
I think some people are confused about ROAD HOUSE (1989). It's a good movie that is also very dumb, not a "so-bad-it's good" bad movie.
ROAD HOUSE (1989) is closer to like PREDATOR (1987) which is another incredibly stupid but well-made mid-budget 80's movie than it is to like, a MST3k incompetent schlock-fest that can only be enjoyed ironically. The movie works for the reasons the filmmakers were trying to make it work.
Similarly, Patrick Swayze, a good actor, is good in it. His performance is frequently funny, on purpose, because he understands he is in a funny movie that is trying to be funny.
Like they establish how evil the main bad guy is by having LITERALLY A MONSTER TRUCK break through a glass wall and crush a bunch of his rival's cars and people are like "wow i wonder if this movie wants me to take it totally seriously or not"
A polar bear taxidermy statue lands on a B tier goon, incapacitating him for the final fight. When asked what happened to the main bad guy by authorities once shit goes down, the goon states "A polar bear fell on me." Road House is CINEMA.
yes exactly: there's a lot of incredible, earnest deadpans of completely insane lines, which is exactly the right way to play his character
i agree with all this with the caveat that the way swayze gets comedy out of roadhouse is to play it completely earnest. “you’re too stupid to have a good time” is fucking hilarious because swayze absolutely fucking means it. that man IS too stupid to have a good time, and that OFFENDS dalton.
Actually struggling with this while watching "Jack Reacher" on Amazon. Is this a good show, or a bad show that's at least entertaining? Because so many of the line readings are so stiff or ... staged.
and they repeat the same lame catch phrases constantly but without conviction
Reacher could be good, but Alan Ritchson is, well, not as good an actor as Swayze.
I feel like Reacher almost approaches being aware that it’s dumb and should be dumb but loves how serious it thinks it’s being that it never gets there
The first season was a decently well made stupid show. The second season is a mediocre stupid show.
Reacher is a very 80's coded series that is both a bad show that is entertaining, and a good show with ineffectual humor at times. The point seems to be doing dumb action stuff and watching heroes survive the stupidity of the things they do because it's fun to watch.
Like the books, the first season was better than the second
Strikes me that the best way to play comedy is often to play it completely seriously. Withnail And I is a great example of this.
I think this confusion stems from some people watching movies like they're reading a book and rating the movie based on the dialogue more than the shit they are beholding with their god damn eyes.
Films directed by ex stuntmen (see also Hal Needham's Burt Reynolds movies) can be relied upon to deliver on, at the very least, the fights & car crashes, but Road House does a lot more than that. It is also a very 'female gaze'-y movie.
My favorite part of Road House is that there's this assumption of a John Wick-style society of bouncers that exists across the US that everybody in the movie just kind of knows about and respects.
The immediately obvious joke of the movie is all the actors treating the very silly premise quite seriously, and while I liked the remake well enough stuff like the mid-fight “this piano is out of tune” riffs didn’t land at all
not sure if anyone other than Swayze can deliver "pain don't hurt" and make it work.
"Be nice until it's time to not be nice" is legit good advice.
It was central to a talk I gave called The Goals of Skepticism but what's commonly known as the Don't Be A Dick talk.
Swayze always understands the assignment.
I think Point Break is too smart to be in this category, but it's another great example of Swayze elevating a movie because he plays it exactly right.
Swayze was a criminally underrated actor.
Idk if you saw the Beetlegeuse trailer but the kithcy choir singing of the Day-O song is so cliche at this point — yuck
Also, I will die on the hill that Patrick Swayze and Kelly Lynch have legitimately great chemistry.
I've seen that movie and I think you may be mistaken about it being "good." It's .... not that.
Correct, it's great
Sam Elliot, Ben Gazarra, and Kathleen Wilhoit were decent too.
I hate when people say 80s movie in a derogatory way when in reality we were swimming in mid budget genre flicks that were well-made and really entertaining.
Indeed. John Carpenter’s and David Cronenberg’s stuff, for example. Plus Wes Craven. Modest budgets, good craft, good box office.
Yup, and also SOLAR BABIES
They just don't make dumb movies like they used to
You could go to a new movie in the 80s/90s twice a week and 60-plus percent would be decent and entertaining. Now when I look at listings there are 1-2 movies a month that look mildly interesting (and aren’t super hero movies)
Predator is more well made, perhaps much more so, but I do agree that Roadhouse isn’t poorly made.
I agree that predator is overall the superior movie but they are both good
My recent rewatch opened my eyes. I do think Roadhouse has some flaws but it’s a really entertaining and fun film
Sidenote: more movies need to have a little montage of the actors smiling at the audience during the credits.
I'm reminded that Mike Nelson (IIRC) once described it as "the FANNY AND ALEXANDER of bad movies."
Yes, it is internally consistent and pays off all its set-up. It is also the case that everything it’s setting up is goofy, broadest-brush melodrama
(The Jim Harrison book inclusion is a nice bonus, too.)
as far as I know, the only MST3K "Road House" reference was in the outstanding song "A Patrick Swayze Christmas"
Swayze is the king of these movies, from Point Break to Donnie Darko
people sometimes talk about him like he's a bad actor then you're like "ok name a single movie that he is bad in" and... you can't do it!