Luigi de Guzman

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Luigi de Guzman

Professional pedant. Jeopardist.
I didn’t know I was brutally nearsighted until I was forced to have an eye exam before enrolling in school in Virginia. Until then everyone thought I was lazy for not copying off the blackboard. I couldn’t actually see.
I want more of my tax dollars to go to this
Tragically,, *just* reading the poem is insufficient.
I will never forget the interview, shortly after Ozy Media Inc. was formed, where Carlos Watson said he named it after the poem, because "the lesson you take from [Ozymandias] is that you have to dream big." So that's why liberal arts education is important.
we are living in a world where spam has made all polling suspect
I have no idea what the actual reality is but I assume the polls are in some sense "wrong" because logically I can't fit together: 1) Biden at 48% 2) Alternatives to Biden also at 48% 3) Dem Senate candidates running 10-15 points ahead of Biden
We really need to talk about American anglophilia
Nobody at the RNC came to hear Boris Johnson and Kellyanne Conway. How embarrassing.
The shadow constitution based on shame was no match for the actual constitution wielded by people that knew how to wield it to gain power. Even after all this we can't distinguish between a (voluntary) norm and mandatory laws
Or as shorthand for the Royalist faction in the English Civil War
so how many women will be prosecuted under abortion statutes because of the heat wave
As the U.S. enters what is expected to be a punishing summer, doctors and experts are increasingly worried about pregnant women, among the most vulnerable populations to extreme heat. Here’s what to know about risks for pregnant people experiencing extreme heat and tips on how to protect them.
How dangerous is extreme heat for pregnant women? What to Here’s what you need to know about risks for pregnant people experiencing extreme heat and tips on how to protect them.
The US political media is truly too stupid to realize that a Trump reign of terror is not going to be nearly as fun for them as they assume.
There should have been a lot more wondering about what Putin is getting in exchange for holding an American reporter hostage at Trump’s behest. We don’t need to wonder anymore.
I know this is supposed to be a burn but have you ever seen how many rebel flags are flown in rural Ohio three days? In a state that sent many soldiers to crush that rebellion in 1861-1864?
The hillbilly is from Greater Dayton
me, just before the trap door drops: “hanged"
MAGA boards are lighting up with declarations of civil war, with a NY-based Proud Boys channel calling for feds, Democrats and reporters to be “hung in the streets.”
Far-Right Extremists Call for Violence and War After Trump "They should all be hung in the streets," one person wrote of Democrats, the media, and others. "War now," another wrote.
A fun term for #3: The “woozle effect,” which originated from "Winnie-the-Pooh," where characters mistake their own tracks for those of a Woozle. It refers to a phenomenon where repeated citations of unverified information make it appear true, despite lacking proper evidence or primary sources.
When in doubt, refer to the Breaking News Consumer's Handbook:
Woozle effect -
Senator who last week promoted a tweet that called his legislative opponents traitors punishable by death now asks “to take the political temperature down.”
If this had happened to Biden, Trump would be cracking jokes about it within 48 hours, and if the shooter had survived, he'd quickly ratchet his way up to "jokes" about pardoning the guy within a week.
I was working in the house at the time and was kind of shocked at how quickly that Congress culminated. After the ACA they didn’t have the energy to do much more than name post offices
Pretty neat that a major American political party is openly talking about Untermenschen and we are all just talking about stupid palace intrigues cool cool cool
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.”
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War! At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
Also if I remember right this conference featured a speech from Suella Braverman, who is very much not an American elected official—she was the UK cabinet minister in charge of being cruel to refugees. Why is there a quasi-fascist international?
You might have just missed Earth-shattering economic news.
To be fair we didn’t really have much say in either nomination
*casually lighting my law degree on fire* you see, the framers’ vision of the separation of powers requires that congress not regulate moonshiners, but the president can send agents to kill them in order to secure his royal monopoly.
New: Trump-appointed Judge Mark Pittman in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon at home.
US ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, Texas judge A federal judge in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon for their personal consumption.
The fun thing about “fasten your seatbelts” is the confidence that you’re going to survive the crash.
the editor of the New York Times reacting to a potential Trump second term with “fasten your seatbelts” is so deeply vile i can’t wrap my mind around it. these people have detached themselves so completely from the things they cover that the rise of fascism becomes just something exciting to watch
Something about Americans I cannot understand: why do you all park at the airport and then fly away? Surely it is just better to get a cab there so you don’t have to worry about parking? Hell in DC our airports are even on the Metro. Why do people drive to the airport and park, ever?
So if you wanted to harvest driver’s license information from a population not known for their resistance to scams I feel like this would be a great way to do it
It is 25C this morning in DC, a full 10C colder than it was yesterday afternoon. I’ve been playing a lot of HOI4 recently and it’s fun that in that game when the developers give weather conditions per tile, anything above 20C is “very hot.” The publishers are Swedish and it shows