Lauren Naturale

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Lauren Naturale

Oh good! Another social platform! Email: [email protected]
I note that when people say "thoughts and prayers" they're never obliged to say of what or for what.
Remember, this is America, the world's greatest democracy. If you're mad at John Roberts, don't protest at his house, focus on defeating him the next time he's up for reelection.
next step of the plan is "why even have an EPA at all?" and believe me that's coming
“I should sleep so I can go for a stress run in the morning” Vs “If I watch the whole thing, will the overwhelming dread fuel my stress run in a way mere ‘sleep’ never could?”
Nothing to say about childcare costs, but a heated debate about golf
I used to get depressed about how my 4-year-old daughter would never see a female president in this country, but the end of democracy does make that a moot point.
Candidates Placed In Different Color Ties So Corpses Can Be More Easily Identified
I wonder what Elizabeth Warren is doing tonight.
The question being answered is "Is he the first criminal president?" and the very diplomatic precision of this answer made me snort-laugh.
he is the first former president convicted of a crime.
The main thing to understand about abortion ban exceptions do not exist. They are ornamental. They’re like plastic fruit. They are not meant to be used, they’re just there to make the ban look reasonable.
Alito: I’m honestly really relieved, I figured you were calling about the other flag Reporter: Which other flag? Alito: Okay well I don’t want to tell you stuff you already know, why don’t you just tell me which ones are on your radar and we’ll go from there
Oh my God.
Learned the word umchina from a student essay today, “my mother’s friend’s son,” and almost fell over laughing. It is the Korean word for the perfect person your mom compared you to while growing up. But maybe even now.
People sometimes ask me what you need to know to write a fantasy novel, and it's this. It's just this. You can print it out.
Have you ever tried to run a social media post past legal? It’s like that, but with someone’s lifesaving medical care (maybe yours, or someone you love).
For all the talk of "death panels" years ago, here's the real death panel when someone is pregnant: The doctor asks the hospital's lawyer, and the lawyer tries to guess what a prosecutor with no medical training might do later. If the lawyer senses any legal danger, they tell the doctor "no."
Today I pivoted some of my lecture to discuss college campus protest media at Berkeley '64 and the '68 Columbia uprisings. Got to share with them that Columbia now has a webpage devoted to the Uprisings, threw a 40th anniversary conference in 2008 🥴
sadly a twitter screencap worth posting
There are some days when you just can't come up with snappy social media copy about the people who would leave pregnant patients to die in the hospital parking lot.
This is absolutely wild. Idaho demands a carve out to saving a woman’s life
KBJ: The federal directive is to provide stabilizing care regardless. Turner: No it isn't. If the doctors can't provide abortions under their state license, the care isn't available.
Ah, so we've reached the "planning our flights around which airports we feel safe changing planes in" stage of fascism.
Ok let me explain publicly. On the west coast you have bedrock broken up by a series of strike-slip faults, where plates are sliding along each other. A 4.8 there is a series of little jolts that doesn't travel far. The east coast is VERY FUCKING DIFFERENT. Bedrock is one big sheet for one.
Earthquakes like this occur in California -- and all around the world -- all the time, but given that this happened in the center of the media universe, expect much team-coverage freakout for 24 hours.
New Yorkers in an earthquake: "AT LAST, the rest of the co-op board will agree to replace our crumbling parapet"
It was like seeing a movie at the Angelika
me at the start of the earthquake: this is the longest, biggest truck that has ever went down my street me 7 seconds into the earthquake: wow yeah this must be some sort of stretch limo truck situation me checking Twitter: wonder if anybody got eyes on that big truck
I lived in the Bay Area for 5 years and this was the first time an earthquake literally sent things flying off my shelves. In Brooklyn.
'earthquake twitter' but it is on blue sky and in new york what the
The North Dakota GOP will vote this week on adopting a platform that includes banning IVF, prohibiting same-sex marriage and "restoration of gender dysphoric individuals, that they may embrace and be comfortable with their natural biological state."
A+ community management over here.
The link we posted is literally focused on live updates of the speech. You can follow along.
Certainly is something watching our 46th male president scream about the power of women.
Avatar He’s not stupid, but the things he says and does are— 4-yr-old: You said stupid! THAT’s a timeout. Me: She said NOT stupid. That’s OK! you can tell me “Mama, you’re not stupid.” I won’t mind. 4-yr-old: Mama… you’re stupid. And the things you say and do are REALLY stupid.