
There’s a significant difference between critiquing Israel and rolling your eyes at the sister of a hostage and wishing death upon an audience. The latter is quite simply professional malpractice. Good fucking lord.
Low-key shocked they let her interview a hostages’ family member, who thought that was gonna go well
The hill is basically a few steps away from being a right wing political gossip mag a good 90% of the time, so not totally shocked someone thought they'd get some shock points out of a stunt like that.
So you're saying it's moved a bit to the left since I stopped reading it a few years ago?
The latter also happened after she willingly spoke at a conference of “anti-woke” grifters. I know all attention is good attention in her world, but either own that you made your bed and have to lie in it or just decline the invite!
Once upon a time, this woman was actually somehow the comms director for a pretty significant presidential campaign, and every time I think about how close she came to having a White House position, there more I think we dodged a bullet there.
On the plus side, she never came close because Bernie wasn't anywhere close to getting the same amount of votes as Hillary or Biden.
She's.... really not a good person, is she?
True. She's not, "means well but mistaken"; she's an asshole who doesn't care about other people. And she's always been like that.
if I wanted to make people more sympathetic to Israel, I could do no better.
the slight eye roll seems overstated by folks trying to get her fired, but it’s noticeable enough to have given them something to single out with their efforts
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I don’t think it’s journalistic malpractice. I think it’s the journalist showing their true colours.
their first mistake was hiring her, was also a huge mistake for bernie, she's one of the top people I think of when I say I hate the "dirtbag left"
Sanders would have done better without her.
BJG is someone who absolutely no one should ask for their thoughts on Palestine. Hamas does not want anything like the US government, nor any form of secular socialism. They literally want a religious ethnostate. Then, she caps it off with a terror threat.
And they are genocidal. Why do so few people see it?
Hamas has become increasingly aware that western leftists can be fooled into thinking they are not planning to replace Israel with an Islamic Palestine, by using certain language in their English language communications. Their public statements in Arabic are often complete contradictions.
I started digging into it after more & more people claimed their "2017 Charter" showed they were changing. The first mistake is calling it a "charter". Hamas titled it "A Document of General Principles and Policies" & have said it does not replace the 1988 Charter.
I should add that extreme leftists in the west don't really care about Hamas' ideological motivations or aspirations. Eliminating Israel as a nation would be a huge blow to US prestige. It would cause massive loss in other nations' trust & confidence that the US would stand by them in a crisis.
So, if you're the sort of leftist who believes there can only be one Imperialism at a time, you aren't concerned about the plight of Palestinians under Hamas. Some will even expose themselves by getting angry when efforts to sustain Gazans show any success.
Tbf, when Hamas hosted a conference in Cairo a few years back (iirc) to plan what they'd do after they conquered Israel, they did explicitly say they'd allow Jews to remain...provided they're ok with a fundamentalist Islamist government.
That's a very vague statement & probably one there's some disagreement on what it means within Hamas. Some have said only Jews whose ancestors lived in the land before Zionist settlements can remain on those lands. It's hard to imagine Hamas allowing 7 million Jews to continue living as they do.
The impression I got was, even within that conference, they were expecting most Israel Jews would leave/flee voluntarily--to the point where they wanted to enact policies to prevent highly educated Israelis from leaving, so as to prevent a brain drain.
I'm guessing you're thinking of a 2021 conference about a "Post-Liberation Palestine" held in Gaza. This doesn't sound like a plan to allow Jews to stay in their homes under a new government.
Sounds like they plan to deal harshly with anyone & everyone who's deemed a "Zionist collaborator", even those outside Palestine.
Oh, don't get me wrong, it would probably suck to be a Jew there, just like it does in Saudi Arabia, but it's also not a plan for extermination.
In my less charitable moments, I wonder whether she will end up saying the shahada.
Maybe, except the Messenger is BJG & the God is grifting.
If you take the tactic that Christianity is western colonist imperialism you could position Islam as the true revolutionary religion. She could grift off that big-time.
Religion ethnostates are shit but why is it OK for Israel to have a religious ethnostate but not for Hamas to want one also?
The point is if you're defending Hamas by claiming Israel is a religious ethnostate, you're an uninformed idiot.
She’s so many kinds of horrible person
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer asshole.
Honestly surprised, it took her this long. She's been on that path for a while.
She’s Greenwald for people who prefer their “leftists” who lean a little to hard into the brown alliance part to be less white and less male.
And of course, over at the bad place, she plays the victim.
I read something she said like "first they fire Katie halper, now me. They're violating our free speech rights!" No lady, they fired both of you bc you are both profoundly awful people and grifters to boot. I wish they'd retire from public life but we'll probably never get rid of them.
I hadn't heard that any entity that would normally aim for mainstream acceptability had been dumb enough to hire Gray, but clearly it worked out in predictable fashion.
once someone is famous it’s impossible to get rid of them
The hill is just a garbage can now
"Bad Faith" remains the most ironically appropriate name for a podcast ever.
"Progressive" does not want her, and has not for a goodly while now. Also remembering her siccing flying Bernie bros on people back in 2019, whee.
Bernie might still be POTUS this moment if he didn’t surround himself with the most insane people on Earth.
Feels like hiring a bunch of grifters was fairly poor judgment on his part, which calls into question his decision making in general, IMO.