Nev Fountain

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Nev Fountain

Writer of satire (Private Eye/Dead Ringers) and Murder. New book ‘The Fan Who Knew Too Much’ is out this year. Graphic novel ‘The Furnace’ out eventually.
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it’s a shame the sad trombone broke from overuse at the start of 2017
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The kind of face you usually see under headlines like 'Former Scout Leader's hard drive was "worse than anything I've seen", says child protection expert'
"i ReAd oN fAcEbOoK tHaT bRiTiSh iS a MusLaMiC cOuNtRy"
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Trump now living through his own version of 73 Yards, as disturbing woman in the distance follows him everywhere and freaks out everyone she comes into contact with.
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This classic SF author is about to become a mute words casualty so just taking a moment to remember the good times
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JD Vance going from 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I oppose him' to 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I'm running to be his Vice President' -- truly, what an arc
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It is indeed wild that the pundit class simply cannot comprehend a person without an arc or story. He was born a selfish egotistical asshole, and he will remain one the rest of his life.
It is amazing to me that the most powerful and best-paid people in political media are still caught up in the idea of A Striking New Tone From Trump. I wrote this in 2020, but the idea goes back to 2017. At this point it says more about them than it does about him.
The Enduring Delusion of a Chastened From time to time, the president seems to grasp the gravity of his situation. It never lasts.
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CPAC adopted this line just two years ago and now the GOP is suddenly all “wait not like that”
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Someone who believes in 12.5% of the Bible is an eighth-eist
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It's bizarre to me that we went almost overnight from "all TV must now be on distinctly branded channels serving specific audiences" to mega-services that all do everything and throw it all at you at once
I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again, the most tangible manifestation of the problem with how the streaming services see art is their complete aversion to differentiating between any of it.
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Tories to the UK, right now: "No, my dear, Labour have always been in power. You must be going mad."
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I’ve said before this should have been capaldis dr who outfit
The absolute drip on Brucie here. Bold cranberry shirt and flares, louche sports jacket. Superb
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"At some point – possibly not til after a leadership contest, but soon – the Tories are going to realise with a jolt quite how little influence an opposition really has." Thoughts on the election result now the dust has settled.
The dust This week: the Tories are out at last – but what did the election tell us? Also: on the ontological status of Middlesex; and the world’s fattest parrot.
The BBC playing adverts advertising itself in the middle of Wimbledon matches.
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The glass is half full. -The Optimist The glass is half empty - The Pessimist. I drink it. What happens? -The Gamer
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My boyfriend insists on taking a big drag of his vape just before he climaxes. No, not while he's having a wan;, while he's inside me. Of course this kills any chance of me having an orgasm.
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I once had to apply at very short notice for a visa that would allow me to transit through Russia and thought that was the most stressful and Kafkaesque bureaucratic experience I’d ever have, but I just had to pay for 20 minutes’ parking with RingGo and that was worse.
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"And the cause of liberal democracy in Europe, which did NOT die..."
Call me Nostradamus, but I predict that within a few weeks the Reform MPs will act like twats in the House of Commons, unfurl a banner, or somesuch bollocks, get thrown out of the chamber, and never set foot in the HOC for the next five years out of 'principle'.
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This guy was such a G for telling his evil wizard cyborg boss that his religion is bullshit during a work meeting.
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Not sure this is that trivial tbqhwy
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The clear lesson Farage needs to learn from the Lib Dems is that you get more seats by doing stunts. But because his voters are rock hard, unlike those woke yoghurt drinkers, the stunts he does should all be exceptionally dangerous
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What's going on with declaration coverage tonight? Did we miss Mark Francois' victory speech?
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