
Voters: they’re mysterious!
1.5%? We’re doing all this over 1.5%?
This guy called it
But really when has that reverend Howard arslan ever been right about anything before
The cool thing is, if he's right (& the polls appear to be confirming it so far) it means the polling is busted in exactly the way people suspected it was, & the "historic realignment" stuff is not necessarily balderdash, but it's at least partly an artifact of partisan nonresponse
Same poll had 47% of Dems wanting Biden to drop out. Everyone is either just annoyed but not enough to switch or worried about people who aren't them.
Which is exactly what we see in economic polling these days "The economy is great for me personally, but I'm assuming it must be bad for everybody else"
“What I actually see is good, but the vibes are bad”
I want Biden to drop out too, but I’m going to pick Biden over Trump. I am frankly going to pick nearly anyone (Dem or GOP) over Trump. He is a dangerous criminal.
Which way do people suspect polling is busted? I’d like to think it overestimates Trump’s support, but polling in 2020 actually underestimated it. Midterm 2022 polling was closer than most years.
Not sure! Probably a little in Biden's favor but the degree is basically impossible to tell. But "Trump making huge gains with nonwhite voters & voters under 35" seems a lot less likely than "those demographics being particularly unwilling to respond to pollsters unless they're sickos"
I remember polls were at least busted enough for pundits to say D women had moved on from dobbs by Nov 2022 and I never saw much attempt to reconcile that
Yeah, I’m very suspicious of the polls showing a close race with young people. Though some show 3rd party candidates doing well with young people and if RFK Jr (YGTBFKM) is pulling more of them from Biden than from Trump? Also some polls have shown Biden ahead in the 65+ age group. Huh.
Pollsters usually over sample those groups and then correct for it mathematically when they aggregate. That’s the part that Nate Silver is *somewhat* good at explaining. But click through to see the survey questions, which have a huge impact, and read the methodology statement by the polling firm.
He’s great. Wish he would come over here.
Lol damn, I only said it'd go up a point or more in a month
that's some good fucking analysis right there