
This is just stupid enough that I believe it 100%.
Galaxy brain moves afoot “In recent days, some company leaders and Democratic political operatives have called the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, according to someone with knowledge of the calls, to gauge his interest in replacing Mr. Biden”
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Some of the president’s past supporters want a new candidate, but they are leery of going public.
I cannot picture the logical sequence that would lead someone to believe Dimon has a better chance of beating Trump than Biden does. Can't fathom it.
Right? If there’s anything we should know from Trump, it’s that we don’t “need a businessman”. I think anyone saying this likes him because he can write checks, ie hire them.
lots of business folks really like him, but that's bluntly because he's (a) one of them and (b) helps them do big brain business things like M&As, IPOs, and personal loans
business types think 'a business man' leader will be like them in that he won't give a sh*t about any thing other than making the fastest bucks possible and clearing any hurdles to getting it easier & cheaper schlubs think 'business man' is some big balls company owner character from a TV show
People that have a lot of money have a high regard for other people with a lot of money even though a lot of them are really dumb or off putting.
Jamie Dimon lets you turn your 12% stake in an eleventy-billion company into a tax free mansion and a superyacht, is basically it. He is the conduit from their paper wealth to their personal wealth
A thing that was only possible in a zero interest debt world. So he knows his marching orders. Same reason they want Trump back.
Forget for a second that it's a bank. Dimon successfully leads a massive, heavily regulated global company with tens of thousands of employees. Policy aside, he has a far better grasp of what it would take to run the US gov't than someone who's run a family business for 50 years.
Rebuttal: no he doesn’t. Source: me, who was a C-suite executive for global companies for 17 years.
Dimon would be better than Trump, but I would pick literally anyone out of a phonebook in preference to either
Isn't that what they said about SecState Tillerson?
Yes better than Trump, but still NOT good. The presidency should not be an entry level job into politics.
"You know who could win an election in four months? A guy 95% of the American people have never fuckin' heard of and has never done anything like this before."
And of the 5% who have heard of him, what percentage react to his name with: "That fucking guy? That just reminds me that nobody went to jail for the 2008 Financial Crisis, GODDAMMIT!"
hey, I've got an idea! let's replace the guy who won every primary and the last election with someone who has literally never received a vote from anyone except maybe his board of directors.
If anyone were to get "drafted" I would love to see current IL governor JB Pritzker go up against Trump. He's been really good here and has a lot of policy wins to talk about.
If ya gotta have a billionaire to replace Biden, Jay Pritzker is at least *also* a sitting Democratic governor (and apparently a pretty good one)...
we should urgently reject the idea of ultra-rich people in politics
Also, I love how these approaches conveniently skip over the fact that Kamala Harris is *right there*.
the entire "replace biden" is a fucking fantasy and will hurt down-ballot dems. even if he did step aside, which will *never happen*, she would be eaten alive.
I'd be fine with urgently rejecting the idea of ultra-rich people, period.
Should put a net-worth cap, above which you may not run or hold office. (yes, wildly unconstitutional, but we have no real constitution anymore, amirite)
We should urgently reject the idea of ultra-rich people. Period. (Unless you’re eating them)
Not thrilled with it myself, but just pointing out that even if you take this "draft a billionaire" thing on its own terms, Dimon himself is a really dumb choice.
This sentence is two words too long ;)
I can't believe any billionaire saw what happened to Bloomberg and decided "hmmm, imma try that!"
If my initial skeet doesn’t make that obvious, I don’t actually think this is true, but it’s stupid enough that I believe it could be. I mean, replacing Biden is a terrible idea, but people I like On Here are talking about it like it’s not. So professional bad-idea havers must be running wild.
The GOP is already planning litigations in various swing states should the Dems attempt to run anyone who didn't win the primaries. Never been tried before, so it would probably go to... the Supreme Court.
"Our source was *The New York Times*" - Soviet Ambassador de Sadeski, explaining the intelligence failure which led to the USSR building the doomsday device in Dr. Strangelove (1964). Things end badly.
Same brains insisting Biden drop out.
Bloomberg was a candidate on STAGE
Ex-mayor of NYC who wrote a ton of checks and took the correct position (backed with his dollars) is a special case.
wait, this is the same Jamie Dimon whose firm continues to project the S&P to end 2024 at 4200 -- which would be nothing less than a total crash (-24%) from its current 5500? silliness.
One and the same. He probably would make some serious money from the puts the firm has no doubt acquired on that outcome.
there's never been a better time to flout the emoluments clause...
Billionaires are never the solution.
It’s New York Times I doubt it also I thought Dimon was a huge Republican donor
This is so freaking stupid. I'd been busy and missed "the discourse" for the last couple days. Every sitting president since the start of the televised debates era has figuratively fallen flat on their face terribly in their first debate out. That's just a law of nature. For fuck's sake.