Scott Gavura 🇺🇦

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Scott Gavura 🇺🇦

Advocate for science-based health policy; pseudoscience critic; blogger, @sciencebasedmed; I post in personal capacity.
Today there are so many disingenuous trolls and mercenary dude-bros celebrated in the discourse that’s it’s quaint to remember a time when the public embraced good-hearted eccentrics who tried to entertain and educate. They played along with the mockery - but people got something from it.
You don't hear much about crop circles anymore
"I am planing to build a city on Mars!" - guy who makes a truck you can't leave outside when it rains
Newsletter: Goldman Sachs has called BS on Generative AI, and I believe that it's time that everybody follows suit - generative AI is unreliable, unsustainable, requires an entire rebuild of America's power grid, and is most decidedly not the future.
Pop A week and a half ago, Goldman Sachs put out a 31-page-report (titled "Gen AI: Too Much Spend, Too Little Benefit?”) that includes some of the most damning literature on generative AI I've ever seen. ...
This is Russian telegram right now. The text reads: “Evacuated mommies with sick kiddos at the Okhmatdyt hospital struck by a downed missile [translator note: this is a lie, missile was intact]” “Am I the only who’s thinking about hitting them again with a Kinzhal missile?”
Avatar : "The FDA should be approving therapies that make a difference in patient’s lives and which have a greater chance of helping them than hurting them. You’d think that would be the baseline."
Does It Work? Does it Do Harm? And More Basic
I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
Apparently some people think things are going too well and want to bring back horrible diseases that had mostly been wiped out. 🙄
Just got notice from BCBS that as of Aug 1 they are making it much harder to prescribe semaglutide and tirzepatide (wegovy/zebound) for our nondiabetic patients. This is a problem, but not for the obvious reasons 1/n
“Unless our scientific institutions are willing to step up and denounce attacks on those who risk their lives to defend principles of science and public health…our society will begin to unravel. That unravelling is already far advanced in America.”
Offline: In defence of Dr “Is this what we have become? Is this what we have devolved into?” US Congressman Kweisi Mfume was reacting to comments from Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene at a hearing of the Select Subcommitt...
[opens app] [immediately annoyed] [closes app]
Can DMSO “solvent” your pain? 😉 NEW ARTICLE about dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), an industrial solvent used for pain treatment, which some unusual properties that make it interesting. Maybe a little TOO interesting. 10-min read.
"Veterinary prices have soared more than 60% over the past decade, according to federal stats. Private equity firms and large corps have bought 100s of facilities around the country, an acquisition spree reminiscent of the corporate roll-ups of doctors’ offices."
Why You’re Paying Your Veterinarian So People have grown more attached to their pets — and more willing to spend money on them — turning animal medicine into a high-tech industry worth billions.
Antimaskers are such fine people.😬🤦🏻‍♂️🤬
"After Shari Stuart tried to explain that she has Stage 4 breast cancer and a weakened immune system, Stuart said the man called her a “f---ing liberal” and insisted masks were now illegal. He later coughed on her and said he hoped the cancer would kill her."
Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some Lawmakers in North Carolina and New York say mask bans in response to pro-Palestinian protests would not target medical mask wearing, but critics are skeptical.
“AI” is the culmination of the tech industry. Every time you use it, you destroy the environment, erode labor protections, endanger workers overseas, enrich the ruling class, and make something unforgivably worthless, all at the same time – and it's all hidden from you in a frictionless distraction.
"Tufekci has done our professions a great disservice. And, sadly, she was enabled by The New York Times opinion desk editors. What has this 'paper of record' now become? Does it value online clicks over accuracy?...Does the Times truly seek to energize the anti-science agenda"
John Moore, virologist/immunologist from Cornell Weill Med in NYC and I take the NYTimes to task for two opinion pieces on #COVID earlier this month. Both pieces are examples of "science opinion", where non-experts weigh in on topics beyond their ken.
“The New York Times” Is Failing Its Readers Badly on A pair of shoddy opinion pieces proves that the paper is letting its audience down and undermining the fight to improve our knowledge of the virus.
Robert Kennedy Jr. says as President he would order an eight year break on infectious disease drug development and research. This would obviously be catastrophic. RFK Jr. is not a protest vote against anything except the survival of your loved ones.
The job of pharmacy benefit managers is to reduce drug costs. Instead, they steer patients toward pricier drugs, charge steep markups on what would otherwise be inexpensive medicines and extract billions in hidden fees, The New York Times found.
The Opaque Industry Secretly Inflating Prices for Prescription Pharmacy benefit managers are driving up drug costs for millions of people, employers and the government.
LMAO Elon's brand is so closely associated with abject failure and a cult following that people are rethinking their healthcare decisions
got a cybertruck question for the ladies
happy belated 5-year anniversary to what is, for my money, the greatest political post of all time
This is an excellent description of the editorial failure behind The NY Times' decision to run Alina Chan's lab leak article. What's the value proposition to the readership of presenting a one-sided argument that most scientists find lacking? Did no editor bother to ask that question?
Everyone who still uses Twitter in June 2024