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writer for @TheDailyShow, personal assistant to my dog
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
It’s finally here! For years, @roseveleth.com has been working on an epic series about elite runners who’ve been told they can no longer race as women, because of their biology. TESTED is their story, & the story of sport’s history of dubious sex testing. Ep 1 is now online! link.chtbl.com/Rose_
Testedlink.chtbl.com <p>Who gets to compete? Since the beginning of women’s sports, there has been a struggle over who qualifies for the women’s category. Tested follows the unfolding story of elite female ...
Van Gogh ass clouds
These clouds are called Undulatus asperatus and were spotted in Gorham, New Hampshire Sunday July 14th Credit- Crystal Lee
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
JD Vance is one of those most annoying kind of dangerous dumbasses who thinks they’re a genius radical who don’t toe the party line when all he does is just rephrase the same old fascist bullshit as: ‘unions are good! As long as they’re cops and not baristas’ www.politico.com/news/magazin...
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
I was pretty confident the rapist sex-cult guy would end up being the worst person to ever get a ticket to national fame from Oprah and yet
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
Movies used to have Henry Rollins randomly show up in them. And you'd go "Hey, it's Henry Rollins!"
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
Can't believe I'm missing out on Eric Garland's premium tier tweets right now
Unfortunately for us all, all art is Improv Comedy
It’s early, so here’s a trade secret: “Getting better” at art isn’t about not making mistakes, it’s about learning to incorporate them into your final art so they don't look like mistakes.
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
(drake rapping in 2025) hey kendrick it's been a while. first of all it's "ephebophile"
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
ok so it wasn’t Richard Simmons
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
how people managed to make this place more miserable to post on than the site owned by elon musk should be studied by academics
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
I think it's helpful to remember that 95% of the people who yell at other people online about voting aren't doing any electoral organizing at all. Yelling online IS what they think organizing is.
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
If the climax of your show is two people throwing glowing orbs at each other it is not mature
people in spring of 2020 hollering about the “maturity” of wandavision,
One of my old crank opinions is that I hate people playing music from their phones on the train but there's a very serious looking guy on here just blasting Yakkety Sax and unfortunately, I must stan
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Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
When the France election results are good
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
Listened to an audiobook I liked so much I want to buy a physical copy, but the reason I got it as an audiobook in the first place is that there's no more room on my shelves. A real O Henry predicament!!!!
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate disasterdisconnect.blog Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
Given the state of physical retail, can Macy's really afford to be holding all these big spectacle events every year?
In every Macy's I've ever been to, half their merchandise is on the floor. Maybe let's skip the fireworks and hire someone to secure everything on the hangers.
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
Roses are red, Curry has cumin,
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
Transit funding = antifascist praxis
Reposted byAvatar Pjörk
"Get offline, go outside," say the governor who killed the transit budget and the mayor who killed the parks budget
Have never really been able to write while watching TV, but today.... Today it will be different
Me working on my little script
Unfortunately for you all I'm only on Season 2 of my Murder She Wrote rewatch so I'll be Fletcher-posting for some time yet
Anyway the real-life version of Murder She Wrote would be like, Rian Johnson travelling the country solving like 2 murders a month
Once again thinking about how excited I am to watch Trap in a movie theater :)