The Prankster: Spocking Fives

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The Prankster: Spocking Fives

Maker of comics, stories and podcasts. . He/Him. Portfolio: Patreon:
I think most celebrities--most rich people--are cowards, and the structures that support them lean right, so if they get attacked from the right they cave in immediately and if they get attacked from the left they run into the arms of the conservatives who promise to defend them
I think a big reason the narrative didn't shift is that focusing on the details makes it look bad for Trump and the GOP so instead of using it to build him up they're downplaying it and the media is following their lead
Legitimately, I think the media (including people who are too online) have become completely untethered from reality and lots and lots of normies think it's insane. If they keep hammering at the "Biden should quit" it might create a narrative but it's not going to make people like Trump more
It’s a great illustration of how sexism works that you never hear anyone describe DeSantis or Tucker as “shrill” even though their voices regularly whistle like the wind through the mouth of a cave in the middle of a sentence
Look. I don't have the energy to pick it up and move to another platform, so can we get our shit together and be cool, maybe.
Happy birthday to Heather Langenkamp, who showed up in a Star Trek one time
Please buy my books so that I may write more of them in future
aaaand just sent in what i think is final edit of ADVOCATE, Book 3 of THE WARDEN, to my editor
Realistically it would be third, after...Doug and Rob
The best meme, whoever created this is doing the lords work
every day I feel like I'm losing my mind as people look at a statistically tied race where one guy is a felon with deeply unpopular positions who ALREADY LOST THIS EXACT RACE and are like "he is 100% for sure going to win"
Worried about Mabel because the power may have gone out at my house and it's really hot, was supposed to leave early but a major customer came through the door plus another one who demanded to be served first, and my boss decided none of this was his problem
It's cooling off a bit and I'm heading home now
Just a perfect storm of shit raining down on me right now
Found this while looking for another meme thing I made.
Whether you agree with the analysis aspect of this or not, it's an interesting breakdown of how activist causes pass through different stages. The "despair and powerlessness just as it's starting to gain momentum" part seems...relevant.
Why the climate movement is actually close to winning - Despite widespread discouragement among climate activists, a tested blueprint for successful movements shows immense progress being made.
the “average voter model” imagines a person who is exactly halfway between the positions of both major parties in every issue and encompasses zero actual voters people are deeply weird and people who switch back and forth between parties in this day and age especially so
I think a big mistake liberals make is constantly making up an imagined "normal voter" in their heads to triangulate their opinions around. NO! What do YOU THINK? What do THE PEOPLE YOU ACTUALLY KNOW BELIEVE?
Oof, apparently the Dems didn't invite him to the DNC yet?
Legitimately, a coalition of radicals and normies doing all the work to get the Dems into power and maintaining that fury at the elected officials once they're in could be a very good thing. It's how democracy should work! Let us, the people, tell you what to do, do it, go back to sleep! Fine!
OK, you want a flaming hot food take? I have a visceral loathing for processed cheese slices, they make me feel ill, and I will never use them in grilled cheese no matter how convenient they are as emulsifiers. I use Havarti or Swiss along with cheddar, the result is: excellent grilled cheese
instead of having discourse let's talk about meaningless food preferences, sports beefs and fun stuff (hobbies). we don't need to discourse about any of the stuff we're discoursing about right now. free your hearts
A jazz musician once told me “If I make a mistake while performing I make sure to do it at least twice more, so people will assume I’m just being avant garde.”
This has gone too far, the missiles have been launched and will be landing in five minutes