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Yes I’m a philosopher, I think very deeply.
Reposted byAvatar skippy
I think the is just too old to be covering politics now. Its ability to handle the rigor and complexity of modern campaigns is obviously not there anymore. Put it out to pasture so younger newspapers can do the job.
Reposted byAvatar skippy
you can't even perform The King in Yellow, thereby summoning the dark Lord Hastur from Carcosa (may the black stars cloak him) anymore, because of Woke
Reposted byAvatar skippy
Dear corporations, Skip your #PrideMonth posts this year if you’re donating to elect the Republicans erasing and harming the LGBTQIA community. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ in your social posts doesn’t show solidarity, your actions do. Sincerely, Everyone tired of your harmful BS.
Shoutout to all the therapists in the world, helping people deal with shit. Thank you!
Reposted byAvatar skippy
Here's a thought to simmer on your mental stovetop: Unconditional Basic Income isn't just about putting money in more pockets and security in more souls. It's about acknowledging that our greatest resource isn't gold, oil, or data—it's human potential. Unleashing that? Priceless.
Reposted byAvatar skippy
When "tech" meant faster computers and smaller phones, it was exciting, you wanted to know what they were going to come up with next. Now it's a bunch of assholes trying to figure out new ways to charge you a subscription to look at the shittiest ads you can imagine
The older I get, the earlier it gets late.
I used to be cute.
Advertise your account with just one image.
Advertise your account with just one image.
Maggie, snoozing. Quote reskeet with your pet!
If you see this quote reskeet your pet 🐕
Reposted byAvatar skippy
Good Guy Swen Vincke, head of Larian Studios, talking at GDC yesterday after receiving awards for Baldur's Gate 3:
Caption this. Wrong answers only.
A limbo champion walks into a bar. They are disqualified. #joke
Reposted byAvatar skippy
476 followers! It's that time again. 500th follower gets a stupid 30 second song written and performed just for them! It'll be DERIVATIVE! It'll be DUMB! It'll have YOUR NAME IN IT! Step right up ---------------> follow me and I will make you a fisher (pic below)
Avatar thank you for Babylon 5. I'm watching it for the third time, and enjoying it all over again. The depth of character is so much more than I picked up the first two times.
“The optimist sees the donut. The pessimist sees the hole.”
Reposted byAvatar skippy
Reposted byAvatar skippy
Three mass shooting events today. So far. IT'S THE MOTHERFUCKING GUNS.
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Roses are red And can be other colours too Colour is actually our brains trying to impose a sense of order on the bombardment of chaos that is our perception of a random, uncaring universe As is love, if we're honest And don't get me started on poetry #HappyValentines
“The only thing flat earthers fear is sphere itself”
Reposted byAvatar skippy
I’m trying to turn my time online from “being mad at the dumbest dipshits alive” to “being super jazzed by people who I have never met’s weird hobbies” and it’s been going pretty well and my mental health is a lot better
Step 1: create a company that produces a valuable good or service, at a reasonable price. Step 2: pay all employees a livable wage with good health care and time off. Step 3: there is no step 3. That’s it. That’s the skeet.
Reposted byAvatar skippy
The Ocean Cleanup is bad. I have yet to meet a single credentialed ocean plastic pollution expert who thinks "drag a giant net through the ocean and scoop out the plastic" is a good idea, and I've been asking for a decade. Stop supporting feel-good-but-harmful pseudoscientific nonsense.
The Dark Side of Ocean Cleanup Some marine biologists think the trash-collecting machines are harming more ocean organisms than they’re helping.
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"i asked Chat GPT..." oh did you? do you ask vending machines for their opinions too?
Reposted byAvatar skippy
I seriously wish there was at least one techbro out there who'd stop wasting time trying to scam people with AI and just make a goddamn printer that works.
Based solely on how they load the dishwasher, I feel confident in saying that my family members won’t be good Tetris players.