
If Biden wins the Presidency but Republicans win one or both houses of Congress, there will be a major effort to make it seem like the Congressional ratification of the electoral count is a moment of high drama that has the potential to reverse the outcome. If that's the case, a coup is likely.
Biden should make it clear as possible, as soon as possible, that any member of congress who votes to override the legal outcome of the election will be thrown out of congress and prosecuted. It's a coup and you need to treat it like one or your power will be stolen by it!
To be clear, that is like, the absolute bare minimum Biden must do in that situation. Like basic self-defense for him.
Like you need to have your goons sitting outside the doors of congress ready to cuff the people who vote for the coup, not "eh maybe we'll get around to it in 3 years." The only drama should be if coup plotters will condemn themselves or not, not whether the people's vote is tossed aside or not.
If you need to point to a specific legal basis for the Constitution to defend itself from an organized coup attempt you are going to not have a Constitution for very long! "Welp guess we have to just give the government away" is not a Constitutional outcome
Whats is the legal basis to do that. Hell, Biden's DoJ spent 16 months to try to get a SINGLE MoC phone exploited all within Speech and Debate.
If your opponents who are trying to depose the government insist on their ability to throw out and re-write the rulebook, you can either say "ah well, too bad, guess we're screwed then" or you can do the other thing.
If Trump wins like this, he is going to kill you! The idea that a legitimate government is legally bound to surrender to an illegitimate one is literally suicidal for the people involved!
i am hearing lots of people saying that the only way to prosecute overt criminality is by the cunning acquisition of phone records. you might think there are other ways but you’d be wrong—actually it’s just phone stuff.
be patient, robert mueller may seem like he's working slowly but the wheels are turning (all statutes of limitations expire) well what did you want him to do differently exactly hmm
In hindsight, Gen. Milley should have just shot Trump.
Burning rule of law to save it, as they say.
it is not rule of law to let the courts or congress pick the president instead of the people
Jfc at that point rule of law has already been burned! If the Congress were to throw out the EVs of a winning candidate and declare the loser to be POTUS by fiat, what do you think happens? Do you seriously think California would recognize the results? New York? It's civil war territory.
i think we can agree that it would have been illegal to kill hitler but i’m concerned we might not agree on the moral and/or strategic implications of that illegality
How has this strategy of leaving it all to the country’s most cowardly JDs worked out so far? How has the law held up?
what remedy would you propose in the eventuality that in january 2025 the new congress votes to reject the election results of enough states to deny any candidate from getting a majority in the electoral college?
Are all the laws but one to go unexecuted, and the Government itself go to pieces lest that one be violated? Even in such a case, would not the official oath be broken if the Government should be overthrown when it was believed that disregarding the single law would tend to preserve it? - A Lincoln
100%. the correct answer to this is, "we'll find one."
If we can drone strike US citizens fighting with para-military outfits abroad, we sure as hell can deliver legal, kinetic consequences to 5th columnists at home.
It’s not a suicide pact.
Not disagreeing with you, but I feel like the Speech or Debate Clause would be a positive defense to this. Honestly I don't think the government as an institution has the ability to prevent the shenanigans we all know are going to take place in early January 2025.
I’m sure that will be a comfort to their lawyers at the trial in 2026
Then you better either start making your exit plan or start stockpiling weapons. If you don’t think either of those things are necessary then you aren’t engaging with your own hypothetical.
Empty wheel is very dumb. The longer this bullshit goes on the more I think she's pro coup.
something something not a suicide pact
Oh. I see Marcy found you. My condolences
We have courts that can solve this on the back end if Biden oversteps!
When you say "goons" - what armed force do you think is politically reliable? The USCP sure wasn't on Jan 6th and there don't seem to have been reforms.
There was some reporting that Biden shuffled the secret service agents around to be protected by ones he trusted from the Obama administration, but he can't rely on personal relationships for ^
I'm not disagreeing with you, just adding a preliminary step
Handpicked, vetted, loyal troops. This is where we are!
amtrak police department
they can't even enforce the law against freight railroads that won't give passenger trains right of way
I thought they had been deliberately sent home and otherwise stood down by administration officials, which I do not think Joe Biden would do
The USCP was pretty reliable overall. They just weren't backed up by the national guard for over 4 hours.
The media praised the armed police officer who ran the away from the people he was supposed to protect.