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researcher. writer. autistic af. (she/they)

my whatever, whatnot:

background 📸 where i found my drink
Reposted byAvatar Sara
weird how a country organized around the principle "let's monetize every single human interaction to benefit an idle, vampiric shareholder class" is falling apart like a wet cardboard box
"There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning... that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail."
tell me your fav film with a quote.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Protest orgy on the national mall, who's with me
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Shoutout to the designer who had the incredible idea of making an oil derrick the grim reaper's schlong
“…past predictions of global warming have proved largely correct. To persist with scepticism is immoral and stupid. Even a free-market fanatic cannot deny that environmental externalities are a form of market failure. Climate is the biggest externality of all.”
Market forces are not enough to halt climate Investor returns imply that the welfare of future human beings is close to irrelevant
Reposted byAvatar Sara
see thru mine to why it can't be what I want for you this strange air it's hard to tell you'll have hell to prove to these phonies in your dream it's all real it's meaningful you're worth something beautiful but I can't give you what you have already like you can't give me what I gave up to be here
Reposted byAvatar Sara
joke tourniquets as a bit for bitten off pieces of pride that puddle in can you clot the embarrassment deals broken in two new places last by a long shot but why not just walk it off the lot with the best of em in a laugh now cry later economy
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Melancholy is the depression that says yes to life.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
I always keep these words by Jamie Kalven in mind: Retreating is so seductive.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
“Now that we know felons can be white, we’re massive fans of crime.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
one of the most dishonest things people in my profession do is pretend as if “the story” and “the narrative” isn’t something they have direct control over
Reposted byAvatar Sara
The media has lost the mission: to be the neutral arbiter of facts. Instead, they have adopted a different stance: to be the neutral conveyer of both sides. When one side lies and one tells the truth, the job of the media is to let them know what is true and what is fiction.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Grab some snacks and your axes, we’re having a lumber party
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Reposted byAvatar Sara
This is legitimately ugly behavior by the media
Now everyone--The Times and, sorry to say, MSNBC--is noting every missed syllable. The man has a stutter. I don't stutter but I am a mushmouth who speaks too fast and slurs words. I've had to overcome fear of public speaking. I have empathy for Biden. The press has empathy for no one (but Trump).
drop the most powerful image in your gallery with no explanation
drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
Reposted byAvatar Sara
The worst possible sin remains being right too early
the kind of story we need right now ⬇️
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
This *gesturing wildly and in every direction* is utterly exhausting.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Happy insufferable but largely correct political takes day!
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Nothing beats children’s music when you need a real banger about going to the zoo
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Absolutely mind boggling the speed with which Dems decide to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on a routine basis. The lack of spine in the face of ruthless opposition combined with the hair trigger reaction to immediately turn cannibal is not a winning strategy.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
I'm currently drifting and rotating in space
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Disinvestment means that I'm out here cutting down the six foot tall weeds that cause a visibility hazard on a busy street corner because the north sider who owned a gas station here in the '70s abandoned it after white flight and then his family seemingly forgot they owned the land after he died
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Don't ever tell me that being goofy is something I'm supposed to grow out of. Goofy is for life. I'll go to my grave goofy
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Reposted byAvatar Sara
when I was a child, I thought smart people were in charge. when I got older, I realized you didn't have to be smart to be in charge. but the piece that was hardest to learn is that no one is really in charge at all. no one's going to fix it beyond us.
if you see this, post a photo without explanation
if u see this post a photo without explanation
Reposted byAvatar Sara
i think we should see the Trump v. United States ruling as a group of Republican apparatchiks taking their opportunity to vindicate Nixon and write the unitary executive into the Constitution.
Opinion | Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Ready, The Nixonian theory of presidential power is now enshrined as constitutional law.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Reposted byAvatar Sara
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them