Riding in Cars with Aegon’s Boys

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Riding in Cars with Aegon’s Boys


Wallowing in my own crapulence || he/him
"This Whole Thing Smacks Of Gondor," i holler as i overturn my uncle's funeral pyre and turn the 4th Age of Man into the 4th Age of Shit
Having good taste as a kid means you think Storm Eagle has the best Maverick stage theme music. Having good taste as an adult means knowing it's Sting Chameleon. Attaining true nirvana means you know Sigma Stage 1 is the best music in the X series.
It’s not hypocritical at all to think Biden needs to be replaced and that it’s fair to criticize his replacement for their record and history.
Find NotACast (@notacastasoiaf) on your favorite podcast player for our analysis of #HouseofTheDragon S2E3 “The Burning Mill”
like what's going to happen with the libs getting radicalized again this time? because this is like the 10th time this has happened in my lifetime and every single time they get bored and go back to punching left since it's easy
Written by a person who paid for twitter no less
No one seriously advocating for socialist politics that matters is making this fucking leap. You are getting mad at posters. Grow up.
the worst dudes online are the guys who are like “the time for electoral politics is over, it’s time for guillotines.” yeah bud i’m sure you’ll stop posting and get the ball rolling on the guillotines any minute now.
This is the dumbest tweet ever made and everyone who cites it is a Grade A Moron
Only fucking morons look at the electoral and judicial landscape vis a vie the people suffering under empire here and abroad and think we have anything approaching “effective forms of politics”
a lot of people seem to think my annoyance here is with jokes about political violence, which i’m on record saying are fine and cathartic. my annoyance is with people who disengage with effective forms of politics and replace them with fantasies
Believing in electoralism or winning every election ever while only appointing good philosopher kings as POTUS is far more unrealistic than anything a socialist is advocating.
Oh good Bluesky has its own dumb “firebomb a Walmart” tweet
is retreating into fantasy and nihilism bad? you just acknowledged we can't really do anything. is impotent anger just too cringe? I'm so sorry bro. did someone do a doomerism. are you gonna cry
is retreating into fantasy and nihilism bad? you just acknowledged we can't really do anything. is impotent anger just too cringe? I'm so sorry bro. did someone do a doomerism. are you gonna cry
i love waking up early because it means there’s more hours in the day to be tired
Also if you are a political coalition that actually cares about your diverse constituency, you might also want to articulate a plan for what happens if Trump takes power, both in terms of challenging him and protecting the vulnerable.
Liberalism is a failed ideology fully incapable of meeting the fascist moment. Anyone still clinging to it deserves little respect.
The last time people went to go protest a Supreme Court decision there was an immediate, bipartsan effort to use tax player dollars to put snipers on Samuel Alito's roof while our favorite pundits went "Brett Kavanaugh has a family :( :(. His daughter must be so scared :( :("
This whole thread is good, and this, to my mind, is the key point: actions like this are an attempt to pretend that the game is over, when the ball is very much still in play. Trump's faction is gambling because they're standing on a knife edge. It doesn't have to work.
-My last thought- these are not the actions of someone who has already won. Let me tell you what evil men in the fullness of their power do. They do nothing. They do nothing because they need to do nothing, because the world they built around them does their cruelty for them.
Resist inevitability. It doesn't exist. It's an invention of people trying to convince you to shut up and go along so that they don't have to fight you, because fighting is hard and there's generally a very good possibility that they'll lose
Think last night’s HOTD may be my favorite episode of the series so far. I think I like the episodes in between the big F&B events - so much focus on character and themes which hold the bigger setpieces together.
even the rallying around a then-78-and-already-showing-signs-of-decline biden in 2020 was careless! they were as concerned (or more) with keeping bernie or warren out of leadership as they were with removing trump.
Barack Obama’s main hobbies are emerging from retirement to share a Spotify playlist curated by 20 year old queer interns and to tell the people that a better world is not possible.
the truth is a tremendous number of powerful people have been extremely careless with that power for a very long time in regards to the threat posed by donald trump specifically and the revanchist right generally. and they are *just now* realizing the problem several years late and panicking
If I hear “most pro-LGBT president” ever again I’m legally allowed to defenestrate you
This is the sound of the Biden administration throwing the trans community under the bus on the anniversary of Stonewall.
The Democrats entire bet is that they can poach Trump voters over Roe and by embracing Israel and shitting on trans people. And when that doesn’t work out liberals are going to blame the NYT and the media et al instead of this obviously terrible campaign strategy. They should fire the DNC.
This is the sound of the Biden administration throwing the trans community under the bus on the anniversary of Stonewall.