Michael Donnelly

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Michael Donnelly


UToronto poli. sci. Behavio(u)r/policy/Europe/methods. Director, Munk MPP & MGA. Dayton born, Fordham/Princeton/EUI educated. Book: https://bit.ly/3sbvfwX
It’s really important for these folks to do this and be applauded, regardless of their other politics. It’s (apparently) very very hard to stand on principals over party.
When Adam Kinzinger launched his career, he welcomed Sarah Palin's and Tea Party groups' backing. The idea that he'd end up endorsing a Democratic president 14 years later seemed far-fetched. But here we are. www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddo...
Adam Kinzinger becomes the latest Republican to back Bidenwww.msnbc.com As former Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorses President Joe Biden, a larger question hangs overhead: How many of his fellow Republicans will do the same?
I think it’s important for everyone interested in this case to read how the payment came to be
Dentist’s receptionist into phone: you have an appointment on July 3rd. My 7yo: July 3rd! That’s the day before a day that is special to America! But not special to Canada! My wife: is it special to you? 7yo: HALF!!!!! But my Canadian half says noooo
NEW job opportunity @citizenlab! We have a new sysadmin IT security position open. We have a great team and we are looking for someone with special skills and dedication to join us. Details below ⬇️ citizenlab.ca/2024/06/job-...
i really want to learn where people are taught that destroying public goods is warranted by injustice elsewhere because there are SO MANY PEOPLE HERE DEFENDING IT
New version of chatbot reaches level of function where it responds to all queries by making a little twisty-wrist gesture with pinched fingers and saying “But isn’t it more *complicated* than that?”
The Feds give out “millions per year” to the police. Police budgets in the US are close to $100 BILLION. The millions that come from Byrne grants and other sources do not move that needle at all. Mass incarceration—and mass punishment—are NOT THE PRODUCT OF FEDERAL POLICY. They just aren’t.
Bureaucratic culture matters for policy, part 8,642... #Polisky
The whole blind mule thing has always pissed me off. At the midpoint of my prosecutorial career, when I was in a senior unit but still pulled some meat-and-potatoes cases, I got a case of an old Vietnamese man caught at LAX with a bunch of decorative slippers with heroin in the soles. /1
A rash of militant Stata reg y x poasting requires I re-up my authoritative, true-in-all-details guide for the perplexed. kieranhealy.org/blog/archive...
Bitcoin consumes about 2.5% of US electricity, about the same as all residential cooling. An article decrying *that* electricity usage as a personal moral failing would be much less tone deaf.
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”
Happy Bloomsday! Which appropriately is also Father’s Day this year. If you don’t like the idea of reading Ulysses, or your tried and bounced off, you should listen to the unabridged full-cast recording of the book made by RTÉ in 1982, which is miraculous. podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/u...
‎Ulysses - James Joyce on Apple Podcastspodcasts.apple.com ‎Arts · 2020
The last year in higher ed in general and at Harvard in particular does highlight some interesting questions about possible norms of collegiality with respect to conducting intramural university political fights through extramural means. "Sanctionable violations" is not the right place to start.
Your expectations that Harvard faculty will not say very stupid things reflects limited exposure to Harvard faculty.
Correct answer to the second question: Fuck no, have you lost your mind?
As an R1-TT faculty member on a 12 month contract, I very much wish I had a 9 month contract and could include summer salary in grant apps.
I see it’s the time of year when some R1 TT faculty with good jobs will say “My employment contract only pays me for 9 months of the year; in the Summer I have to work but am not paid”. That is not the reason people are nominally on a 9mo clock. It’s an accounting fiction that is in fact a benefit.
Mandatory national service is a bad idea (that in addition to being bad on the merits would be hideously unpopular) and I can't believe any left of center person is contemplating supporting any version of it in the United States
He was like a son . . . . for tax reporting purposes
While Billy Dee is still alive, I think they really need to do a Lando movie. Like, have him sitting around the card table with the ladies telling tales, and Donald Glover can act them out AND THEY DON'T NECESSARILY MATCH!
The Fifth is a special case. That's bat country over there.
NB that this is _not_ singling out a particular poster, but I see posts like this pretty well every day on bluesky. I'm _much_ more in favor of the welcoming the prodigal with fatted lamb approach than the denounce past sins one, on pragmatic as well as ethical grounds - it's how you build alliances
The SSI asset limit is one of the most bullshit, punitive, damaging restrictions in existence.