Matthew Terrill

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Matthew Terrill

Learning an anti-racist, decolonized, communal faith. Runner & cyclist. Poetry, art, urbanism, justice. Arts & Culture finance leader. (he/him)
I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! Buildings even ones with decent HVAC systems ARE often less safe in summer.
During heating season, large buildings usually still need fairly cool air, and you can get that for free from outside, so they are typically using more fresh air (unless it's really, really cold out). So, yes, there is often more fresh air coming in to buildings in winter than in summer!
really fascinating! tagging in to be sure she sees this, as we are both interested in staying as covid-safe as we can
During heating season, large buildings usually still need fairly cool air, and you can get that for free from outside, so they are typically using more fresh air (unless it's really, really cold out). So, yes, there is often more fresh air coming in to buildings in winter than in summer!
Ha, something I actually know about! Energy / HVAC professional here, and you are correct. During cooling season, outdoor air in large buildings is typically limited to minimum amounts due to the energy required to cool it (and remove moisture).
Laura, this bit is true "Although many offices or other large buildings have an HVAC system that can pull in fresh air from outside, many houses and apartment buildings with window-mounted air conditioners do not." but IME with my CO2 monitor buildings pull in less fresh air in summer than in winter
Summer is the new winter for COVID. Unlike flu, which peaks in winter only, COVID has a summer surge, and it's happening now. See graphics that show the pattern & best theories for why this virus spreads so well in summer 🧪 by &
COVID Rates Are Rising Again. Why Does SARS-CoV-2 Spread So Well in the Summer? A combination of human behavior and immunity, the environment, and SARS-CoV-2 itself explains why the virus surges during both hotter and colder months
“fuck you, deported” “what about my lawyer?” “ha ha, fuck you, deported” not enough staff? declare national security threat, take money out of the military budget, who’s gonna stop him “who’s gonna stop him” is, fundamentally, the key to everything Trump says he will do in the second term
These people really don’t get what happens if Trump takes power again.
This news is incredible. 100 days this year CA's used 100% renewables to power the entire grid, & through a heat wave, there's been no significant disruption (cough *Texas*). Energy analysts are seeing a "phase-change" of the grid with the addition of 5 nuclear plants worth of battery storage, wow
"No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler is more clean energy, especially solar, and above all, battery storage..." 😀
California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler …
can't imagine that future historians will fail to notice the political effect of tech developments allowing large scale buying and selling of human attention. not optimistic about the effects on politics writ large, but worth thinking about focus, especially for organizers
Too many people want to be catered to. That's not a realistic way to engage in organizing. Again it's part of the conciergification of society.
Having a moment where I'm struck by how much of my work is by nature unseen/unused. For ex: researching & evaluating a bunch of funding options, even though I am pretty sure none are applicable or will materialize. So my "output" may be No Action Taken, but is a result of dozens of work hours.😮‍💨
When someone does some racist shit we "can't know what's in their mind" but when a fascist wants to "project unity" suddenly everyone has ESP.
Stuart Hall said “Power intervenes in discourse to fix meaning.” I think the world’s richest man blasting this to 189 million followers on his own proprietary media platform as part of the broader effort to label the image “iconic” is a pretty good example of what Hall was trying to warn us about.
This is it.
Mayor of New York City to New York City: Drop Dead
As someone not from New York City, I do find it odd that the Mayor routinely describes it as a hellhole that can't even keep its residents alive, much less provide basic services, and reaffirms his commitment to keeping it that way. Seems a suboptimal choice for a Mayor.
Mayor Eric Adams, asked by a reporter about the lack of air conditioning at migrant shelters during a heat wave, says, "Every day New Yorkers don't have air conditioners. We make do." He recommends paper fans and says his mom told him to put his head in the refrigerator. —Emma G. Fitzsimmons, NYT
A local church here in Salem, Oregon just contacted me and asked me to give a presentation on Project 2025. This is why the Trump campaign and the GOP is trying so hard to distance itself from this document produced by people in the vanguard of their movement.
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
As far as I can tell, yes. For replies to your own posts, you can Hide for everyone. Mute & block are marginally easier as well. Swipe right to see less of similar posts also helps clean up the algo feed when it goes a little heavy on a topic.
I should add: I don't *want* to use/like Threads. But there's FAR more sports content (NBA/WNBA, cycling, soccer) & basically all of my Global Majority friends and many significant Black & POC writers are there and not here. So I'm finding increasing gravity towards Threads for me.
Love this. These are the kinds of words that are sustaining me. To be a mender, a carer, a tender, a font of ever less harm, in the spaces where I find myself -- that is a goal worth devoting myself to daily.
Please Climate, I am ready to stop sweating now
Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
It's crazy how Austin went from "annoyingly pretentious" to Lead Paint Silicon Valley. It sucks!!
As I am often saying, Texas does have an immigration problem, but it's people moving from places like Bakersfield to Plano driving the intense suburbanization of Texas's politics and the smothering of Willie Nelson style "hey, man, I don't really want to care about that" politics.
it’s really funny how so many GOP Texans are IRATE about the existence of California, while people in California largely don’t think about Texas at all
No strong negative opinions, but my theory is that Ohio America's liminal state, the airport restaurant of states. It's has elements but not the totality of so many regions -- Great Lakes, coal/steel country, Midwest, South. Like a Rorschach inkblot, folks see what they want. Even/esp Ohioans.
you know what, everyone should just take a minute and go watch Casablanca. Have you seen it? It's pretty good. You'll finally get all the references.