Dr. Matt Boxer

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Dr. Matt Boxer


Assistant Research Prof, Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies @ Brandeis University. Jewish studies/sociology. Writes broadly about contemporary Jewish life using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Might have a space laser.
This is true. The problem is that too many of we Americans, particularly those of us on the left, would rather vote third-party if we're not getting a pony, and they'll feel good about their role in ending American democracy because at least they didn't vote for the old dude.
The lesson that we Americans must learn from France is this: You GO OUT, VOTE IN LARGE NUMBERS, VOTE STRATEGICALLY, VOTE WITH BRAIN, YOU SUCCEED & WIN! Period. End of story. Is the French Left-wing coalition perfect? No, by a mile, but it’s a HELL OF LOT BETTER than the Neo-Nazis in suits & ties.
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CHIEF JUSTICE V. THE WOMEN OF THE UNITED STATES The MAGA majority wants to deliver Trump a government conscripted in an “effort to belittle and degrade women,” and GOP men would like women to stop being so “hysterical” about it, writes Dahlia Lithwick.
Don’t Be Hysterical, Ladies. Daddy Chief Justice Knows Best.slate.com It is pretty jarring to hear this kind of condescension trotted out by Chief Justice John Roberts.
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The Heritage Foundation is absolutely making overt terrorist threats and everyone you know needs to be aware of this.
Somebody else pointed earlier that the "bloodless if the leftists allow" (paraphrasing) bullshit sentence, is a clear terrorist threat and should probably be called like this.
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Want to sign up to participate in the clinical trial for an intranasal COVID vaccine? They're taking 60 volunteers who have had at least one dose of vaccine. They're recruiting both people who've had COVID & people who haven't. Go here in for the details: www.clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT064...
NIH Announces Launch of Clinical Trial for Nasal COVID Vaccine please work please work please work please work please work
NIH announces launch of clinical trial for nasal COVID vaccinewww.cidrap.umn.edu Nasal vaccines have the potential for reducing transmission and preventing milder illness.
Reminder: four years ago, roughly one in four Americans had lost their job and we had so many people dying that we had to store the corpses in refrigerated trucks. But sure, tell me we were better off with Cheeto Benito committing felonies with immunity and gross incompetence...
The basic problem here is the voters think that the Trump presidency was great actually. I am convinced this is some kind of trauma response to 2020 where people think bad things can never happen. If the race keeps going this way I guess we'll find out.
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"over the past 20 years, the Republican-nominated Supreme Court justices who have now given Trump and other presidents a significant measure of immunity from criminal prosecution for their official acts assured Americans that nobody — not even a president — was 'above the law.'"
Analysis | What conservative justices said about immunity — before giving it to Trumpwww.washingtonpost.com Most of them assured Americans that a president isn’t “above the law.” Some went further.
And what is that person's remedy when the psychopathic president orders a drone strike on their home or orders his thugs to toss them out a high rise window?
constitutional lawyers use your fucking brain challenge www.politico.com/news/2024/07...
I'm hearing reports that a truck carrying porta-pottys got storrowed today, and if that doesn't sum up what SCOTUS has done to this country this week, I don't know what does.
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🚨New expert survey data from Bright Line Watch🚨 93% of experts surveyed before the ruling (starting June 20) say that SCOTUS upholding Trump’s immunity claim threatens democracy 60% say it represents an extraordinary threat 27% say it represents a serious threat (Full report coming next week.)
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Originalism something something
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
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It's important to note that Trump tried to order this at least twice we know of during his regime.
right. the president could order troops to suppress protesters using live fire and the supreme court would extend that absolute immunity
I think the key is that what makes for an official act vs. an act outside the scope of his duties depends on who Republicans want to hurt and who they want to bribe, rather than any objective standard.
Where we are as a country
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There is no constitutional text that says presidents are immune from all criminal law. Nor was it the intent of the authors of the Constitution or any amendments. It is inconsistent with American precedent and tradition. They just made it up.
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Welp. I think we’ll hear about presidential immunity from SCOTUS today. The fact that this is an open question is stunningly wrong-headed. You certainly can’t claim the founders wanted it. Or rather, you can. But you’d be wrong. Here’s a brief explaining why. www.brennancenter.org/our-work/res...
<p>Historians' Amicus Brief in&nbsp;<em>Trump v. United States</em></p>www.brennancenter.org A group of 15 founding era historians represented by the Brennan Center and Friedman Kaplan Seiler Adelman LLP have filed a brief challenging Trump's claim of immunity.
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Over the weekend, one of the major party presidential candidates promoted the idea of trying a former congresswoman for treason with televised military tribunals, and I’ll bet you haven’t seen a news article—much less a catastrophizing op-ed—about it.
And that's a feature, not a bug, to the homicidal cult that nominated him for president again.
Just to be clear: Trump is absolutely incoherent and unhinged. Just wall to wall lies, bluster.
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tweeted this four years ago and it pretty much sums up my feelings on this shit
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“[P]retty much everything you need to know about the Republican Supreme Court majority — appointed by a convicted fraudster — that on back to back days, they made it easier to bribe government officials and to commit fraud.” - 🔥 @liptonlubet.bsky.social @takebackthect.bsky.social
Unless they work for a social media platform. I swear the moderators at Facebook wouldn't recognize antisemitism if they saw the protesters burning a cross in front of the synagogue while chanting "Jews will not replace us!" And odds are 50/50 that the protesters would be Twitter moderators.
Unless you're a congregant (or something similar), protesting synagogues will - always - backfire badly. It's a dumb thing to do, even if you can find justifications. Protesting synagogues will only confirm people's suspicions that you're an antisemite.
Wondering why Clarence Thomas didn't write the opinion.
Gratuities! You know, gift cards, lunches, plaques, books, framed photos, or *disguising the phrase with a yawn* thick envelopes full of cash. www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23p...
Reminder that I really need to write the article version of my 2018 conference paper, "Doom: Is It Good for the Jews?" When I get emails from three organizations in one day to the effect of "give us $18 and you can help eradicate antisemitism," I know it's time to get back to work...
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There's a pretty simple way for Elon to increase Twitter's revenue: Kick out the Nazis. But he bought it to give the Nazis a platform. So option 2: Become a Nazi bank.
Elon Musk's X revenue has officially plummeted, new documents showmashable.com Remember when Elon Musk said he wanted X to be more PayPal-like? New docs show this plan is still on.
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Fun fact: the Rabbis removed the Ten Commandments out of our core liturgy (Shema &tc) bc the Jewish Christians were SOOPER into it & the Rabbis wanted to be clear that the 10 weren’t superior to the other 603 mitzvot in Torah. So we’re clear that this 👇 is Christian supremacy. & a 1A violation.
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms.