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Fighter of the Night Man
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
At some point, "We have to keep Trump on the ballot or there will be violence" becomes, "We have to let Trump be president, or there will be violence," and that is, in fact, the point of the violence.
Politico’s Erica Orden, at the courthouse for the conclusion or Trump’s civil fraud trial, says proceedings were delayed this morning due to a bomb threat at Judge Engoron’s home.
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
this is the fundamental problem with "we have to allow trump on the ballot in order to reduce the risk of violence"
Politico’s Erica Orden, at the courthouse for the conclusion or Trump’s civil fraud trial, says proceedings were delayed this morning due to a bomb threat at Judge Engoron’s home.
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
Humans are so dumb that anything they don't personally remember doesn't seem real to them. People have no personal experience of a virus making dogs go crazy and bite everyone that is 100% fatal to both the dog and the humans, so they think it's no big deal. www.npr.org/sections/hea...
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
I found this quote heartwarming, anyhow
The kids are all right: “Every single person I know has an immigrant as a parent or grandparent, so everyone was pretty understanding.” — a James Madison High School student on the school's housing migrant families last night and moving classes online today (via Michael Elsen-Rooney, Chalkbeat NY)
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
«I think the most profound thing is that if you buy a Tesla today, I believe you are buying an appreciating asset – not a depreciating asset.» Tesla securities fraudster and serial con man Elon Musk. $TSLA $TSLAQ
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
happy seventh birthday to this classic
Chris Christie was running for president again?? Hahaha. What a loser.
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
I’m a single issue voter
funniest outcome of the Trump immunity case is the court finds that the President has complete immunity and then Biden immediately kills Trump
When an offense fumbles the ball out of the end zone they should have to play with ten men the rest of the game. Would make as much sense.
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
The Times reporters probably meant to call section 3 “obscure” not the 14th amendment as a whole, but the reason it’s “obscure” is because elected officials do not often try to overthrow the government, which is another reason why its applicability is rightfully limited
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
If the constitution can't stop the president from overthrowing the constitution, I'd just as soon have that fact officially entered into the record rather than concede it while letting everyone pretend it isn't true
Really? Cause there's zero reason to think it's going to be effective at stopping Trump. What do you think you're accomplishing with it exactly?
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
All else aside it is astonishing how idiotic & inarticulate even the machine R candidates are. "The freedoms and what people could and couldn't do" wtf are you in second grade?? No wonder Trump is cleaning your clocks, you sound as stupid as he does without any of the camp showbiz sizzle
"What do you want me to say about slavery?" should be the end of Nikki Haley's political career.
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
man there's going to be a whole 5 year generation of tech with useless AI features built in that we'll just have to ignore for the next 10-15 like 3d tvs
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
Now you KNOW I’m a textualist. mmmmm we MUST read the constitution literally, no additions, no subtractions. No embellishments. No interpretations. Anything else would be ludicrous. I’ve heard you say this many times. Many times. HOWEVER
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
For all the accolades their defense gets, the Jets defensive backs do not like to tackle. At all.
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
I mean… if you described, ten years ago, to a rando or even a legal professor precisely what Trump did in 2020/2021, and asked them “would that legally disqualify that politician under the,” you’d have your answer before you finished your sentence, but rules don’t apply to presidents, so
If the NFL tried to make their app as much of a worthless piece of shit as they possibly could I’m not sure how it could be any worse than it is right now.
Over a year ago I filled out paperwork in my dentist waiting room. When the young woman called me up she asked me “so your date of birth is 12/23/76?” I said “yep”. She then asked “is that 1976??” And I can’t stop thinking about that. Still don’t know how to answer that one.
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
Jesus: *holds up bread* this is my body *holds up wine* this is my blood *holds up hotdog* this is a sandwich lol Judas: ok that does it
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
In 1983, an avowedly fascist and white Christian nationalist organization called "The Nationalist Party" issued its statement of principles. Not a lot of daylight between this statement and the policy positions and rhetoric of your run-of-the-mill MAGA Republican today.
“God, I wish it would get dark sooner.” - asshole
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Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck
I just have never seen the mainstream press try to hard to cover positive economic indicators as dark harbingers of an inevitable recession and it’s like 90 percent of the coverage www.nytimes.com/2023/11/02/b...
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Reposted byAvatar MikeHuck