Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis

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Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis

What's the opposite of apocalypse? Trying to chronicle that.
Because it's gross. The same way we don't use bathroom stuff in the kitchen
I just use a tablet that lives in a case you can wipe. And my tablet already never leaves my home
Oh I saw that racist conversation. About how Black people smell too strong of soap?
I never held it. Id just lean over. It's more effort to lean forward into a bucket in your lap then over the edge of something
When COVID was starting and we thought all we had to do was wash our hands I witnessed a woman use the restroom, do full makeup and never wash her hands. I knew then that people were broken
There was also the recent viral tiktok where a woman said "we" don't wash our hands after using the restroom at home. Ma'am who is "we"
I've already said I use a trash can. I'm not defending barf bowls, just the use of a barf receptacle
Apparently the bowl is placed by an adult parent for the sick child or other individual
Sometimes when you're really sick you can't make it. I'm college I puked in our sink because I couldn't make it to the toilet (sink was in my room, toilet was not). It was some stomach bug and it was bad enough I was puking bile
It's even more extreme for kids. The first time I had the flu I was so weak I had to crawl to the bathroom. So yeah you want emergency backup.
I have zero shame about it. It is what it is and adding more emotional weight to anxiety doesn't help.
A trash can is basically a bucket and we didn't really have buckets (I also don't have a bucket or a place to store one)
I actually puke more as an adult then I did as a kid, thanks anxiety! But I'm good about making it to the toilet bowl.
Apparently! Not my house though! Food stuff doesn't mix with non food uses. I have measuring spoons just for cleaning supplies!
I'm only on it for a week. It made me really maulin last night so I just went to bed early and threw on a rom com to fall asleep to. It's my first time on it
This is the issue Brooke. It's not having a barf bowl it's having a multi purpose barf bowl
I don't understand why when a trash can is right there. We'd just pull one from the least used bathroom.
People weren't lying about Prednisone dreams
The upshot was it wasn't a nightmare. But yeah wildly vivid
Reasonable people just use the bathroom trash can double lined
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
Lake Superior had that vibe too and it also borders Canada
Does this also explain buffalo and the northeast in general (Vermont, Maine etc)
I thought that was Michigan
The reason the Pacific Northwest is so fascinating and eerie to Americans is because it functions as a gateway to an uncanny realm of magic and terror (Canada)
DEATH VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — A person has died from the heat and another is hospitalized as temperature reaches 128 in California's Death Valley.