Rook Stone

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Rook Stone

Author of SFF and historical fiction. Rambler about paleontology and animal facts. Snuggler of cats, dogs, and deeply confused chickens. They/Them
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All-time record shattered today in Las Vegas, beating the former record by 3 degrees F. Records that once seemed impossible, made possible - if not likely - by climate heating. As I say, with climate change expect the unexpected.
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Y'all, someone in Hawaii got a cybertruck.
My silliest internet celebrity encounter: I spoke with Brennan Lee Mulligan a couple times, years before Dimension 20, and thought he was a cute masc lesbian the entire time. I watched multiple seasons of Dimension 20 before realizing that this was the same Brennan Lee Mulligan I'd spoken to.
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From Insta: When your therapist tells you: "The fact that you're considered 'high functioning' doesn't mean your illness is easier for you to deal with. It means it's easier for others to deal with." ☝️Interesting bookends to my day👇
You're a person, not a chore.
As with most bizarre things TERFs claim are real, "vampiric trans lesbians sucking the estrogen out of cis women" just sounds like them projecting their own kinks onto trans people.
Ah yes, The classic "siphoning estrogen from cis women's bodies like gas from a car" trick. A classic trans move.
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Can we all share this link to save my family in gaza , can we ?????? ❤️ Gaza becomes like this
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It also happened to be maple syrup day, the one day the maple syrup man comes to the farmer's market with all the good good maple syrup. "What makes it better than anywhere else you can get maple syrup?" Bro-in-law once asked me. I stared, aghast. "It''s maple syrup day."
It's extremely humid out. A storm is rolling in and my sinuses are a Nuisance. But on the bright side: Christmas in July at the coffee truck means peppermint mocha and I am Enjoying it.
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Italian prosecutors in Milan investigated how Dior is producing their handbags. They found that the workers were sleeping in the facility so bags could be produced around the clock. Consumers pay $2,780 per bag. The production of the bags costs Dior $57. Ht:
Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior In recent months, Italian authorities raided Dior subcontractor workshops where people were working around the clock, they said.
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🎶🎵Juliet, when we made love, I used to cry... 🎵🎶You'd say, "Wow, you're really so bad at this. 🎶🎵Um, honey, that's my thigh? 🎵🎶Not the place for it? You know, just move along. 🎶🎵When you gonna face it: 🎵🎶It's not just the size that's wrong. 🎶🎵Fucking dork."
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have you all heard of THE RADIUM GIRLS? if you haven’t, go look that up because any post i try to do won’t be enough and will get suppressed. come back when you’re done looking up THE RADIUM GIRLS okay. you done? cool. okay so Clarence Thomas wants to get rid of OSHA
I keep foolishly thinking communicating with my blood family at least for family medical history might be beneficial, but even when the question is as straightforward as "do any of you form weird bruises like this", I get challenged on whether I'm really capable of identifying my own bruises.
These guys would save themselves a lot of time if they just admitted they were into astrology and stopped trying to reinvent it.
hotfix male. release candidate male. shovelware male
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bad sleep creates tired men tired men create solid afternoon naps solid naps create late night wakefulness late night wakefulness creates bad sleep
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pretty stunning how the billionaire class(and yes that means the legacy media) have completely turned on Biden. They'd rather have a fascist dictatorship than pay taxes and a living wage to employees. Insane power grab in front of the cameras
Uh. This got labeled as self-harm, apparently. To be clear, I laid under my sink to fix a supply line. Laying on my back on a hard surface is how I "harmed" myself.
[graphic bruising/injury] Hypermobility folks, does anyone else get terrible bruises from pressure? I was laying under the sink doing some home repair, never noticed anything odd, and then hours later my spouse saw my back looking like this and rightfully got very worried.
[graphic bruising/injury] Hypermobility folks, does anyone else get terrible bruises from pressure? I was laying under the sink doing some home repair, never noticed anything odd, and then hours later my spouse saw my back looking like this and rightfully got very worried.
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The fact they're simultaneously running don't vote campaigns and trying to undermine the dem candidate is proof that the moneybags who own these publications are united in realizing their robber baron days are drawing to a close under a guy who is the most pro labour president of the 21st century
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There's definitely a trap we can fall into where we say "If I accept the premise that ordinary people doing X can make the world better, it must also mean that ordinary people who aren't doing X—or worse, are doing not-X—are making the world worse." But that's not the case. (1/2)
And since it apparently needs saying, when I say we’re not the reason the really big bad things are happening, I’M NOT DENYING THAT WE HAVE AGENCY.
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For the record: do not refer to Tiglath-Pileser III as "Emperor of Assyria". It's: King of Assyria King of Babylon King of Sumer and Akkad (ONE "of" only) King of the Four Corners of the World King of the Universe and in that order. Get it right, Americans.
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every supreme court ruling these days
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i guess i can see both sides of the fireworks debate like on the one hand they’re obnoxious and frighten poor little doggies but on the other a lot of jagoffs have gotten their fingers blown off by them so on balance who’s to say
"Hey buddies! You ready to get HIGH AS BALLS?" - me calling the dogs in for special treats before fireworks start
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Like... "you will outlive trump and Thomas and alito" buddy are you sure about that cause there's tens of thousands of victims of trumps shitty handling of covid who who would argue that point except they're dead. They did not live through his administration.
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Another thing to think about re the elite revolt against Biden is he *is* the president who funded the tax police and ended the cozy wink, nudge relationship on dodging the taxes they claim to support.
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Also, if you can mix in one of those little electrolyte packets, that’s even better. Electrolytes help with sweat-induced dehydration because your body loses a lot of salts by sweating & that messes with your osmotic balance. If you’re one of those folks who hates plain water, chug a sport drink.
We're hitting 113°F here. If you're also experiencing high heat today, for the love of fuck DRINK WATER Not some sissy little sip every hour or so. You fucking chug that goddamn water jesus christ and stay out of the fucking sun I've already had to yell at one beloved fool getting dehydrated today
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Also eat something salty, with the water as the salt helps with better rehydrating! If you have to be out, gatorade, or even vitamin water, basically drinks with electrolytes, will help a LOT more than plain water. But also plain water works if you can't get the other stuff.
We're hitting 113°F here. If you're also experiencing high heat today, for the love of fuck DRINK WATER Not some sissy little sip every hour or so. You fucking chug that goddamn water jesus christ and stay out of the fucking sun I've already had to yell at one beloved fool getting dehydrated today
We're hitting 113°F here. If you're also experiencing high heat today, for the love of fuck DRINK WATER Not some sissy little sip every hour or so. You fucking chug that goddamn water jesus christ and stay out of the fucking sun I've already had to yell at one beloved fool getting dehydrated today