Scott H

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Scott H

librarian, RPGs, video games, board games. He/him
Reposted byAvatar Scott H
Get out of here with your little borg ship tornado sensors and your sleek black trucks, evil storm chaser Cary Elwes. You're not even trying to avenge your dead father by punching a tornado in the dick like Helen Hunt. You're just in it for the money, or something.
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Reposted byAvatar Scott H
Do you think in reality there truly was a king or perhaps war leader ('dux bellorum') named Arthur living in immediately post-Roman Britain who halted the advance of Germanic invaders for a generation or does the glaring lack of primary source material indicate that he was probably apocryphal?
Like 16 years ago, but I remember the same shit with the d&d 4e books.
See, the reason I *pre*-order something months in advance, Amazon, is so that you can order enough copies of it and not stiff me when it's about to come out.
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This bullshit would have ended over a week ago if editors at news outlets said “no more anonymous sourcing, no more vague ‘many are saying’ without clear citation, no more leading shit like ‘apparently’ or ‘it is clear that.’”
Reposted byAvatar Scott H
Ask yourself if Carville, Pelosi, Clooney, etc get what they're demanding and it turns out to be a total disaster - switching nominees 3mo before the election, what could go wrong! - will they say "Damn we were wrong" or will they blame someone, anyone else, probably you the voter.
On authors and libraries- when a library buys your book, that's a sale. And then when a patron doesn't bring it back and someone else requests it, well, that's another sale. Unless the publisher pops up as Out of Business, which could complicate things.
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They invented the cleric just to stop a troublemaking vampire PC called Sir Fang but who killed Dracula? Not Van Helsing, that's right, a fucking cowboy killed Dracula
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This guy was such a G for telling his evil wizard cyborg boss that his religion is bullshit during a work meeting.
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Clarence Thomas unquestionably committed tax fraud on his motorcoach deal and the president has the power to put him in handcuffs this afternoon, in his official capacity in charge of the IRS and federal law enforcement
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"Immunity for official acts" was already settled law. So, restating that does nothing except it bought the fucker some time while they sat on it. Because I'm pretty sure "trying to stop the legit transfer of power" isn't an official act.
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I despise the right-wing on ideological grounds, which is reason enough. But the insult to injury is that their policies -- or what passes for them -- simply do. not. work. As I said before, they only things they're good at are grifting and concentration camps.
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Looked it up and "Xavier" means "New house." That explains why the X-Men mansion keeps blowing up.
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Once again, I just want to say that lavish gifts to Supreme Court justices shouldn’t just be “disclosed.” They should be banned, outright. This should not be a radical position.
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everyone needs to play award-winning MMORPG Final Fantasy 14, free to play through level 70, and learn that the only response to defeat is to keep going, even unto the very ends of the Universe, where through the power of friendship you can heal Despair herself and turn back her destruction.
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Not enough is said about how the Supreme Court is overburdening the talent behind the podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks
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Can we just for once elect a mayor who's an ex-librarian, instead of an ex-cop or a billionaire?
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The sound you heard was a million Gen Xers screaming “FUCK *YOU,* JAMIROQUAI.”
Finding out Jamiroquai dated Winona Ryder but dumped her for having breasts that are too big and being too horny is literally sending me
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Comics are for everyone. Not “every comic is for everyone.” More like “there is a comic for everyone.” And also “every comic is for someone.” What else can I overthink for you?
Somehow my exact thoughts on Dragon Age 2 appeared out of the bluesky
DA2 had incredibly glaring flaws and also some of my favorite things in the entire series - the Hawke personality system, the party banter, the focused time jump storyline I wish they’d had another year to cook with that one and turn a flawed gemstone into a sparkling diamond
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Marcus Aurelius says u don’t have to have a take on fucking everything 🙌
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I thought they would hope that the AI would keep them safe from demon attacks...
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The problem with the term "unalive" is that probably is a technical term used by necromancers and now the nuance has been lost by applying it to every dead person. Language has meaning
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The reason why they keep doing UBI studies and not actually implementing UBI is that the people doing the studies want UBI and the people who have the power to implement it do not want UBI.
Reposted byAvatar Scott H
heard u were talkin shit
Reposted byAvatar Scott H
Gremlins is a good movie Gremlins 2 is one of the best, craziest and most subversive movies ever made tyat was made under once in a lifetime conditions and you do yourself a great disservice avoiding it
Reposted byAvatar Scott H
Truth Coming Out of Her Laundry Bag to Shame Mankind
This, and the reply of referencing this Achewood with almost every celeb death.
Star Wars is my Elvis and it will never die so I can continue to live the lie forever. This is certainly healthy.
Looking through September comic solicitations, and I know why things are as they are, but it still feels weird that DC is putting out a Wild C.A.T.S. compendium, while Image has GI Joe: a real American hero.