
What you’re seeing with anti-trans laws, MeToo backlash, and abortion bans is that the right is creating an impossibly narrow definition of a woman—cis, pregnant, healthy, feminine, subservient—and subjecting those who fall outside it to both criminalization and violent hostility from vigilantes.
A UT man has been barred from attending school sport events after "belligerently" accusing a 17-year-old girl of being transgender--even after being told the student had submitted their birth certificate to comply with UT's ban on trans athletes. “I wasn’t born yesterday, I know that’s a boy"
An angry Utah parent accused a high school basketball player of being transgender. Will it keep A father attending a junior varsity basketball game in Canyons School District was banned from future games after he wrongly insisted a player on the opposing team was transgender.
This girl not looking cis enough for some random asshole at her game, E Jean Carroll getting death threats for naming a rape as a rape, Brittney Watts getting arrested because a nurse thought she wasn’t sufficiently upset about her miscarriage: these are all the same project.
The scope of acceptable women according to the misogynist right has now narrowed to exclude *checks notes* Taylor Swift.
Was für ein trauriges Leben diese Menschen haben müssen 😦
This reminds me of the dark discourses around Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle (the latter with bonus racism of course). Men who couldn't fathom a prince marrying a lovely adult woman instead of, like, a fertile subservient virgin just out of high school
It’s interesting how this extremist project from the right operates at the knife’s edge of the broader project, one shared in by many people and institutions, to do the same (but nicer)
What is most upsetting about this to me personally is the role TERFS have played in all this. Their complicity is why I say transphobic feminism is an oxymoron.
yeah it’s way more accurate to just say transphobe or misogynist because TERF makes no sense. they are gender essentialists.
And they're rehashing arguments that feminism dealt with generations ago!
There are always people who would rather identify with the power and privilege of oppressors than admit that when push comes to shove they’re still seen as second class by those oppressors.
Out of control men seek to control women, used to be just the GOO, now both parties are Republicans
I don’t think cis women realize that defending trans rights protects all of us! We are in this together.
Exactly! You can’t police the lines of cis women’s assigned gender roles WITHOUT policing trans people as well. The lines are drawn in different places, but the same police are enforcing both
Many do get it. We are in this together.
and that narrow definition is meant to only include white women. white nurse criminalizing a Black woman for not performing grief the way she preferred
Came here to add this. I grew up in that corner of the culture, and the only acceptable women there were white. As soon as I mentioned my likely infertility or asked inconvenient theological questions, I started getting asked about my hair texture and my nose. 🙃
Similarly, I briefly dated a woman who worked at the intake desk of an emergency room. Briefly because she volunteered her racist opinions of the way her non-white patients performed grief and worry.
//Will it keep happening?// This is such a disingenuous question. Of course it will keep happening, that's the whole point.
A grown man can publicly demand to see a minor girl’s genitals and all he does is get kicked out of a basketball game.
This happened in BC last year, too. As a person who has twice been asked in US women's bathrooms if I should be there (I'm AFAB nonbinary), it's terrifying to be called out re. gender in public. This violent rising tide of self-appointed gender police feeds Christian nationalism's wet dreams.
Because they want their broodmares properly corralled, and if not, they want their slaves (prison). Oh, sorry. Did y'all forget slavery was still legal, but only in the prison system? Yeah, it's actually in a constitution ammendment.
It will keep happening, and the Right uses these tactics as both enforcement of specific women, and as cautionary tales to keep many more women in fear and in line
I don’t think they even care much if a woman is healthy, except perhaps while she is pregnant. If she happens to die while giving birth to a baby during a high risk pregnancy she wasn’t allowed to terminate? Oh well 🤷🏼‍♂️
Yeah, I’m trying to say something more complex within word count: the right is enforcing all sorts of gendered behavioral limits in the name of “health.” Women can be punished for “endangering their health” during pregnancy; “health” is used as a pretext for banning abortion, trans care, etc
It's the basis for fatphobia too. Call a woman unfuckably ugly and then claim you're doing it because you care about her health.
I’m devouring Kate Manne on this.
She is wonderful. My brother put me onto her when they were colleagues at Cornell.
I had a whole thread last week about how pejoratives relate to status.
Right, not women’s health as a political or social problem but as a personal virtue
Exactly—not health as in health, but “health” as in “discipline.”
Worse than "oh well": she's a martyr, she made the ultimate sacrifice, she should be celebrated and emulated for bravely dying instead of making a "selfish" decision. 🙄 It's awful.
Narrarators voice: He had been born just yesterday.
I'm terrified but also kind of relieved that other people see what's happening, their larger project. Thank you.
I mean, this is what was being taught in the evangelical church I was a member of a decade ago before I left. Still is.
I think it's more that the right is obsessed with regulating people's private lives. The idea of having a private life free from government intrusion is deeply offensive to the right. Men are affected, too.
The private sphere is political: this is feminism 101. There is no such thing as a private life free of politics. What’s at stake is how those politics are interpreted, and who is given power in the private sphere.
The personal is political, I realize that. Everything is political. That's leftie 101, not just feminism. Who do you think should be given power in the private sphere? I think you have to first define what "private" means.
jfc, these hate-deranged fucks
Mormons are the hatiest people I've ever been around
they act like they're practicing to be gods of their own personal universes once they emerge from their larval stage, and somehow along the way they're proving that they would create the most fucked up disgusting universes given that power
That is exactly them! They really are.
Yes, this can happen in women's toilet facilities anywhere if you look 'wrong' to some shithead.
honestly: I think he thought he could use the wedge of power he's been granted to demand to be present for what he envisions "disproving" his assertion entailed
so true- i hope women in red states start arming themselves because it's frankly, open season on women in those states right now
This post made me think of the harm that a singular definition of "alpha male" masculinity also does to people. Their damn gender binary is so, so narrow.
This was always going to be how these laws were used.