ositanwanevu.bsky.social follows

victoria scott
victoria scott
photographer, author, your favorite auto journalist’s favorite transsexual
staff writer @ motor1.com
pfp: Charlotte
Neil Stenhouse
Neil Stenhouse
Data, research, progressive politics, climate, energy, scicomm. Formerly @EmpowerProjUS @GQRResearch @UWMadison @Mason4C. From 🇳🇿 (Palmy)
Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman
All pookleblinky know is play music, lift weight, eat hot chip, write unsettling threads. You are now aware of the taste of your own mouth. Gendered in the way a peat bog is.

Trumpet, saxophone, guitar, banjo, and squats
Dan Charnas
Dan Charnas
Author | Professor | Producer
LPE Blog
LPE Blog
A blog that explores the co-constitution of law and political economy. Part of the LPE Project. Subscribe to our newsletter: http://lpeproject.org/subscribe/
El Pavo del Viento
El Pavo del Viento
Bay Area philosopher and general weirdo. My hobby is creepily monitoring birds. I consider a trailside vulture carcass a "buddy." I have a blog https://dog-envier.bearblog.dev/blog/
priscilla page
priscilla page
I write about cars, movies, & cars in movies.
Retro Tech Dreams
Retro Tech Dreams
Retro tech, early web & vintage computing. 80s, 90s, 2000s nostalgia. Follow for daily posts.
Rural Indexing Project
Rural Indexing Project
Buildings, signs, and symbols indexed by keyword. Original photographic documentation since 2010.
Chicago, IL — www.ruralindexingproject.com
Dominique Baker
Dominique Baker
Went to some colleges, now studying them for a living
Talk equally about ed policy and reality tv

Too Big to Fail
Too Big to Fail
New Yorker, union activist, employment lawyer, dad, generational trauma ender. He/him.
Andrew Blum
Andrew Blum
Executive Director, Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, University of San Diego.

Fan of ☮️, 🚴‍♀️, and good 🥃.
lowtax speedrun enjoyer
lowtax speedrun enjoyer
the pool is to swim the horses
Rob Zacny
Rob Zacny
A river to my people.
Link is coconut-pilled. 🥥 🌴
Link is coconut-pilled. 🥥 🌴
Falling out of a coconut tree to vote. Unburdened by what has been.

Profile: AJ and Kamala Harris outside.

Banner: AJ and Kamala Harris masked inside.
Shal Marriott
Shal Marriott
Political Theory MA Student at McGill University. Research Interests: Scottish and French Enlightenment, Michael Oakeshott, and Judith Shklar.
Stephen Kearse
Stephen Kearse
Journalist, critic, and author of novels Liquid Snakes and In the Heat of the Light.

Florence Ashley
Florence Ashley
Transfeminine jurist and bioethicist | Ass. prof at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law | Clerked at Supreme Court of Canada | www.florenceashley.com | they/them/that bitch
New town every hour
New town every hour
All USA towns chosen randomly.
By @nofunnick.bsky.social
Haus of Decline
Haus of Decline
Hank of Decline
Podcast & Comics - http://hausofdecline.com
Patreon - http://patreon.com/hausofdecline
Store - http://store.hausofdecline.com
Dan Lavoie
Dan Lavoie
Comms and policy. Work for racial justice, social justice, economic justice. Former journo. Current Dad.
Jacob Bacharach
Jacob Bacharach
Novelist, critic, books about crooks.
Flaming Hydra
Flaming Hydra
A collaborative of 60 writers and artists publishing a newsletter for you each weekday. Culture, opinions, criticism, news, comics, mayhem.


Mark Copelovitch
Mark Copelovitch
Professor of Political Science & Public Affairs, UW - Madison. Jean Monnet Chair, 🇪🇺 & the Global Economy. 2023-24: WZB/American Academy Berlin 🇩🇪. IPE, IR, & global finance. Politics & public policy. Tradeoffs in everything.
Emissary Of Night | ليلى
Emissary Of Night | ليلى
If you need to contact me, DM via Twitter or use my inbox.
Christopher Federico
Christopher Federico
Professor of political science and psychology @ the University of Minnesota.; I study belief systems + the psychological bases of political preferences. Inveterate fan of The Fall + cat enthusiast.
Samuel Bagg
Samuel Bagg
Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of South Carolina. Democratic Theory. The Dispersion of Power, in press with OUP, expected release January 2024
Jan-Werner Mueller
Jan-Werner Mueller
Political Theory and Intellectual History. Politics of Architecture. Some Public Affairs Commentary.
Demand Progress
Demand Progress
Grassroots, nonpartisan organization with over 1.5 million affiliated activists fighting for the rights and freedoms needed for a modern democracy.
Julia Carrie Wong
Julia Carrie Wong
senior reporter at the guardian us but not right now
Greg Sargent
Greg Sargent
Politics, politics, politics
Ken Jennings
Ken Jennings
Your Jeopardy! pal. Author of 100 PLACES TO SEE AFTER YOU DIE (bit.ly/3kLgJKO) and a bunch of other stuff. OMNIBUS co-founder (patreon.com/omnibusproject).
Jay 🦋
Jay 🦋
CEO of Bluesky, steward of AT Protocol.

Let’s build a federated republic, starting with this server. 🌱 🪴 🌳
pineapple princess 🔒
pineapple princess 🔒
she/her. sorry about my face, an animal licked it
Emily Thorson
Emily Thorson
Political science, Syracuse University
Information effects, misperceptions, egg sandwiches
ʝꪖꪀꪊᦓ ᥅ꪮᦓꫀ 🍉
ʝꪖꪀꪊᦓ ᥅ꪮᦓꫀ 🍉
恐ろしい女 raving in the late anthropocene 🎛🔊🎶✌️🫠 💌 bookings: [email protected]

🔗 http://janusrose.com
🌐 https://verdant.garden/roster/janus-rose
📸 https://instagram.com/janus.rose
👾 discord: janus.rose
Zander Furnas
Zander Furnas
Research Professor | Politics & Computational Social Science | Northwestern University, Center for Science of Science and Innovation | Dad | Not Ok |
John Pfaff
John Pfaff
Professor at Fordham Law. Prisons and criminal justice quant. I'm not contrarian, the data are. Author of Locked In. New stuff at johnfpfaff.com.
Ed Burmila
Ed Burmila
Involuntarily retired.

Podcast is Mass for Shut-ins. Subscribe for good stuff on Patreon.com/ginandtacos.
David Noll
David Noll
Law prof at Rutgers

Pre-order VIGILANTE NATION: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Vigilante-Nation/Jon-Michaels/9781668023235
mostly offline these days.
Seth Masket
Seth Masket
"A very accessible, very interesting, non-bombastic political scientist." -Jonah Goldberg
Subscribe to my newsletter "Tusk" about the Republican presidential contest: http://smotus.substack.com
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
Just thinking out loud.
Don Moynihan
Don Moynihan
Policy Professor @McCourtSchool @Georgetown. Irish immigrant. Administrative burdens guy. Free newsletter: https://donmoynihan.substack.com
Paul Crider
Paul Crider
Student of liberalism. Left-Smithian, right-Millsian. Writer/editor for Liberal Currents. Star Wars and Wheel of Time fan. He/him
Nathan Kalmoe (he/him)
Nathan Kalmoe (he/him)
Exec Director, Ctr for Comm & Civic Renewal @UW-Madison. Views=me. Democracy, voting, violence, psych, history. Retired prof @40 😉 Dad w/ jokes/Lapsed 🧙🏻/🥏⛳ champ/Avid 🧗🏻‍♀️. Congress said I have "tremendous sway over SM platforms"😂 nathankalmoe.com
Jacob T. Levy
Jacob T. Levy
Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory, Chair of Political Science, Associate member of Philosophy, Coordinator of Research Group on Constitutional Studies, McGill.
Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center.