Josh Stein

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Josh Stein

If Biden/Bibi announce a ceasefire agreement with a plan for peace during/around Bibi’s visit to DC, it’ll have an enormous political impact. I don’t trust Bibi at all. He’s a scumbag, but I think that’s what Biden and Blinken are aiming to do.
There are lots of positive policy reasons to vote for Biden. The campaign actually does try to message these things and they are a part of his stump speech, but the media doesn’t cover them and social media doesn’t discuss them. Hopefully that changes, but I doubt it.
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And remember, the Christian Right only took up abortion as a topic after they lost school segregation for good when the IRS went after Bob Jones’ U status, & needed a new issue to rally the troops. 1/x all our issues are intertwined. 🧵
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
There’s an apocryphal story that when Gödel became a US citizen, he suggested there was a methodology in the constitution by which a president could become a dictator. This seems too stupid to be what he had in mind.
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“This is an ongoing project by Christian nationalists to turn this country to a theocratic state,” says Anthea Butler. Their goal, she says, is to “ make everyone else live under their kind of moral codes which they don't live under themselves.” #Velshi
The effort to 'turn this country into a theocratic state' is being mainstreamed by the Christian Nationalism is based on the myth that America was founded as a Christian nation. It puts Christianity at the center of American life, and aims to install believers into all areas of public l...
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Very possible we’d be in a much different position today had Biden taken some tips from Kendrick.
Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
Everyone talking about who should replace Biden but ignores the obvious answer: Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. #draftvilsack
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I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
It's a bad thing that our media is concerned with vibes rather than substance when it comes to a Presidential election.
Am I watching the debate? Yes. But it’s because of my self-loathing.
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Right-wingers have been trying to rewrite the truth of Trump's 2017 "very fine people remarks", oftentimes blaming a lAcK oF cOnTeXt from the left. So I decided to solve that problem. Here's a half-hour video that goes through Trump's *entire* press conference... for context:
A Comprehensive Guide To Trump's "Very Fine People" now you've got a quick link any time someone complains about cOnTeXt TikTok // Instagram // Twitter // Threads // Bluesky //
I’m not a fan of the ADL’s incident data (for reasons which are seeing a lot of public discussion) but the trope data is very useful and distressing.
Well, that's not terrifying or anything. (Source: - couldn't figure out how to get the data into the alt text legibly, so please follow the link if this impacts you)
This is (rightly) getting overshadowed by the bribery decision but this is a good decision on the easy standing grounds (which some appropriate shots at the competence of the 5th Circuit).
The first, but not last, decision is in Murthy v. Missouri. Barrett has the 6-3 decision, reversing the 5th Circuit and holding that the plaintiffs lack standing in the case against Biden admin's social media outreach. Alito dissents, w Thomas & Gorsuch.
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The use of the “mic off” feature is the only thing in the debate that’s interesting to me. Seeing Trump’s reaction to his mic being off is going to be funny.
Just so no one is confused, I’m not running for the Governor of North Carolina against a homophobic conspiracy theorist who thinks the Black Panther franchise is a Jewish plot to steal Black people’s money. That is a different Josh Stein. But I hope he wins his election.
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students being taught how to create barricades and other ways to disrupt active shooters and then using those techniques when attacked by the cops who wouldn't protect them from shooters when they were children is so poetic and so american
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I cannot more strongly encourage someone to examine Cotton’s service record, given how willing he is to harm peaceful protesters
Sitting Republicans within Congress are now advising members of the public to attack protesters openly. We are getting closer to something that once it’s out of the bottle, it will never go back in.
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important to remember that the fact that we have now seen colleges say no to the cops in some places and cops say no to colleges in other places means everywhere that violence happened, both were in active mutual collusion, no matter how much they later try to hot potato the blame to the other party
"PPD declined, asking that the University provide proof that the encampment — and the rally today, which is entering its fourth hour — presents an imminent danger." if the damn cops - of all people - are going "hold up a minute here" you have well and truly lost the plot
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“The ADL’s dogmatic pro-Israel advocacy both contributes to a growing climate of Islamophobic and anti-Arab violence and trivializes the real dangers of a growing antisemitism being inflamed by some of the ADL’s powerful allies on the Right.”
The ADL Wants to Conflate Critiques of Israel with Antisemitism. That Won’t Make Jews As conservative pundits mainstream antisemitic tropes, the ADL is instead focused on silencing expressions of Palestinian solidarity.
Great sign for Haley, as we all know that Buchanan went on to upset Bush and defeat Clinton, become President, and become a celebrated figure in American history.
Nikki Haley just got the same percentage of votes in SC as Pat Buchanan got in NH in 1992. NYTimes says….
I am glad to see so many calls for ceasefire, since I think putting public pressure on Israel (and American politicians who support Israel) is important. But when the Episcopal Bishops are talking about “genuine representatives of the Israeli and Palestinian people…” they’re just not serious.
Not gonna lie, I'm pretty worried about what happens to the many Muslim and Arab-American civil rights groups in the US when major media outlets actually start targeting them. I think those groups (CAIR especially) are generally great orgs, but there's a serious tactical mistake happening...
The number of lefty Twitter accounts I’ve unfollowed for saying “Islamophobia and Antisemitism are both bad, but only Islamophobia is socially acceptable” while posting Luke Gage and Rick Wiles content is in the mid-20s now. Bigotry in general is acceptable in lots of communities.
One of the things that I fully expect state Dems are going to do against GOP incumbents (in both the House and Senate) is run targeted ads that hit those incumbents for celebrating spending the GOP incumbents voted against in the omnibus bills, CRs, CHIPS act, etc.
On the one hand, I think Nikki Haley is a loathsome political opportunist happy to play to white supremacist grievance and extremism when it suits her. On the other hand, because those white supremacists line up with Trump, her beating Trump up is actually good (from a consequentialist view).
Pretty gross, though fortunately I expect the UC faculty to throat punch this pretty hard.
There is a very draconian measure the UC Regents are considering that prohibits "political" (read: anything about Palestine) statements on department webpages. Not only censorship, this is an attack on ethnic studies departments. The assault on Higher Ed isn't just in Red states, it's everywhere.
UC moves to ban political statements on its websites by faculty and The University of California's board of regents will consider in March a ban on faculty making political statements on university websites.