New York State of Good Repair

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New York State of Good Repair

דרכיה דרכי נועם וכל נתיבותיה שלום
(That means please don't be mean)
#mission #values
"no one can say that trump hasn't been fighting for this country." yes they can. im saying it right now
it is remarkable how heavily major media outlets are jamming their thumbs on the scale to make this a more competitive race while trump fucks off to play golf instead of campaigning
Vance is anti-choice but not convincingly religious which is cool
this actually highlights a problem Trump may have created for himself here with evangelicals
The day after a presidential candidate was shot, they suggest all of the country is somehow in the party of the Capitol Riot
No I’m not. Are you?
Has the former president who just survived an assassination attempt ever actually denounced political violence?
great-grandpa's next job after cowherd was political prisoner because that's how much he hated being a cowherd
Happy July 14, my HRT anniversary. No idea why the French call it Bastille Day and throw a big party to commemorate the beginning of this great sex change, but I appreciate it.
These nutters should never have been allowed to step foot off their island
Wait how long is a crush supposed to last for
Can somebody familiar with pre-Israeli military & political history (1936-1957) answer a non-Gaza related question which I would like to ask via dm?
Or put it another way, the US constitution requires that there not be more than one Rep for every 30k people, which means a hard upper limit on the House at 11k members. And so I think the number should be somewhere between 435 and 11k, so idk, split the difference, why not
Someone on Threads is making yard signs
lmao FUCK THIS. Trump's Project 2025 wants to take money out of your wallet and give it to your boss
Project 2025, page 592: make it harder for employees to be paid at overtime rates by allowing employers to average the number of hours worked over 2-4 weeks
lmao someone put a recommendation for a thing in westchester in one of our stories and an editor was like "WHAT IS OUR NAME" and cut it tough but fair. five boroughs or nowhere my friends
I was there and this is facts and some of y’all need to get a grip
Here's another example. Some of you should be old enough to remember this. Even in 1984 there were already stories about Reagan's very real cognitive decline. Did his party abandon him? No. Reagan won in a landslide in 1984 and governed well enough that voters rewarded his party by electing Bush.
Oh I see, when I think of it it is generally about high intensity of religious passion, but divorced from religious practice
What do you imagine when you think of "spiritual" as a religious category? I imagine it's different for a lot of people
This is also just demonstrably wrong. No vision of France got a majority - the Socialists and Liberals have totally different goals and visions, but together they voted *against* the RN
I am a very serious person who pays a lot of attention to policy statements. My theory of change is to burn down Walmarts and then I don't burn down Walmarts.
Anyway the real problem, as it has been for a long time, is that there is no formal party structures in this country to cohere said concessions into a program.
It should really be Skamala, she isn't a scammer she just really likes ska
Bernie Sanders might be a better example of this, someone who is not even a party member but a major figure in the party, and whose attempt to win the nomination was not even really challenged on this basis
people in other countries have trouble believing that politicians in the US just sort of proclaim an association with a party and while the party officials can withhold support from them they can't really stop them
For a dozen different reasons some of which Dov lay out but one additional one is that there's not really any meaningful way to cohere a popular front in a country that does not have political parties at all to begin with.
You should not package the elections of other countries as "lessons" for US voters. Shut the fuck up.
By the end of this month my budget spreadsheet will be the dril tweet but with pizza instead of candles
The thing about this pitch is that it literally only works if you are me trying to learn Hebrew, but things that only work for the person who is writing the Letter of Recommendation in their very particular circumstances are exactly what NYT loves to run as a Letter of Recommendation