
She/her. Navy vet. Invested in politics, civil rights, and books. The insomnia is terminal. Mask up.
Nathaniel Rakich
Nathaniel Rakich
Senior editor and senior elections analyst at 538. Don’t call me Nate!
Liza Mazel
Liza Mazel
Therapist, writer type, armchair activist, kvetch. Raised from early adulthood by Internet wolves. Warning: squees at cats.

I also ramble currently on Daily Kos
Richard  Bellamy
Richard Bellamy
Writes and researches legal and political theory & sometimes Italian history. Edits Critical Review of Social and Political Philosophy. Flutes, runs, reads, cooks, swims, snaps, goes to concerts, galleries, plays & films. Lives London-Exeter-Berlin-Livorno
Wanda Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
English teacher. My jokes rarely land. Vaccines work. Black Lives Matter. Abortion is healthcare. She/Her/Hers
Daddy Shark
Daddy Shark
Formerly @dotahype on Twitter. Love my 2 girls! Enjoyer of urbanism, welfare liberalism🧦, econ, generative AI, nature and shitposts.

BA for life insurance living in Brooklyn 🇺🇸
Holly Brewer
Holly Brewer
Opinions my own
The Long Memory
The Long Memory
A liberal in increasingly unfriendly territory with a full bookshelf, a pugnacious streak, and a long memory. Trying to do my bit to keep the flame alive.
Keith Wilson 💭
Keith Wilson 💭
Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of Cognitive Science at UCD 🇮🇪. Father of #LittleHuman. Former computer programmer and sound engineer. Mostly vegan. Maintains various #philosophy feeds.👇 (he/they) 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇦 
Mark Rubin
Mark Rubin
psychology ▪︎ metascience ▪︎ philosophy of science ▪︎ academic life

Professor at Durham University, UK. He/him.

Research website:

Critical Metascience substack:
Lisa Bortolotti
Lisa Bortolotti
Professor of Philosophy. Founder of the Imperfect Cognitions blog and The Philosophy Garden. Editor of Philosophical Psychology. Author of Why Delusions Matter (Bloomsbury 2023). Silver Swan.
Tobias Schlicht
Tobias Schlicht
Aidan McGlynn
Aidan McGlynn
Glaswegian philosopher based at the University of Edinburgh, mostly working on issues in epistemology and feminist philosophy. Tweeting in a personal capacity. He/him.
Emily Herring
Emily Herring
I am writing a book about Henri Bergson for Basic Books — Radiohead were right: I have no idea what you are talking about — she/her
Michela Massimi
Michela Massimi
Philosopher of science, University of Edinburgh.
More about me here
Nicholas Grossman
Nicholas Grossman
International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor
of Arc Digital. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery.
portland antifa zone arbitration warlord
assistant to prof. dr. robert j. catman, esq., P.I.
drummer in @tragiclovers
direct complaints to
Michael Paulauski
Michael Paulauski
I lose brain cells so you don't have to. Devops Galore. DemSoc liking anarchism. Antifascist. BLM/Abolish the Police. Views are mine, not employer’s. He/him
David M. Perry
David M. Perry
Journalist & historian. Pub musician. Dad. Husband. Fishing obsessed. I also do dishes. Read: #TheBrightAges
Nae’blis 🥺🖤🧁#BreakTheWheel™️ #Chosen

Laura Ruby
Laura Ruby
Novelist, poet, teacher, unrepentant cat-lover, cancer patient, two-time National Book Award Finalist. Bone Gap, Thirteen Doorways, etc. Made of bees. @thatlauraruby on most socials.
Sarah -she/they 😷🏳️‍🌈☯️🎬🎶♾️
Sarah -she/they 😷🏳️‍🌈☯️🎬🎶♾️
Lover of classic films, sci-fi, musicals, soap operas; Julie Andrews; XWP, SG1, DW, WoT; Siuaraine, SukEve, Vanity, Otalia...
Love, Compassion, Justice.
Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Paulina Ochoa Espejo
Political Theorist. William Penn Foundation Professor. Haverford College.

Mexicana de acá de este lado, como dice el corrido.
Sarama Burwani @ Dawntrail 7.0
Sarama Burwani @ Dawntrail 7.0
FFXIV and general shitpostery | G'raha Tia liker | 38 | any pronouns are fine | not always safe for work
Paul Crider
Paul Crider
Student of liberalism. Left-Smithian, right-Millsian. Writer/editor for Liberal Currents. Star Wars and Wheel of Time fan. He/him
Werner Herzog's Bear
Werner Herzog's Bear
Teacher, historian, and blogger. Born and raised in Nebraska, working in NYC, living in Jersey.
Substack: I Used to Be Disgusted, Now I Try to Be Amused
Josh Stein
Josh Stein
Adam Daniel-Wayman
Adam Daniel-Wayman
i've used twitter for 14 years so it's too late to pretend i'm not into this
Lisa Wines
Lisa Wines
Bisbee, AZ Democrat. Collage artist. Webmaster at
Zara Bain
Zara Bain
Some kind of philosopher | permanently tired | founder and director of | mama
Associate Editor at Liberal Currents
What good is seeing-eye chocolate? What good is a computerized nose? What good’s Sanskrit read to a pony? Not much, I guess, not much at all.
Julia S.
Julia S.
Non-stop book reviewing lady! Also writer, editor, aunt, godmother, curmudgeon. I love books and birds.

No DMs, sorry! I am extremely shy.
Nails Nathan
Nails Nathan
loves art, history, novels, hiking, and everything about getting everyone the resources and systems we need to thrive.
Cathryn Townsend
Cathryn Townsend
Anthropologist, gardener, animal lover, fantasy & sci-fi fan. Climate anxious. She/they.
Will Jones
Will Jones
Historian of race and class in U.S.; Author: The March on Washington & The Tribe of Black Ulysses; Professor, University of Minnesota; Past President; "Up For Debate" Editor
Nathan Kalmoe (he/him)
Nathan Kalmoe (he/him)
Exec Director, Ctr for Comm & Civic Renewal @UW-Madison. Views=me. Democracy, voting, violence, psych, history. Retired prof @40 😉 Dad w/ jokes/Lapsed 🧙🏻/🥏⛳ champ/Avid 🧗🏻‍♀️. Congress said I have "tremendous sway over SM platforms"😂
Ian Sinclair
Ian Sinclair
municipal counsel || democracy, inequality, segregation, baked goods || former low-level city planner ||
Sophia_Nyx 🏳️‍⚧️
Sophia_Nyx 🏳️‍⚧️
i ask questions. she/her. singer songwriter. i make film & tv reviews. dm, pc. gamer. girl nerd.

pfp: pink yellow and blue rim glasses long dark hair white woman
Jennifer Winch
Jennifer Winch
IT generalist, historian, medievalist, theater geek, dog parent, Bay Area lifer. Mask up & get your booster.
Grudgie the Whale
Grudgie the Whale
British liberal. Apparently technically a "Bluesky Elder", according to that one labeller.

Hayes Brown
Hayes Brown
Twitter Refugee. Writer. Etc.
Hemry, Local Bartender
Hemry, Local Bartender
Birch Smith
Birch Smith
Philosophy PhD student, working on the role of social and political epistemology in the future of liberal democracy.

Read my public philosophy here:
Quinn Slobodian
Quinn Slobodian
Latest book: Crack-Up Capitalism (Metropolitan, Penguin, Suhrkamp, Seuil...) Profess international history at BU.
Aubrey Gilleran
Aubrey Gilleran
Episcopalian | North Carolinian | father | husband | English teacher | liberal | IG: @aubreygilleran