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I got my thoroughest girl with me. I also got my thoroughest pup with me, but you already knew that. Into ranting about all things, but especially politics and DC local shenanigans. I sold Bourbon to JoePa once.
What in the community college mba would convince someone running *a sticker company* that spamming their politics out to customers would lead to anything other than mockery at best.
@elonmusk my CyberTruck came to life last night & murdered my mother! Now I’m stuck with funeral costs on top of my car payment! Tesla customer service no help! still love my cyberbeast
(whispers) "Folks, he thinks hentai should be illegal. Him. He's probably watched more that sick stuff than any of us in this room."
I swear if I have to hear Biden whisper talk about how Trump wants to ban tentacle porn, I might up and move entirely off the grid someplace.
Took my 13yr old nephew to the holocaust museum yest & made sure to point out similarities in what he hears today from certain pols.
Good luck to em. I haven’t used Etsy in years bc it’s all the same garbage found everywhere else online
“I enjoy the chew” 🤣 We may have lost American democracy, but at least we have James Hoffmann
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times again, but fuck George Conway
Could the military…regulate emissions?
I’m available, experienced in the task, and will work for a very reasonable rate
I strolled to the metro and don’t feel like I jumped in a swamp. What a morning!
We're gonna ride Biden's withered body towards 50% lower carbon emissions by 2030! We're gonna use his decrepit hand to sign off on higher taxes on rich people and corporations! We're gonna drag his sundowning ass into the Oval Office to restore the child tax credit! LET'S GOOOOOO
I really hate to be that guy, but you’re all really killin the vibes around here
I’m as big a fan of wasting my own time & emotional energy on improbable hypotheticals as the next guy, but even I have grown tired of this particular mental exercise.
I just got sad for the pre-Elon Twitter days. What a time.
I likely don’t live in the target demo market, nor do I likely watch the right tv to see, but if Biden’s team hasn’t already cut that Palestinian as a slur quote into an ad, they are terrible at their jobs.
Can’t the individual ear pieces do their own “find me” alarm?
The man goes from the worst debate performance of his life, to expertly navigating a three part dap w a stranger in a Waffle House at midnight. 🤷‍♂️ www.politico.com/live-updates...
Biden makes post-debate stop at Waffle Housewww.politico.com Biden defended his debate performance, telling reporters that he did “well.”
I’m scratching my head wondering in what reality we have any other choice. It’s pure wish casting to think the machine built around Biden can/will magically transition to literally anyone else mid-cycle.
Hear me out though, assuming our politics ever return to some version of pre-Trump “normal”, won’t we look back at the answers we get from *this election as outliers? I’m full “Nothing matters. There’s no such thing as an undecided voter in ’24”. But that wasn’t always the case.
How on earth is this entirely normal sounding person the same man who mumbled breathlessly through much of the nationally televised event immediately preceding this?
I’m fairly pessimistic generally, but holy shit the interwebs need to take a breath. The debate was a shitshow, but it’s also not going to matter after the next news cycle. As long as Biden finds a god damn pulse between now and November, tonight changed nothing.
I mean, there are videos. The fact that this is even a topic of conversation is mind numbing.
Alright, who is gonna take one for the team and watch this car wreck for the rest of us?
I was #TeamMastadon at one point. What a confusing 48hrs.
Imagine knife wielding Britney in a CNN debate halftime show.
Just in time to do it all again the following week! 🤗