Miluette | dead-tired gadabout

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Miluette | dead-tired gadabout

Designer, artist, writer. 🤎🖤❤️ comics, art, human rights, sleepy | Any Pronouns; Poly | Feed me FFXV trash | Rarely NSFW
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
Monkey Ball should be easy for babies (me)
You will move more left if you unfollow everyone who is white It's true
My air conditioner has broken during an extreme heat warning, which is not ideal! If you'd like to help me out AND get some great art, I'm running a sale on my shop right now with code "HEAT" (25% off your order!) The discount applies to mini commissions, prints, and originals!
I didn't realize how nice a white gauge plug looks on me Maybe I should get an eyelet that has gold and white when I'm at my goal size
It cooled down enough to get bread, yay Still get inflicted with "sweat" just by stepping outside though
Big fan of how services I pay (or previously paid) for stop supporting old but working operating systems 😑
As the saying goes, “if you don’t schedule a break, your body will take one for you.”
Bonus: my favorite burnout infographic to go with it. Source:
Using they/them pronouns when you know someone uses other pronouns is actively misgendering them as much as calling someone with they/them pronouns “he” or “she” is.
Hi, gentle reminder that if you *know* a trans or nonbinary person’s pronouns, and those pronouns *aren’t* they/them, you don’t get, like, partial credit for using they/them pronouns for that person. There are no “all-purpose” pronouns, sadly.
4 album covers in KK Slider style
Some USians are going to be in for a really rude awakening when they find out how hard it is to get permanent residency or asylum in another country.
gender-affirming surgery should include fangs
Ran out of bread, too hot to go out and get bread Rip
The truly memorable through line that runs from Shelley Duvall to Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons is that all three were utterly unique, break-the-mold outliers who also came off as genuinely authentic people that cared deeply about the rest of humanity.
You know what I learned on Saturday? That Sunflowers are annuals! That's wild.
lil flabébé
My hermit crabs just made a really loud noise I wish I could describe what that sound is like
I wish there was a way to get people to understand that if you are building a world that is in some was a facsimile of our world, and black people do not have stories in that world, I am checking all the way out.
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
Crayola first phased out "flesh" crayons in 1962, replacing them with "peach." And it only took them nearly 60 more years for them to introduce a set of "Colors of the World" crayons in 2020 that are reflective of 40 skin tones.
Lol I love this. "We here at the Bishop Arts District are deeply committed to two things: diversity/inclusion and being creepy as fuck."
Crayola unveils new packs of crayons to reflect world’s skin tones | Crayola will release new packs of crayons to represent the world’s skin tones, the company revealed Thursday.
I think it’s a big mistake to make the assumption that public social media platforms function as a community in the same way an IRL community functions
Artists and creatives time and time over are talking about how what we do is both loved and looked down on. Our work is often desired deeply for so many things, our skills are often seen as very useful—but our same work is devalued to the point where tech is used to poorly replicate us
Hey it's me, Sonic the Hedgehog! Did you know you don't have to write every thought you have on the computer? That's right - believe it or not there are many cases where the thrill of likes and reposts do not outweigh the potential real world consequences, regardless of how unlikely they are!