrow credible, but there was not enough supporting evidence for criminal charges.
I’d recommend watching the 4 part Allen v. Farrow, it covers the history of allegations and evidence quite thoroughly.
Not only is Woody Allen very justifiably cancelled (the stupidest among lame pop jargons) but he is making films out of the US because his movies have sucked ass and lost money for three decades
They're just variations on a dweeb... an incestuous, pedophillic dweeb.
And especially the latter. Hollywood isn't going to let him keep making the movies he wants to make when none of them even come close to earning out.
Oh the vast majority of Hollywood execs wouldn’t touch Woody Allen within a 200 foot restraining order either. The money is just the proof
You need to separate the art from the artist, which is why it’s great that Woody Allen has never put grown men being romantically and sexually involved with underaged women in any of his films.
I believe it also shows up in Crimes & Misdemeanors and Whatever Works and his pseudo-remake of Wild Strawberries, Deconstructing Harry
Been a while on those though they might just be very young women
In the '92 film Husbands and Wives, the character he plays seriously contemplates having an affair with one of his students at his university. Not "technically" underaged, but definitely a lot of red flags.
Crimes and Misdemeanors: No very young women, however ... "Judah grapples with the decision to have his mistress killed to prevent the ruin of his public and private life. In contrast, Clifford's story highlights the ironic and often unfair nature of love and success.
I could be wrong on that one, I thought I remembered it mirroring Manhattan pretty close. I’m not gonna blame the writer just for having bad men in his movies.
that was, I'm pretty sure, a joke
I don’t get jokes much. But it’s nice to have people skeet how little that trope appears in his scripts.
"Manhattan" A 42-year-old manin a relationship with a 17-year-old high school student
By coincidence WA was 44 when the film came out, and no doubt wrote it a year or two earlier
And all his friends treat it as totally normal! His relationship with a grown woman is treated as cheating & also him growing up as a person. It’s a deeply psychologically weird movie. I’d hoped the sarcasm in my post was clear, it’s a recurring theme in his work.
I asked ChatGPT for a list of his films that involved an older man and a younger woman.
It wasn't at first but no matter
Cancel culture is when people become aware of my actions and don’t approve of them.
And side note, if he's still making movies, he's not fucking canceled, is he I wish I were so fucking canceled I could make movies whenever I liked
Now "canceled" is "Nobody wants to watch my movies anymore!"
I swear, people just need to learn to separate the art from the artist… now to enjoy this Woody Allen film where a young woman with no character development to speak of immediately falls in love with a self absorbed neurotic New Yorker who is 40 years older than her…
this "kyle smith" is lucky he has one of the most generic names of all time. must make it easier to escape the shame of having written this piece
no i'm not that kyle smith, i'm the one who wrote "what time is the final four"
"chicks don't grok Goodfellas" was a hot take of his from a few years back. Similar banalities would probably not be hard to find, if I cared enough.
I genuinely don't understand how major papers opinion papers work. Who was going through all the things they were sent, and published either of those intentionally?
The Goodfellas bit was for the New York Post, whose low standards are widely known (likewise the opinion section of the WSJ)
Is there a major outlet opinion section that *isn’t* famously worthless? Like, the NYP is famously bad in *all* ways but I can’t imagine their opinion page is meaningfully worse than NYT’s Or WSJ’s, or WP’s, or Atlantic’s, or &c.
Woody Allen was always overrated. I think when he raised his own wife, it gave a lot of people the excuse they needed to ignore him. Personally, there is one film with my celebrity crush that I haven't seen because it is a WA movie. I'm waiting until he dies, so HE doesn't get my money.
Most of his films were essentially identical
I'm not going to say he's a BAD filmmaker, he's not, he has a couple that are really very good. But the idea that he's an all-time master comes from the fact that a very specific group of New York-based tastemakers and critics see themselves in his movies. Most of them are also assholes.
I dunno, taste is what it is, but I grew up in rural Indiana and I loved a lot of his movies. But he's one of the few where i dropped his work even though I think a lot of it is technically very good. He's just too big a creep and too big a presence in his movies.
what was the last film he made that people cared about outside of the "omg woody allen is being cancelled" people. also ah, he's making his 50th film you say, yes clearly he is SO cancelled.