
there is no world in which biden drops out and the nominee isn’t kamala harris. and i think it is very interesting that the loudest calls for biden to drop out do not acknowledge this fact.
I am weirdly pollyannish about Harris/Dem X versus Trump. The "cheapfake/selective video" convo fits better with Harris - bc she makes little news, all people see of her are the wackiest/loopiest quotes. The basic "you lied to us and said Biden could handle it" problem is bigger.
I think this is all a very absurd overreaction but if it gets us President Harris I'm down.
I’m old enough to remember when Dems were bedwetting about Obama after his first debate with Romney.
Yeah, and look how that turned out.
Great? He won by a lot…
Exactly. I didn’t think I needed to add a sarcasm tag. My bad.
So am I and I'm also old enough to remember this isn't remotely the same scenario
Yes, Obama was running against a good candidate, not a convicted felon who also has been found liable for raping a woman and for trying to overturn an election. But, you know, he’s 4 years younger than the other guy and that’s all the difference. 🙄
Biden is NOT Obama circa 2012. Not by a long shot. Like, I get the hand we've been dealt, and wish it was something else, but let's not pretend that we live in some other reality.
I think the “you lied to us” problem could be put to bed with a “Joe declined” argument. That would work even stronger if he gave her a strong endorsement and said “I’m not up to it, but I trust Kamala.” Would she actually do better? 🤷🏻‍♂️
I'm seeing a lot of these discussions going around right now and I think they really fail to reckon with how warped the current media environment is and how all attempts at messaging are swimming upstream in rapids. I see a lot of "They should just say X" without reckoning with how X will be COVERED
Like, I'm really genuinely coming to believe that spending a ton of energy trying to come up with messaging strategies is, at this point, pretty ineffective. At least on a national scale. I think the local rally approach the Biden campaign has been taking is probably correct
Our politics and media landscape are weird right now. I think you’re probably correct, but anyone claiming certainty is fooling themselves.
They could do a condensed debate schedule before the convention with the potential Dems (Harris, Whitmer, Pete, Newsom, etc.), and let the convention nominate someone. Let her earn her spot, if it comes to that.
why does the sitting vice president who is currently serving out her term as a loyal soldier to the sitting president — who has already won on a national ticket — need to "earn her spot?"
Wild how, when pressed, none of them actually have the balls to come out and say what we all know they mean
Here's what I mean. Voters have already cast ballots for Biden, and if the party is going to toss those in the trash, they *may* need to show a competitive process that would have happened if Biden chose not to run. Or, they can just skip that part and let the Rs create & control the narrative.
Probably because when she ran for votes in a primary she got destroyed. She’s only in that position because she got picked by Biden. She’s got 0 charisma and the political instincts of hillary Clinton.
So, anyone who runs in a primary and does not win is a bad politician by definition? question, who is the president right now, and how many primaries did he run in before becoming president?
There are lines of college students waiting to hear Kamala speak everywhere she goes across the country. You have no goddamn idea what you're talking about.
That's your opinion. Others' mileage may vary.
You are electing an official who makes decisions for your lives. Charisma has fuckall to do with anything. It's not a popularity contest. The fact that it is turned into it shows why the whole thing needs to be scrapped and started anew.
Totally disagree. I think she has plenty of charisma, loads more than Hillary. Also Biden ran for president and got destroyed in 88 and 08. Nixon, Reagan, Bush all ran and lost before winning. That’s no measure. Totally different as an incumbent.
I’m not looking forward to all the very nice people in the coming days squinting thoughtfully and behaving as though Harris doesn’t exist. Not sure it’s better than the open misogynoir on the right, in many ways it feels more dishonest.
Lack of popularity. It’s not a long service award. I’ve seen Gore and Kerry’s underwhelming candidacies and Harris has a harder climb.
If Biden resigned today and Harris was elevated, would a convention reaffirm her or would the party implode? I don’t expect this at all, but makes more sense than Biden just saying I’m not running.
I think the convention itself would affirm her pretty easily, the delegates are all already on paper committed to her as VP. But this doesn’t mean the voters would go along with it.
Not elevating someone is leaving a power vacuum and setting up a nasty struggle. That would be a disaster.
Black. Female. Only he is thinking ruder words. #WhiteTrash
I am saying if we need to have some sort of nomination process and the party wants it to be competitive, then cram the normal nomination process into the convention time and get it done. I think VP Harris is great, but I also hate the idea of the party anointing someone w/o having voters' input.
All of these scenarios are the party choosing a candidate without voter input.
We voted her in four years ago.
Imagine being this racist openly. Yikes. The VP gets the slot unless it's someone you don't like, because she's Black.
You guys start doing shit like that right now and you're guaranteeing an L. You all insisted on digging this grave when there were plenty of viable candidates before 2020, now you gotta lie in it.
She has less charisma than Hillary Clinton. She would absolutely lose.
I mean, he is handling it? The dude has never been a loud, boisterous speaker & his age is only highlighting that but he’s getting shit done so… who cares?
Don’t see that as problem at all for normals. She’s been out of sight. Plenty of room to redefine herself as a person with a vision for the country. Nobody remembers what politicians say - see “Trump.”