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Reposted byAvatar Ken
forgot his birthday on June 25th but I think it’s important to stop and acknowledge it. man, I miss him.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
fireflies > fireworks
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: My first flight, in college, was on People's Air. I sat one row ahead of the plane's smoking section.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I sat in the smoking section of a restaurant.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
From Jules Feiffer long ago. Nothing changes...
Reposted byAvatar Ken
morale in hospitals is currently very low and this is one of the reasons
They might appreciate the lack of pronouns.
The campaign of convicted felon Donald Trump understands it’s shameful that convicted felon Donald Trump is a convicted felon so they’ll try to cow reporters into *not* calling convicted felon Donald Trump a convicted felon, but convicted felon Donald Trump is, factually, a convicted felon.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
In NYC this evening I passed a couple, and the guy had a shirt on that said I WOULD PREFER NOT TO. As I passed them I said “What’s up, Bartleby?” and the guy — who clearly forgot what he was wearing — looked at me like I was crazy. I bet 20 minutes later that joke killed.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
I wish I had a flag so I could fly it on the days that matter, like Election Day. And Verdict Day.
My first book, a memoir, will be titled The Invisible Guy.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
If you don’t have a dog--at least one--there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
I knew well enough that one could fracture one’s legs and arms and recover afterward, but I did not know that you could fracture the brain in your head and recover from that too.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
Your periodic reminder that kerning matters.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
Reposted byAvatar Ken
Celebrate Mother’s Day by supporting people’s right to choose whether or not to be mothers.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
Colors of an aurora depend not only on which element is emitting light, but also on *where* it is. Oxygen at high altitudes glows red; at lower altitudes it glows green. Purple nitrogen is lower still. Weird, right? 🧪
Reposted byAvatar Ken
I have an entire rant with several key points, but the gist is: Send Donald Trump to jail nothing bad will happen. There will be no riots, no demonstrations, nothing that can be done by the system or police or FBI or anyone to stop it. And once it happens, we’ll realize it was never scary.
the powerful: “throwing him in jail might cause a revolution carrying him to a golden throne on a river of populist outrage” very offline normie libs: “someone should shoot that motherfucker”
Reposted byAvatar Ken
What's cool about looking back at the history of college protests is that 19 year old students have been right about every single American war, and the esteemed Harvard educated opinion writers at the New York Times have been wrong about every single American war.
TIL "pubes" is pronounced "pubies." (Source:
Reposted byAvatar Ken
(secret billionaire meeting) WALGREENS CEO: ok so the vote passes, whenever we fuck up we blame shoplifters and minimum wage increases, right? LOWES CEO: yep TARGET CEO: got it RED LOBSTER CEO (in the corner shoveling shrimp into mouth): mmhmm
Do we all know that Moderate PAC, which is sponsoring many of the anti-Summer Lee ads for Patel, is mainly funded by a Republican billionaire?
Reposted byAvatar Ken
Following Kurt Vonnegut’s advice! “I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.’”
Reposted byAvatar Ken
🌓🌎🌞 <-- lunar eclipse 
🌎🌓🌞 <-- solar eclipse 
🌎🌞🌗 <-- apocalypse
Reposted byAvatar Ken
The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration has released their latest results, including this image of polarized light from the region surrounding the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. 🧪 🔭 ⚫️ Image: EHT Collaboration
Reposted byAvatar Ken
Taurus: Like the majestic hawk, you too will die by running into a mostly clean window.
You know, I often doubt my decision to transition into copy editing. But then I start reading something like's Dreyer's English and it pings all my nerdy grammar nerves and I'm encouraged.
Reposted byAvatar Ken
7 years ago today: Trump signs order restricting entry to US by people from Muslim countries 6 years ago: Stormy Daniels sues Trump; Conway found to violate Hatch Act 5 years ago: Manafort sentenced to prison 4 years ago: Controversy over federal response after Trump plays down COVID outbreak at CDC
7 years ago today: Trump claims Obama wiretapped him 6 years ago today: Trump aide says he will refuse Mueller subpoena 5 years ago today: Trump reportedly pressured staff to grant clearance to Ivanka 4 years ago today: Judge calls Barr description of Mueller report "distorted" and "misleading"
Reposted byAvatar Ken
Forming an exploratory committee to run for President Yes I'm under 35 years old and no I wasn't born here but apparently states can't keep you off the ballot if you're constitutionally ineligible so I figure why the hell not?
The Supreme Court Officially Picks Trump Over the The rules are different when the conservative supermajority’s preferred candidate is asking for a constitutional hall pass.