
the powerful: “throwing him in jail might cause a revolution carrying him to a golden throne on a river of populist outrage” very offline normie libs: “someone should shoot that motherfucker”
a recurring theme in the trump years have been powerful people being reluctant to describe him plainly, react appropriately to the threat he represents, and hold him accountable, all while saying doing so would alienate regular people. and then regular people having no problem with any of that
Translation: "If he faces consequences for his gross and illegal conduct, it's a slippery slope until I have to face consequences for my gross but perhaps not illegal conduct." The degree to which elite solidarity has shielded this absolute piece of shit is maddening.
Seeing that protect W was what made me a full on communist
If Donald Trump can be convicted of committing a felony than any rich white dude can be convicted of committing a felony!!!
That was my grandfather’s take the whole four years! “Why hasn’t someone shot him yet?”
I’m not kidding! like, I have conversations with people who are usually very much Trust The System, The Arc Of History Bends Towards Justice and they mostly just want someone to shoot the man, the hell with due process
it's certainly a tidy outcome, but I still at least partially have my heart set on him shitting himself to death in a jail cell
Or just dying with a humongous fart in the courtroom while Stormy Daniels testifies
think of the innocent bystanders though. lotta people in that room
Very much banking on the Ian Boudreau Theory, myself:
As a prosecutor, my strategy in the courtroom would be to make Donald Trump so angry that he dies
I imagine the entire gallery floating up to the corners of the courtroom to escape the cloud, Baron Harkonnen-style
Cancel the Secret Service and stick him on Rikers Island with the general population, someone will shive him. Then of course the reporting could be that someone made him their bitch.
Have had to remind my Mother several times that maybe we don't talk about that in public (shes extremely offline).
And that was my grandad! He was far more liberal than when he was younger but still VERY much a by-the-book guy. But he genuinely wanted Trump to die legally or not.
My 86 year old Southern Belle of a mother says this daily. Second thing she says is “and people want to vote for this?!?” Usually followed by an exasperated sigh.
It makes sense. The judicial system is supposed to be a superior replacement for vigilante justice. If the judicial system decides certain people are exempt from consequences, people's need for justice doesn't just disappear. So they go back to the oldies.
shoot first, due process later
They’re the same people who recognize a mass failure in said system. You don’t get Trump without having lots of major failures on the way
I have been waiting for him to die for the better part of a decade now. Natural causes would be just fine. I'm not picky.
Hard same. My own 80 year old mother is like "Look, the only way to solve the problem is for him to die. so he should die already"
Are you kidding? I fear we are stuck until *we* die. Half the country will mold it into he was Raptured. Saint Donald? Jesus 2.0?
I don’t want him to be a martyr. I just want his lifestyle, diet and age to catch up to him
Lots of people were hoping covid would kill him
I was hoping he’d insist on one of the “cures” he’d suggested. Bleach and sunlight for the ol’ lungs!
Martyring him would definitely cause some civil unrest. Not a good idea. However, him having apoplexy in the courtroom (brought on by the very mundane and normal behavior of the judge) would be epic! 😅
Shoot in the head, cover in 10 gallons of gasoline, burn to ash, then put the ash in 4 different dump trucks and drive it to 4 different rivers to dump in.
Any scenario that has him still walking around in November is gonna cause some civil unrest.
I don't think the funeral will be civil. Maybe even as bad as uhhh, north vs south electric boogaloo
I know I do And don't let popular moralizing fool you. Assassinations work
I'm not sure I have conversations with offline normies anymore, but the fact that it ends up sounding like me in my most radical moments bullshitting with friends on IRC a decade ago is really surreal.
My life is too valuable to waste on that bastard but surely someone has nothing else going on
There are several elderly ladies of my acquaintance who just want him to DIE so badly
While I do think bringing up Hitler is not being fair to what Steven Universe as a show is passionately arguing for (even setting aside this comic I've seen haters try to use this example), that last panel is objectively funny, peak comedy, and literally perfect. I have no notes, this is Art
i suspect the cartoonist probably likes steven universe (and i do too), as you note though it is just funny to imagine steven running up against hitler and being like welp i guess it's murder time
Oh yea I wasn't for a second thinking HoD was legit trying to criticize SU (even if she's not a fan of the show, that's cool!), I just couldn't not share my conflicting feeling with that comic lmao
Not just Art, it spawned an Entire Meme
Doctor Who also had a great “Let’s Kill Hitler” episode
you are also allowed to run for president from jail because otherwise it would incentivize the US government to incarcerate its political enemies. i mean the US government still does that anyways, but it would make it even more common. historical deets on an incarcerated presidential candidate:
Eugene V. Debs: The socialist who ran for president from prison and won nearly a million votes - The Washington Post |
so like yeah, Trump could get sent to prison, but it won’t prevent him from running for office 🤷‍♀️ the Dems need to get their shit together, stop supporting genocide, and actually offer coherent improvements to working people. Trump is still wildly unpopular. this is Biden’s election to lose.