Part lady, part bug, all Hope.

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Part lady, part bug, all Hope.

Nerd of various flavors, in love with too many people, places, and things. Disabled, trans, neurodivergent as can be, and WILDLY queer. Grew up west coast best coast, live in Minneapolis now and it's much better.
It’s so cool when game creators branch out into other media. For example, the creators of Myst designed the shower controls in this AirBnB.
Whenever I get anything Oklahoma-related in my inbox I know they are trying to reach a congressman who unfortunately has a similar name. So I said hey, let’s throw a quick pitch at this guy, why not, at least he’ll see it, unlike my social media posts. Marketing genius? Probably not. Hope he’s OK
I took the quiz and got "Corpus linguistics and consent - Interview with Kat Gupta" which was a very good episode from the backlog I had not yet listened to! The totally scientific quiz absolutely works, it was an excellent episode that got me to learn what a corpus was!
A new Lingthusiasm episode comes out later this week, sign up to our newsletter to get it delivered straight to your inbox, along with all the latest lingthusiastic news! http://lingthusiasm....
my all time hottest star trek take is that worf is unlikable. he is a deadbeat dad and a controlling boyfriend and handles a bat'leth clumsily. 0/10 bad pagh
If you, like me, don't have anything to celebrate on Father's Day for whatever reason, have a look at this cool newt instead.
If you, like me, don't have anything to celebrate on Mother's Day for whatever reason, have a look at this cool frog instead.
Holy shit I wish people would actually fucking look into something for more than a split second before spreading shit, my god.
This is one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever read. As someone who has suffered abuse as well, it's crushing to see just how much worse the fallout can be than what I have and do experience. People should be ashamed of themselves for how faer has been treated.
I want you to read this story in its entirety, especially if you’re queer, trans, or BIPOC. I want you to see how all of this happens over months. I want you to watch what happened to me so you don’t let it happen to anyone else. So it doesn’t happen to you. Spread this story.
Revenge Is Something You Do With Your Teeth - Share via: Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn More Don’t look away from all this. It will […]
I'm so tired of living in a world where one side is held to impossible standards or they're absolutely buried in vitriol and the other side is allowed to commit whatever atrocities they like with no repurcussions.
About the future: * The Sun will never explode. It will get brighter & redder, desiccate the Earth (~ 1 bill yrs) & likely consume it (~ 5 bill) but won’t go supernova * The Universe probably won’t ever collapse in a Big Crunch. Even if it did, Big Crunches don’t generally rebound to new Big Bangs
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
✨Gnoll goodness
You don't have to feel weird or guilty for limiting your contact w/ people who make you feel like garbage. Even if they share your name and/or DNA. Especially if they share your name and/or DNA, actually.
Huh. Kids can now experience growing up while being lied to about science by adults without even needing people around. Isn't technology incredible.
Amazon's Alexa now makes up slop in response to anything you ask it. My three year old niece asked it what a snake car is. Put any two words together and it'll tell you something in an authoritative tone.
words to use instead of "stupid" y'know. to avoid ableism: silly absurd ridiculous unbelievable ignorant asinine add your own today!
my parents: we raised you better than this! me: no you didn't. trust me, i was there
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
I told my parents if they wouldn't use my name or pronouns, I would cut them off just like my sister did. A year later and not once had they used my real name so I cut them off and haven't spoken since. My ex ran into them recently and my father said "we don't get called any more for some reason."
Listening to the stories estranged parents tell themselves is like getting a peek into a parallel world. Very often, the kids have told the parents *exactly* why, but the parent does not want to take responsibility or confront the reality, so they either pretend not to know or downplay it.
New addition to my trans pride series with the Adeptus Custodes representative : the Blade Champion, fighting for the Emperor with her Prismatic blades ! As usual with those sculpts designed for metallic paint, it was a real challenge in my style, but great fun. #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity
#Video #game #fun #fact: did you know: the second game in the “Nintendo” series, Super Mario Brother 2, was originally called “Doki Doki Panic” in Japan. This is because “Doki Doki” is the Japanese word for “Mario.” #nowyouknow
I'm so tired of living in a world where one side is held to impossible standards or they're absolutely buried in vitriol and the other side is allowed to commit whatever atrocities they like with no repurcussions.
Listen, everything feels like it's on fire right now and it kinda is. But you gotta keep living and keep taking care of yourself. So do something for yourself today. Sit in the sunshine for a few minutes. Read/write some indulgent fanfic. Doodle a silly little dude. Whatever makes you happy
As we all know, though sometimes we need to be reminded, a sentence can be as long as it needs to be—with all sorts of twists and turns, to say nothing of digressions and other asides—and not be a run-on sentence, and people who say otherwise (none of you, I trust) shouldn't be heeded.
Like people who complain that every long sentence is a run-on.
At a time like this when we are all divided I think it's important that we all stop and think about whether or not a friend or colleague or family member is worth losing over their support of an insane pointless massacre and say yes, yes it is. Among the best reasons to do that.
Had some fun painting Ultron and Baron Zemo, can't wait to actually play this game. #miniaturepainting #marvelcrisisprotocol #baronzemo #ultron
If I have one wish for Bluesky, one fervent wish, it is to stop importing Main Characters from the dying planet that all of us moved to this off-world colony to escape.
I know people get tired of me chronic illness posting but I am like, way way way more tired of being chronically ill than you are of reading about it. And if I don't scream into a void somewhere about it, I will spontaneously combust. Sometimes, I've just gotta post through the pain.
We made it, lads!