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Urban livability and transport fanatic (hobby) and Drupal enthusiast (job)
I saw a thread where one of the trolls said jbouie was “worth millions” and lumped him in with Chappelle and Seinfeld as uncancelable. Now I don’t know the man but I know enough writers to know that probably isn’t the case!
Haha as if the senate will be tied in 2027!!
Hmm, jbouie is “worth millions”? This would be surprising to me given what I know about writer pay in the year 2024.
Definitely hope he is white! I think whether you hope he is or not says a lot about your worldview
Why would you wish someone luck doing something you find abysmal?
Yes I figured you were just pointing out the hypocrisy. Which still applies considering the relative importance placed on it.
It’s mentioned in graf ~20
This is simply too on the nose, I can’t process.
A version is legal but my nieces and nephew didn’t care for that version so I was able to win their affection for years by bringing the real ones from Australia. (Unfortunately they are too old for this now.)
School House Rock is for elementary school children
Perfectly safe *for whom exactly*?
Curious about this talking point in relation to CP. “The MTA is ineffective and inefficient” (agreed)“therefore we should defund it” (???) Where does this lead? Anyway, CP is one of many funding sources, taking it away isn’t going to accomplish that, it will just make everything worse.
Yes, it’s a horrible narrative. And also if you can’t tell that your employee has another job then who cares? I manage a remote team and we caught someone doing this because he was not actually delivering the expected amount of work! And if we can’t tell then good for you!
Which headline is this? I only see the story about PRN’s maps?
Well, what did it have to say?
This also looks like the dreaded 15-minute city they are so terrified of, complete with a pedestrian downtown area.
Will never forget, after moving from the US to Australia, early on in my new job I was at the office at like 5:30pm, boss walks in and says “you’re here late” and I was like 😍 yeah I like it here
He said “having children is free”, nothing about keeping them alive.
Fair but there are lots of other reasons not to buy a Tesla! Get an EV that won’t kill you.
I guess it’s pretty obvious but they’re revealing themselves to be absolute freaks who have no idea what normal people want!
Why the fuck would I want to watch a (bad) movie starring myself?? We watch movies to forget about our shitty lives
It seems more universal. When visiting my in laws in small town Aus, on hearing we are from Sydney, everyone is happy (eager even!) to tell me how much they hate Sydney. I can’t even imagine how it would go over to tell them what I think of their chosen home. Not to mention it’s extremely rude!
What’s even more bizarre about this is the commander in the Martian is a woman and the head of the mission is black?!
Wonder what he thought the word “notwithstanding” means? 🤔
I have the exact same question. What the hell is he talking about?
Could someone explain this to those of us outside the US? What in the hell?
Sorry to report, because it’s the most expensive, the one with the laser is freaking awesome (for hard floors not carpet). I splurged during Covid and it’s a genuine thrill to use! Had two in ~10 years, one issue where the motorised head stopped spinning and they sent me a new one right away.