Mitchell Epner

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Mitchell Epner

Attorney, former AUSA, father, husband, former JBLC, long-time Knicks fan and occasional talking head
No, I want those who would vote for RFK Jr., Cornel West or Jill Stein to vote for the person with a chance to defeat Trump.
It appears that the solidarity shown by the non-fascist parties in France has led to the defeat, at least for today, of the fascists. Specifically, left & center coordinated to support the candidate most likely to defeat the fascists in hundreds of constituencies. There’s a lesson to be learned.
Jimi Hendrix: All Along The Watchtower Aretha Franklin: Respect Bette Midler: Beast Of Burden Earth Wind & Fire: Got To Get You Into My Life Amii Stewart: Knock On Wood Alien Ant Farm: Smooth Criminal Tom Jones & The Art Of Noise: Kiss
I was the epitome of that guy in HS. Mathlete, quiz bowl, & 1987 Jeopardy Teen Tournament. I also was a varsity swimmer and became a Jones Beach Lifeguard, where my brothers & sisters taught me how to be more than a “brain on a stick”. Living well is the best revenge. Actual revenge is the worst.
We had a “DEI”st President named Thomas Jefferson, so I’m pretty sure the NY Post is engaged in very unsubtle racism.
I think they wanted to flex their (pitiful) manhood and announce to their enemies that *they* were the conquering heroes, not the people who got neglected by cheerleaders and bullied by jocks in high school.
100% agree. I’ve spoken with actual insiders. They have no idea how to get President Biden to step aside, nor any idea how to get unity behind a new candidate. There is far from unanimity on who should be the new candidate, if Biden steps aside. In the absence of a plan, I’d stick with Biden.
No. It’s a scene that I have thought about for a long time. A-A is a through line that would connect the first scene to the final hand.
I’m not posting on what should happen with President Biden. We have to coalesce around a candidate, soon & in solidarity. If Biden is going to step (be pushed) aside, let it happen quickly with unanimous support for the new candidate. If he stays in, support him.
We fight on that Slim Charles in The Wire Season3 episode 12
I’m admitting that I’m trying to generate cheap heat. Teddy KGB had pocket aces in the last scene in Rounders. It’s a callback to the first scene, where Teddy KGB had pocket Aces, which Mike did not see because he wanted to draw KGB into betting against his Full House Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Your opponent’s request for “summary affirmance” suggests to me that he won below. Is that correct? If so, what was the ratio descendí?
We have to be the people we have been waiting for. No one else is coming to save us.
While the rest of the movie was Crash-level Hollywood pontification, the gun shot scene of Grand Canyon was a great corrective to Hollywood’s ongoing canard that “tough guys” can just grit their teeth through gun shot wounds.
I think he is a COWARD who was afraid the right would come after him if he stood up to Trump. I think he thinks his legacy will be adjudicated by the Heritage/Cato/Federalist Societies. I think he would be horrified to learn he will be remembered as the moral equivalent of Roland Freisler. Hitler's Executioner: Roland Freisler, President of the Nazi People's Court: 9781473889392: Ortner, Helmut: Hitler's Executioner: Roland Freisler, President of the Nazi People's Court: 9781473889392: Ortner, Helmut: Books
Because seeing Trump refuse to answer and/or not care likely would cause several thousand “undecided” voters to decide to vote for the person capable of beating Trump.
I am confident, based on knowing many former Supreme Court clerks, that Roberts thinks a great deal about his legacy.
But now Chief Justice Roberts has (to his everlasting shame) enabled fascism by taking away the prospect for criminal prosecution. I hope Roberts receives total consciousness on his deathbed and goes to his grave knowing that his entire legacy will be as a minion of evil.
Let me be clear. In my opinion, John Roberts has joined Roger Taney (Dred Scott - slavery) as a Chief Justice who will be remembered as an evil man. Not just wrong, but worthy of eternal condemnation for trying to destroy the Republic.
I mean this literally. When all of these things combine in one individual, they are unfit for office. Prior drug abuse, alone, may not be disqualifying.
With regard to former Sec. of Defense Mark Esper’s chilling account that then-President Trump wanted troops confronting protestors in Lafayette Park to “shoot them in the legs”, I’d love to hear someone ask the follow up question whether Trump understood that people would fall & get hit in torso.
To be clear, I understand that leg wounds can easily be fatal. I just would love to hear whether Trump understood “shoot them in the legs” was an impossible-to-achieve, idiotic request when dealing massed troops confronting a mass protest from a distance.
Brain worms + Steroids + History of cocaine/heroin abuse + Entitled arrogance + Misogyny = A person who should not receive a single vote for any office.
I hope we never find out because Trump never returns to the White House. I’m doing everything in my power to prevent that nightmare.
Except, as points out, in the entirety of the United States, Chief Justice Roberts and his fellow fascism-enablers have declared commanding troops to shoot protestors to be an “official act” that cannot be the basis for criminal prosecution.
I’m an Irish Republican (pro-reunification (through referendum)) and a British Republican (anti-monarchy). I’m as far as possible from being an American Republican. In fact, I believe the current American Republican Party is a threat to the survival of the American Republic.
Since my childhood on LI, I’ve been an Irish Republican. “England Out Of Ireland” has always resonated with me. I cheered the Good Friday Accords. I believe Brexit made Irish reunification more likely. I think the crazy-quilt economic border with GB & EU will make referendum more likely soon.