
guardsmen checking bags week one / guardsmen checking bags week four
Update: it’s dystopian as hell
thing about checking bags is: it’s actually work and everyone hates you more each minute, these dudes are gonna be sneaking off to drink in the stairwells after the thousandth new yorker gives them the business
I’ll always be a homer for philly attitude but working new yorkers on their own turf getting hassled in the subway is a strong number two for people who would make me contemplate diving onto train tracks
Hell yeah. SEPTA workers literally get in fights with people making trouble. It's the best. I had a bus driver on the C route that went through Olney and she'd regularly have to physically get up and push guys down the steps who were trying to jump on and run past her without paying.
yeah man septa as a whole entity is a pretty nice mess but the workers are an old breed of tough customers who generally keep the respect of the regulars by doing their jobs really well and fucking around with them is a big mistake
Totally agree. The management sucks but the employees are hard af.
a lot of them are like sweet old ladies who will go out of their way to help you but you know they will beat your ass with a shoe if you think you’re gonna get one over on them
Makes a lot of sense of the Philly supporters that destroy a hitchhiking robot or throw batteries at Santa.
The NYPD costs 5+ billion a year and the National Guard got called in to help. Why hasn’t the whole top of the chain of command of the NYPD been fired yet. They bought the NYPD fucking robots for Christs sake
(Grabs crotch) I gotta bag you can tongue search down here, muthafucka.
yeah and that is why the cops don’t want to do it
and why they don't want to do any other work either
because the cops do what they want and they don’t want to do this
Nah, the NYPD is still doing it. (Terrorizing New Yorkers being ‘it’) At my local stop I saw a teenager in handcuffs just 2 days ago. I assume for jumping the turnstile, the cops didn’t seem to be too bothered by it but the kid was terrified.
They're deliberately not doing their jobs.
It’s not even that their job is that hard. There were five deaths on the subway last year. More than a hundred people died crossing the goddam street
I’ll give them a backhanded compliment, they’re smart enough to know fucking around in every passenger’s bag for optics is something they want no part of associating themselves with
OTOH I’m sure there are a bunch of guys from Ogdensburg more than happy to take advantage of the opportunity to chat chicks up
I know it's not true, but I wondered this morning if it was a 4-D chess move to outflank Adams, and bring city hall and the NYPD to heel
I think it’s more Hochul demonstrating to Appalachia New York that she’s Tough On Crime (tm)
Oh and Lawn Guyland. Don’t forget those freaks.
Start with Eric friggin’ adam’s. What a dangling bell end. JFC, the lies, deception, backpedaling about budgets and immigration should be enough to get this tit thrown out on his ass.
Given how many times his aides have been raided by the FBI I’d expect him to be pardoned by President Trump in a few years
"I signed up to serve my country, not have my country make rude gestures at me four times a minute"
I had to literally force myself to not flip these guys off as I walked through Penn Station today. And I wasn’t even going to the subway.
Just point and laugh instead.
Hochul had an easy answer to this problem but she wasn't willing to give them health and dental
Surprised Denis Leary didn't reprise his role in this prequel to Demolition Man
If I’m committing subway crimes, I always only keep dangerous weapons in a duffle, as they’ll never search there. Meanwhile, if I actually wanted to commit violence, there are a thousand ways to get something into the subway system that these bored, doughboys in blue won’t search. It’s so stupid.
Boring make-work is really boring. I'm kind of surprised the NYPD officers have kept up the useless standing around in public places for so long, but the overtime is probably pretty sweet. Guardsmen are being kept away from their families for this shit.
This is just a program for National Guard to steal drugs for their own use and it will be a cold day in hell before I'm shown incorrect. 22 years of airport shoe inspections, billions of inconveniences and destruction of freedom and not one life saved. Not even one fucking toe.
I see we get the intro to Half-Life 2 but no Gravity Gun
I bet an almost exact replay of that opening scene will happen before the end of the weekend.
eh maybe but if it does they’re making an even bigger mess for themselves
Oh great, staties carrying ARs, what could possibly go wrong
They did this shit in Boston after the Marathon attack and people largely accepted it. I just walked for the few weeks they did it.
I think the bombing had something to do with it
I'd say so. They also stopped selling pressure cookers for a few months. The liberties we will give up for security!
Absolute most insane detail of that story is the guy throwing pressure cookers at cops like he's Donkey Kong
The whole bloody boat thing was pretty wild too.
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a thumb
When they did this in NYC post-9/11, I'd just go to a different entrance at the same subway station and there was never a checkpoint there
It's so ridiculous. They set up a table and a banner. They might as well give out balloons to the kids and make it a real event. In most busy stations, if you really are hiding something, you can see them coming from a mile away and just...go out a different way. Security theater in the extreme.
The Bell Riots might arrive a few months early at this rate.
great way to kill national guard recruiting.
It would be one thing if the Guard was called up to protect passengers from the NYPD, but this is nonsense.