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Someone stole my handle!
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
Some folks in my little unsophisticated city seem to genuinely think that everyone flying a pride flag is, themselves, gay. No, buddy, we are all Spartacus.
I still have a Mastodon account. The Ice Cubes app has a feature that when you log in, you are still in the place you were, and a count of how many new messages above it you haven’t read.
Has anyone created a Bluesky app yet that lets you resume where you left off in your timeline? My most needed feature.
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
It helps me that the British (as I understand it) voted for sanity. Maybe we can do the same come November. All is _not_lost.
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
1) Same 2) Same 3) Same
Three things that are true: 1) I did not support Biden in the 2020 primary 2) I thought Biden looked like a reanimated corpse at the debate 3) I have every confidence that he is fully capable of being President, and the New York Times and other outlets are fucking him to goose readership
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
Happy 4th of July! In the wise words of Ben Franklin: The Bald Eagle is a Bird of bad moral Character. Too lazy to fish for himself. The Turkey is a more respectable Bird, though vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would attack a Brit who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.
Went to see family, and a gorge or two, last week
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but don’t explain it
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but don’t explain it
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
some states are unsafe for trans people to travel through, some states are unsafe for pregnant people to travel through, some states are unsafe for gay people to travel through, we’re developing this horrific patchwork of laws as fundamental rights are upended nationally
Good comic on traveling while pregnant in a Dobbs nation. The Supreme Court has seen to it that states can opt-out of life saving medical care and many have, restricting travel and autonomy for anyone possibly pregnant while also imperiling their lives.
I’m pregnant. I’m traveling. I’m My family reunion is in South Carolina. Essential care for my high-risk pregnancy is not.
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
I’m 300 baud old.
I'm so old I remember when the only other astronomy website in existence I knew of besides mine was NASA's
I'm the 0.1% of the population that misses Netflix mailing me discs. The fact that they could mail me things that they didn't have the right to stream was very convenient for me.
"On average, consumers spend 41 percent more on streaming than they did a year ago, according to the recent Deloitte study, while satisfaction has declined... Disney and pretty much everyone except Netflix and Amazon have vowed to reduce spending and produce less new content."
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
Did you know that tomorrow, June 24 2024 is national make a terrible comic day? You don’t have to make comics every hour or a multi-page story, you just have to string a few panels together. It’s mandatory especially if you haven’t drawn anything for yourself lately and you miss it
Make a bunch of terrible comics that even you don’t like. Keep doing it until they become less terrible
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
These “we did a trial run of UBI and all the statistics show that it really helped in every way, now the trial is over and we’ll do nothing with that info” tests are really starting to feel like those Flat Earthers proving the earth is a globe with science and then ignoring their own findings videos
Individuals who received the $1,000/mo or $500/mo payments were more likely to find a stable, full-time job than before they received the basic income. Results showed 45% of participants secured housing, while $589,214 was saved in public service costs. "It's freedom. It's freedom from poverty..."
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
can I offer you an Orange in this trying time
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
Quoteskeet with an image of who you heard at your first concert. Name the artist in the alt text.
Quoteskeet with an image of who you heard at your first concert. Name the artist in the alt text.
Not all of my DMs are as old as I am. I try not to hold it against them. I've even stopped saying "is it really D&D if it isn't Advanced?"
So far all of my Dungeon Masters have been totally real.
Only one way to prove that! Grabs a Oujia board and asks my uncle if he wants to become an author.
It took me another day to realize this should say, “ grabs a Ouija board and asks my uncle if he wants to become a ghost writer“
They denied it was happening then, why would they remember it now?
Does no one remember the pandemic?
Reposted byAvatar Notshakespeare
Yes! YES! Drag that Overton Window over to curb stomping the permanent Apportionment Act! The world you live in now sucks because rich sociopaths spent 40 years doing narrative work.
This is also why the Permanent Apportionment Act is so damaging—because the House is supposed to be most representative of the People and it has been artificially stifled for the last century. A GOP majority should be impossible. Instead we get…—gestures around—
My clearest memory of Blair Witch was watching it in the theater and a little old lady saying to her friend (child?) "why is he standing in the corner?"
Watching everyone's memories of watching Blair Witch pour in is incredible. Person after person talking about dead silence in the theater, whole crowds flattened, people sobbing in the parking lot for 20 minutes, not being able to sleep. That's cinema, baby, and that's down to Heather Mike and Josh.
A good parody stands on its own.
younger people are discovering that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990; New Line Cinema) was a no-joke amazing movie
Good parody stands on its own.
It must be like people who only know Spaceballs encountering Star Wars for the first time.