Alex Hofelich, PseudoPod

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Alex Hofelich, PseudoPod

Co-Editor of PseudoPod, Jury Coordinator and Co-Chair of the Bram Stoker Awards, Co-Chair of the Atlanta Chapter of HWA
I have a story in the new EXPERIMENTAL FILES antho & the Kickstarter is now live at: My story for this started with a story idea that was "what if Yo Gabba Gabba but evil?". ANYWAY, please support this Kickstarter if you can because this book will be fabulous.
Update 3: A Huge Surprise! · Experimental We are off to a great start, so I wanted to begin by introducing you to some of the folks set to appear in this tribute.First, met one of the contributors to this tribute, the incomparable Dino Parent...
Changes Needed for the Hugo Awards Process by Trish E. Matson
I have already been blessed with an ARC, but y'all should get on this. The title story is killer and the collection as a whole is very compelling.
The stories in Cynthia's horror/dark speculative fiction collection are frequently set in and inspired by Oakland, California. For a chance to win this book, like and retweet this post with your favorite horror story set in a real place and inspired by that place's history.
Time is running out to vote in the British Fantasy Awards! The form closes tomorrow, Saturday 29 June, so don't dilly-dally any longer: head over to to get details on how to vote, and who's eligible to have their say, then get those shortlists chosen.
people find it so hard to believe that stormtroopers from Star Wars have terrible aim probably because bad equipment it's 2024 on earth and we have two of the most valuable companies in the history of the world: one of them is making airplanes that crash, the other makes trucks that can't get wet
Avatar Cast of Wonders 590: Umami Author : Amelinda Bérubé Narrator : Alethea Kontis Host : Katherine Inskip Audio Producer : Jeremy Carter Originally published in October 2019 by Sourcebooks on their FIREreads blog CW: cannibalism, zombies
Cast of Wonders 590: Umami | Cast of Their progress through the woods had slowed to a stagger, but they kept going. They had to. Jane shoved one booted foot through the layers of fallen leaves, then the other. Imagination kept her fear…
So happy that 2 anthologies that I have stories in are in my uni’s Community Authors’ Collection—Georgia Gothic and GenerationX-ed! #HorrorWriters
There’s been a number of wild things that’s happened since I started writing, but I must say this is one of the wilder ones. A fan of the artist of this record—George Soler—had sent him a story I’d written that happened to share a name with his album. 1/2
If you're interested in the Weird or the nautical, this is a must-read!
I was lucky enough to get to write a column for the H Word in Nightmare Magazine on contemporary Nautical Horror, eldritch terror, & why Lovecraft's long shadow sucks. Many thanks to for the opportunity! 🌊New Millennium Nautical -
Craving something weird & coastal? Check out this fun new story, which is also my first-ever narration gig!
“The phone’s ring echoes through the beach house. The fifth time today.” The Things That Wash Up on Marble Beach, by Arther Wick Narrated by Wilson Fowlie and Wendy N. Wagner Host: Alasdair Stuart Audio Producer: Chelsea Davis This story is a PseudoPod original
PseudoPod 924: The Things That Wash Up on Marble The phone’s ring echoes through the beach house. The fifth time today. I grit my teeth and grab the infernal machine, ready to send my daughter to voicemail again. Cassie won’t like that…
Hi, y'all! I'm Crystal. I write quiet horror fiction (under C. O. Davidson) and nonfiction essays on Horror movies, slashers and monsters! I'm currently working on a story about weird birds, an essay on 80s teen mall horror, and my first novel on a small town apocalypse. #HorrorWritersChat
#HorrorWritersChat question 1: Introduce yourself: tell us who you are, what you write, and a project you’re currently working on P.S. Don’t forget the tag!
Next week, catch my online reading and Q&A on Thursday, June 20th at 5pm PDT at the Locus Awards weekend, along with wonderful fellow nominee! It would be wonderful to see you there!
Aurora Award readers, please don't miss this beautiful, timeless, perfect story! Short on time? There's a gorgeous audio version that you can enjoy while driving or doing chores!
Reading for the Aurora Award? You’ll find “Once Upon a Time at The Oakmont” in the voter’s pack. But if you prefer to listen to your fiction, Fantasy Magazine did an outstanding job with the audio version, read by the great Nan McNamara. Check it out:
plot twist: there is no such thing as bluesky and we're all in the same psych hospital making typing motions into our mashed potatoes
Looking for recs for what you think are the best trad small press horror and multigenre/genre-bending novels or novellas from the last 10 years. Especially looking for books by and about marginalized identities and books that didn't make the big awards lists.
Escape Artists is the top of the game when it comes to reprint (but also original) fiction. I'm glad it exists!
after a wonderful stokercon i am overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings of this timeline. thank you to the the grand cosmic luck that has made this possible and thank you to the buds who make this timeline worth trotting. LOVE IS REAL
I can attest that Marianne Kirby is a joy to work with, and that the cape she made me is a treasure I love wearing.
I am now offering up another custom cape - in exchange for donations to Palestine relief work/individuals and families fleeing in hope of safety. Every $10 will count as an entry. I will cover my labor and materials and we will collaborate to make sure I know your preferences. More details tomorrow!
Beautiful and terrible as the dawn!
Everyone appreciate this pic of looking like a fucking ice goddess
Hey #StokerCon buds, come to my author reading at 5pm in Salon H! I'll be reading "How My Sister Talked Me into Necromancy During Quarantine," originally published in the amazing (and go back their Kickstarter!!!)
We are excited for Storyteller, a Tanith Lee tribute anthology edited by, Carina Bissett, and Please consider supporting this so we can all get a great book and stretch to support more writers.
“The small island, which lay off the larger island of Daphaeu, obviously contained a secret of some sort” We rummaged in the vault to bring you… The Gorgon, by Tanith Lee Narrators: Scott Campbell & Sharon Moskowitz Host: Julie C. Day Audio: Chelsea Davis
PseudoPod 920A: The Gorgon | The small island, which lay off the larger island of Daphaeu, obviously contained a secret of some sort, and, day by day, and particularly night by night, began to exert an influence on me…