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mixed nut enthusiast
the would be trump assassin turning out to be a prototypical right wing mass school shooter type took all the excitement out of the story; cable news gonna do their damnedest to breathe life back into it by finding a way to make iran the enemy again
love this message from AOC dem leadership vastly underrates how much voters like people who are fighting like hell on their behalf, mind boggling since that's a core element of trump's appeal this sort of democratic pre-emptive surrender is poison & the people saying it need to leave politics
just remembering the mass scale of riots which broke out across the country when Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated
Really, really worried about what happens next.
this chart is a little older but shows that it's not just the UK where the trendline is that children are getting shorter but in the US as well
14 years of Tory rule gives us this utterly horrifying graph:
the man literally used his family as a prop to give a homophobic speech on the floor of the senate
Rest in Piss to Jim Inhofe, one of the worst senators of his time. A man who 'proved' climate change was a 'hoax' by holding a snowball on the floor of the Senate and who once literally used his family as a prop while making a homophobic speech.
just remembering this bit from mark twain
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
twitter has become such a platform for chuds under the new management that it's hard to believe it was once a place where you would randomly see experts in any imaginable field pop up out of the blue and provide incredible insights into topics you had never even heard of
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
this guy wrote takes completely divorced from reality but because they catered to the right wing's preferred world view he got promoted to a cushy gig at one of the country's top paper
the political betting markets are insane, there's no world where the incumbent president wins every single primary but is somehow nearly a three-to-one underdog to garner the party's nomination when the convention is being held in one month's time
it's so cool that a sitting member of congress can call for deporting his political enemies — and to give bounties for deporting the people he dislikes the most! — and it gets essentially zero coverage in the political press
the league of women voters used to sponsor presidential debates but both parties gradually colluded to water down the format of the debates so severely that the league of women voters derided them as "a fraud on the american voter" and stopped sponsoring the event — and that happened in the '80s!
I think Bush v Gore convinced me that debates (and the vast majority of politics) are, in fact, theater. I was so so baffled to read that Bush “won” those debates, when he was so obviously completely ignorant and Gore had & showed deep knowledge of the topics. But folks were evaluating AFFECT! 🤯
oh swell, the IDF is now operating with the same standard of conduct that you'd see in a vicious, murdering biker gang in a Mad Max movie
Note that this is in the West Bank, where the IDF is also committing daily atrocities.
only tangentially related, but thinking of Nintendo Power reminds me of this letter to the editor sent in by an elderly couple who used NES games as a way to related to neighborhood kids and were fond of their kitten who enjoyed watching Mario on their TV screen
this tripped me up because the first time I saw the word in print it was in a Nintendo Power issue about Super Mario World and it said this, so i thought the word was pronounced "seg" and it was a phrase, not one word.
and in the same 1991 issue of Jet there's an article about how the majority of white Louisianans voted for a literal klansman as governor who was only defeated by combined efforts of unified opposition from black voters with the support of a minority of the white community
it's hard to overstate how enormous michael jackson was in his prime, this is a guy who could pull in a half a billion viewers when he released a new music video
it's hard to overstate how enormous michael jackson was in his prime, this is a guy who could pull in a half a billion viewers when he released a new music video
the world premiere of michael jackson's "black or white" music video was a major network event and was given a premium time slot and all the attendant hype when it debuted on Fox
the plumbing of texas homes frequently succumbed to the periodic blasts of arctic winter weather until the advent of the whataburger faucet cover
lol, i can’t remember the last time i even saw a styrofoam cup 👏👏👏👏 deep in the heart of texas
the biden admin might have shut down the covid misinformation pysop but the firm that seeds the misinformation is still there and still doing its thing
closing down the old program and starting up a new one to continue spreading disinformation
lmao at trump basically admitting to the entire republican caucus that his wife wouldn't give a single fuck if someone shot him
wow, top business leaders say the democrats are destroying businesses, let's take a look at the stock market and see the carnage that's been inflicted by democratic policies
The capitalist consolidation behind Trump is producing some wild quotes.
it's maddening that one of biden's first acts was to commission a report to find that not only should he avoid undertaking any court reforms but should instead bolster the court's public legitimacy, meanwhile clarence thomas's pants are falling down because his pockets are so heavy with bribes
They’re not “gifts.” They’re bribes. Clarence Thomas took $4 million in bribes from billionaires. Everyone understands this, and yet he still holds a lifetime position as one of the most powerful people in our country. Unrig the Supreme Court.
speaking of the horrible air quality of yesteryear Fritz Lang's M (1931) has virtually every interior scene conducted in a noxious fog of cigar and cigarette smoke so dense that it makes Blade Runner look like it was filmed on a clear and sunny day
when i was a kid i thought there must just be something about how film aged or old cameras worked that caused the air in 1970s NYC to appear gray-brown and have subsequently learned that it was just accurately capturing the horrifying levels of air pollution
the israeli gov't conducted a smear campaign against pro-palestinian groups in the u.s. & canada, fabricated a report about colleges being unsafe for jews, this lead directly to assaults on students; as a reward congress is hosting netanyahu as their honored guest
incredible that a retired cop runs a business selling the test answers to other cops and that they just let him have direct access to the test to make his job as easy as possible