The Essence of Woerm Sin

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The Essence of Woerm Sin

When they ask how I died, tell them: still angry.

They/them or he/him.
seeing a lot of "actually Project 2025 considers any LGBT text or subtext to be pornographic, that's what they're trying to ban" and maybe could use a little more "but also it's wrong to ban actual porn, porn is fine"
This is not the most cowardly betrayal in the world. No. This is just a tribute. Couldn’t remember the most cowardly betrayal in the world No no This is just a tribute. To the most cowardly betrayal in the world
If I'm a man when I'm angry then I'm a man when I'm caring and kind. If I'm a man when I annoy you then I'm also a man when I do something you like. And that goes for every other man you know, regardless of transness, disability, race, religion, or sexuality.
Labour members have opened a petition to Wes Streeting. Anyone can sign it. "We, the undersigned, are calling on you to immediately withdraw your support for the ban on puberty blockers for trans young people." #transgender #LGBTQ #LGBT #Labour #trans
If you get covid, test every day after you test negative to catch the rebound. I was neg for days then got a whisper of a pos line. I started avoiding people, and in 18 hours I got sick and turned big positive. Everyone I know who got this variant has rebounded from 3 to 11 days afterwards.
For those freaking out about Project 2025 now and how the word pornography will be weaponised to silence and imprison people, spare half a thought for the sex workers who have been ringing the alarm bell on this for decades.
“You’re a big man but you’re in bad shape. With me, it’s a full-time job. Now behave yourself.”
This is amazing
Right, so this is the story of the old mate I was out with last night, didn't happen to me, but too good not to repeat. Will probably only work for the Brit adjacent.
“Welcome to Sea World, your call may be recorded for training porpoises”
i have no pronouns. my gender is nothing. do not perceive me. do not refer to me
The original impl supported up to 10 users. I asked if anyone else wanted that and was flooded enough that I completely redesigned its API usage and UI that day and had 300 users around the world, w/ localization, after 1 day. It had 30k iirc when it became obsolete. It has since been permabanned.
The first tool, quick and explicitly a bot, around alt text that I made was originally for my ADHD ass: @/AltTxtReminder, a bot that DMed within seconds with a tweet link and "Your tweet has at least one image without a description" because I forgot constantly Its success made Twitter add reminders
*grabby hands*
This book is an absurdly adorable accounting of the plot of Alien. They had no right making this horror story so cute. 😭
doing a thing in Liverpool if anyone fancies it. wouldn’t mind some reposts for visibility
Ultimately I am just so sick of tech weirdos getting hyped as geniuses who are going to save the planet with their tech. With nearly zero pushback.
this is more a nitpicking on words but everything a computer does follows an algorithm there is no such thing as "no algorithm" just as there's nothing that contains "no chemicals"
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
and being an ally isn’t actually about your opinions. being an ally is about what you actually *do* to support people who are oppressed in ways you are not. “would my opinion or a pizza be more helpful to this person?” is a great question to ask yourself, even if you can’t make a pizza happen!
The health secretary too, who is reportedly looking to make the Tories’ temporary ban on puberty blockers for trans kids permanent.
black holes don't "suck" anything in. If you replaced our Sun with a black hole of the same mass, Earth's orbit wouldn't change by a noticeable amount (though we'd all die because Earth would freeze over pretty rapidly without sunlight).
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
The methotrexate I'm on for arthritis comes with a warning that it increases sensitivity to UV too.
It's London trans pride on 27 July. If you're horrified by Streeting's avowed intent to make the puberty blocker ban permanent, please step up and show it. There are a lot more of us cis folk than trans folk; we all need to use our voices and platforms. #PubertyBlockers
gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
Every couple of years we cross that “enough to cut a check” threshold and I take up to one bandmate out for Spotifries
Financialization and corporate behaviors have seeped way, way down into our culture like toxins into groundwater. It isn’t just electoral politics that’s fucked. Support and (re)build non-corporate exchange wherever you find it and however you can
Times are wild. Here's a photo of Gillian Anderson
Archaeologists say it's a Bronze Age burial mound. Locals tell you it's the grave of the first salt-hag that stepped foot in Hookland when the sea was half its current size. You can choose head or heart, or just accept that some mysteries are beyond easy truth. – #MattAdams, 1982