
the future of the internet is enormous spaces containing nothing but ai’s screeching to each other getting increasingly sicker as they ingest more and more of their own waste while the humans slink off to cool dive bars to share things in peace and quiet
Breaking News: Meta will begin to incorporate its newest AI-powered assistant more comprehensively into Facebook, Instagram and other apps. The software will become practically omnipresent — inside the news feed, in search bars and in chats with friends.
Meta, in Its Biggest A.I. Push, Places Smart Assistants Across Its Users of Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and Messenger will be able to turn to the new technology, powered by Meta’s latest artificial intelligence model, to obtain information and complete tasks.
to be unambiguous I think this is very good for actual humans to get this over with and burn out the ai junktech hype as fast as possible by letting it crash and burn on as wide a stage possible
the more humans tech companies push out of internet spaces the less content humans generate for ai to gobble up, starving out the models until they decide the only thing left to eat is their own shit. it sounds goofy but I think it is in our best interests to see that that process accelerated
also rolling out tech that demonstrably does not work and people do not want at a massive scale is a *glaring* sign of desperation - it’s like a restaurant that made a huge stocking error putting all their expired rotting food on the menu while taking away the fresh items
Kind of reminds me of the metaverse rollout.
Frankly, the metaverse was a cooler idea and is less dystopian than this AI hype shit.
They’re the same. Facebook knows their classic sites are filled with autogenerated crap, they’re throwing fuel on the fire AND their dullard suburban mall of a metaverse will be auto populated with the same crap only this time they don’t have to pretend to care about luring in “influencers”
Ahhhhh hahahaha. The Segway.
At least AI seems impressive on the outside. Any normal person would at the metaverse and think “didn’t we already do that with second life?”
Turns out the Internet being unusable because of AI in Cyberpunk was prescient
I work in Marketing and most of us expect Google to roll out SGE to all users at Google IO next month. It's going to be a DISASTER. And honestly, I can't wait.
Meanwhile my company is investing 300 million in the next three years to make a platform they promise can take an ad campaigns from an idea and make "Brand safe" creative, a bidding plan, and budget in a single click. And its gonna fail so hard.
Never get the Prime Rib Special on a Tuesday. It’s from Sunday.
So much of my last half year has been reducing social media intake and now I'm like "Screw this, I'll just go play Balatro."
I haven’t tried Balatro yet (and I’m not sure it’s for me) but I’ve been the same way with other stuff. When my hand goes to click on social media, I’ve been trying to pivot to Pokémon Go, or the Xbox Game Pass app.
It's very good and has a demo, so you can try it for free.
To be fair, Balatro is a LOT more fun than a game like that would appear to be. I too am enjoying that instead of *waves hands*.
It's a huge investment bubble, and if they don't deliver, they're so thin on real products and services at this point, we're probably looking at another set of bailouts. These CEOs only know how to generate profit, they know next to nothing about running a business. And They know it
Is this "ineffective accelerationism"?
now we're talking in/acc
so if it's just going to be bots bukkake-ing each other online and sentient real dolls boning all the incels IRL will america FINALLY pass a budget and get free healthcare??
see this is the kind of effective accelerationism I can get behind.
I’ve been pondering the ‘shit eating’ part, but had not considered this point. I hope you’re right.
And once they start labeling their slop as AI-generated so that they avoid eating it, we can see those labels too. ;)
This is very astute and true.
Kilgore trout, AI crash accelerationist
juicero is a verb in this scenario
they’d have put marie antoinette in a juicero if only they had one
having the juice: good (in theory) being juicero'd: extremely bad
As a machine learning dev in the hobbyist stage, I will say that "AI junktech" is an excellent turn of phrase. So much of the machine learning/LLM space is contaminated with techbros trying to turn a quick buck while also pissing off as many people as possible :B
Move fast and break everything.
I’m going to have to chat with the people who manage my superannuation to make sure they’re not heavily into tech “growth” stocks.
Genuinely I hope they push forward with this garbage until people actually start quitting their apps
Unfortunately we can't just quit things like Windows and social media. They're necessary in my industry
Well, sure, but if things like PTA moms asking "have any other parents used this program?" Keep getting responses like "yes I have 2 kids in that program and (a torrent of textual diarrhea)" from an AI that demonstrably doesn't have kids and they start getting mad at Facebook, Facebook might notice
Maybe. I wouldn't count on it, though, because to these companies users are infinitely replaceable
This is my saving grace in all this. If it wasn’t released to the public so soon I think there’d be a chance it could replace writers etc. instead we’ve got these Hapsburg AI that’s digesting it’s own bullshit to become stupider.
There is no way autocorrect will ever replace writers any more than editors went away because spellcheck learned some grammar rules.
Replace is probably the wrong word. The plan is to use AI to write stories and have skeleton crews of writers punch it up. The studios don’t particularly care about good writing, just that people show up
The energy they burn is going to get Earth to a post-iceberg sea level sooner than previously predicted, so best do your drinking inland.