Stephen Nuñez

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Stephen Nuñez

Former Lead Researcher on Guaranteed Income
@jainfamilyinst, Current Senior Research Associate at MEF Associates

Sociologist, Dad, Autistic person, Bathos-Enjoyer
Opinions are my own
I feel like this is somehow 's fault.
Eric Adams opened this morning’s press conference by rolling a garbage bin up to the podium, placing a bag of trash in it, and saying “welcome to our trash revolution” while Empire State of Mind played in the background
"Dad I want to go to college" "Oh that's great....transmutation? conjuration? abjuration?" "bard college!"
Not the kind the pundits want though. :)
Whatever "we" decide we need to do it quickly and to give whatever side "loses" a graceful way to return to the fold. I don't know if Biden or Harris is a better option but I do know that hobbling along like this/off-message and embittering each other is disastrous.
Yeah like either way we now have a public schism and bitterness all around. Not great.
She wants her next character to be a bard.
In terms of prediction....I don't think this slow bleed is going to stop. Which is really the worst possible way for this to play out.
I don't think this is going to stop. Right now we are in a slow bleed...2-3 Democrats say Biden should drop out continuing the bleed. The next day the existence of the bleed convinces 2-3 more democrats to say Biden should drop out.
Democrats to face pressure of revealing if they back Biden as Congress Senate and House back in session for first time since debate, giving those who want him to quit a chance to rally support
I am all in on Biden or Harris. Just waiting for Democratic elected officials to decide what they want to do.
My daughter was super excited when she realized the connection between Rizz and Dungeons and Dragons' charisma stat.
That was absolutely the case in 2016. I knew plenty of people who voted against Clinton as opposed to for Trump. But it is now 2024 and we all saw what Trump did and can heard what he plans to do.
The thing about the left in France is that they have actually held office and are interested in winning policy victories.
Yeah I don't think this letter changes the dynamic. If the folks who want him out want him out soon they need to find some way he can exit gracefully/save face.
I don't think this is going to stop. Right now we are in a slow bleed...2-3 Democrats say Biden should drop out continuing the bleed. The next day the existence of the bleed convinces 2-3 more democrats to say Biden should drop out.
Democrats to face pressure of revealing if they back Biden as Congress Senate and House back in session for first time since debate, giving those who want him to quit a chance to rally support
Isn't the current panic about him being to old/slow to throw haymakers like that?
Everything else aside, isn't this horrifying? Like after everything that has happened this man is still a viable candidate that half the electorate is at least seriously considering. We have to win but also I am not sure what you do when the country is in such a state.
Right. No matter how they talk about it, people’s problem isn’t “Biden old”, it’s that trump isn’t losing by 10 points And since there’s no one person that will make that not true, we’re left with the most annoying news cycle I can remember
Ok so I guess the slow bleed continues.
It's ok. It was all a dream.
I don't think this is going to stop. Right now we are in a slow bleed...2-3 Democrats say Biden should drop out continuing the bleed. The next day the existence of the bleed convinces 2-3 more democrats to say Biden should drop out.
Democrats to face pressure of revealing if they back Biden as Congress Senate and House back in session for first time since debate, giving those who want him to quit a chance to rally support
The Times and other chunks of the media have long used "Biden is old" to punish the admin for lack of access and to imply Biden is infirm/'can't govern. This is distinct though. This is *Democrats* panicking about his ability to *campaign* forcefully.
Whether fairly or not the debate set this off and it doesn't seem like there is any way (e.g. ABC interview) to staunch the bleeding. What is scary is that a long "democratic chaos" may do the polling damage the debate in isolation couldn't.
Seems like if they truly believed that they wouldn't post that?
I mean you look at economist Larry Summers and then you look at non-economist Jay Powell and...
Conjoint analysis, people!
Yeah you are stating your preference for a proposed bundle of goods over one or more others and at the point of the general election you don't have control over the individual parts.
Yeah you are stating your preference for a proposed bundle of goods over one or more others and at the point of the general election you don't have control over the individual parts.
The difference in prime age labor force participation in Canada (higher) and the US seems like it can be attributed largely to lack of childcare options (and gendered work norms that mean it is the mother who stays home).
I am a long-term d&d player and I know a neckbeard when I see one.