Chihuly con Carnie

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Chihuly con Carnie

Inveterate reply guy
⚒️🧪 Serendipity! How a 2.4 billion year-old rock “picked up by chance” turned out to contain surprisingly complex microfossils from the time of the Great Oxidation Event.
I think the freaking out has lowered the bar. Trump would have had to soil himself to lose the 1st one because no one expects coherence from him. On the other hand, Biden's path to victory next time is "having a normal one." Pretty sure this was even a West Wing subplot at one point.
Yesterday, I shared this same Canada Day thread on Bluesky, Threads, and X. Here's what I found. 🧵
“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate
The term itself hasn't changed it's just being used for marketing purposes out of band. I worked on a number of 8-figure houses and there are indeed a lot of crazy appointments. I had a client put in a suede floor, for example. Yes, it was awful. So were they.
There's a lot of survivorship bias here- a poorly built house from 1880 fell over before 1950 while a cathedral from 1500 is effectively immortal. There are houses being built now that will last 100 years but they aren't being built by Toll Bros.
More expensive marques have been emphasizing physical controls. The high end ones emphasize hand-polished physical controls.
A quibble: you're comparing a bespoke mansion to spec mansions. The 1886 reflected the tastes of the owner, the 2024 monstrosities are designed to appeal to those with no taste. The luxury you seek, by your definition, is not advertised to prospective buyers as it has already been bought & paid for.
An acquired taste that few people acquire
The Austrian economists are more than that- they were shamed out of Europe for revanchist elitism but pushed hard by American business interests to roll back the New Deal. And they've run the American economy since Nixon.
Conservatives play follow the leader while liberals play king of the hill. It's awful right now because the conservative leader is historically awful so everything they do is awful. But once he's done, they'll have to stop encouraging the worst or they'll simply go extinct. They'll be back someday.
Polling RFK in a three way head to head when he foesnt have ballot access in most of the swing states is malpractice
This argument was used by Strom Thurmond in 1948, John Anderson in 1980, Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader in 2000. How many times must it be tried for the process to start?
That's the trick- if you set a goal that makes sense to you and you achieve it? You have advanced the ball down the field. Write a letter. Volunteer. When I feel shit I pick up litter. You do you.
"Think" and "do" are not the same thing. As someone who dealt with depression and despair for ten years, putting one foot in front of the other truly is medicine.
Action is an antidote to despair which is why "DO SOMETHING" is the cry. Involvement of any kind makes things harder for your opponent and organized involvement moves mountains. Whatever you *think* might improve things for you personally? You're right.
i'm getting so, so tired of the doomerism on here, and the press loves covering shit like a horse race instead of explaining fundamentals and what's at play, a job that seems to fall to on here. so here's a thread about why i'd rather be biden — yes, biden — right now
they wouldn't be doing all this sweaty shit if they thought the people were actually with them. it's a desparate attempt to overrule the will of the people and it does not, must not, work
Advantage: temperature modulation. Disadvantages: expense, inaccessibility of environment, humidity and odor control, difficulty of expansion or modification.
One of my favorite memes is the “woman yelling at cat” one, so when I saw this I almost choked on my drink
Counterpoint: Reader's Digest condensed books were abridged anonymously with no discussion as for what stays and what goes. An anonymous abridgement of the New Testament or Koran could radically change the message of the religion; an anonymous abridgement of To Kill a Mockingbird or Lolita...?
Ann Richards (D-TX) and Pete Wilson (R-CA) were both governors while Clinton was president.
if somebody in california wants to sue the department of the interior and get a circuit court to ban all oil leasing, now's the time
Without going all in on cope, I do not think the chaos about to envelop the circuit courts is going to be entirely favorable to the right wing project unless Congress authorizes a huge expansion of said courts under a GOP trifecta
I’ve been saying for like nine years that the only questions Trump should be asked are like “what does NATO stand for” and “what is Medicaid” just let him drown in the shallowest imaginable water
After five years and over 100 violations, Tesla's Fremont factory has been ordered to abate illegal pollution by the local regulator! I've been reporting about this since 2019, a story nobody else wanted to touch, and was beginning to believe nothing would ever happen!
Tesla ordered to stop releasing toxic emissions from San Francisco Bay Area Tesla must fix air quality problems at its electric vehicle manufacturing facility in the San Francisco Bay Area after racking up more than 100 violations for allegedly releasing toxic emissions into ...
I think a lot of it is people expressing disappointment through venting. We all wanted Biden to slay the dragon but his feet are clay.