Spike Cordiner

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Spike Cordiner


Social Justice Rogue

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🎵🎶 Life is a highway 🎶🎵 🎶🎵 It should be maintained 🎵🎶 🎵🎶 With public funds 🎶🎵
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Me, in the confessional: bless me, daddy, for I have sinned Priest: god forgives you, kitten
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BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
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Solve your housing affordability crisis with this one weird trick
Complimented a shop worker on their "You wouldn't steal a car" earrings. Them: "But *would* you steal a car?" Me: Tricky question, I'm from Birmingham. But at least, despite being originally British, I wouldn't steal a country?
Because everything is made into entertainment first now.
Why the fuck do we even have presidential debates anymore
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If your area got a new Labour MP then it is your duty to email them and say that you are happy the Tories are out but that transphobia should have no place in the party. Make Starmer gently walk back his support for Rowling's position!
Emailed my local Labour candidate. We're a swing seat. Let's at least let them hear from us.
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Mood for today, even more than most days:
Ah, the Fourth of July... When every right-winger suddenly forgets to give a shit about flag protocol.
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"Is Bridgerton normalising mixed weight relationships" Meanwhile every man in a sitcom ever
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Yo dawg, we heard you liked ChatGPT, so we put ChatGPT into your ChatGPT.
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Literally saw a TikTok awhile back where someone was interviewing tattoo artists, asking "What's the most stereotypical Millennial tattoo?", and two different artists answered "Harry Potter tat cover-up."
How tired am I today? Well I was just taking photos of pages in our recipe book to send to a friend and I tried swiping my phone screen TO TURN THE PAGE IN THE BOOK.
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"CNN Defends Decision to Not Do a Journalism"
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my spiciest Pride take is that we don’t talk enough about the privilege aspects of outness: the assumption that it looks the same for everyone, the judgment towards anyone still living with/tied to unaffirming families or communities. every queer person has the right to do their own safety calculus
Especially thinking of those of us with one foot in the closet and one outside. Not all of us can be out and proud. Folks need support to weather that
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Hey, hi. Slide over here for a second. You good? Did you take your meds today? Fed and watered yourself? Do that, yeah? Mondays are fucking hard, aren’t they? But you did good, love. You got through it and that’s no small thing. You’re no small thing. You continue to push forward even when it hurts.
Both the cats have been sick (one had surgery after swallowing elastic, the other had a gut infection), PLUS we've been organising a big Christmas in June dinner with a dozen people. The last two weeks have been entirely concerned with making sure SOMEONE gets enough to eat 🤣
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Not only is it okay, it's imperative. Adapting to new information is a survival necessity. The inability to change one's mind is maladaptive and self-destructive. There is nothing admirable in being unwilling to change your beliefs.
it is okay to change your mind about something or someone when presented with new information. it’s okay to have misjudged because you were lacking that information to begin with. it’s okay to have been wrong. learn from it, grow, and try to take lessons from your own mistakes AND other people’s.
As your Bi Uncle who remembers the 80s, AIDS crisis, Section 28, and all that bullshit, let me be very clear: We Do Not Gatekeep.
This! I'm bi. I'm here for every letter in our alphabet and every color in our rainbow. Excursion is not the way. Come on. Have we learned nothing? If you identify as queer in any way shape or form, you are very much welcome here.
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If "keep an eye on your drink" was a picture.
I have never been in a fight, I have never so much as shoved anyone. I am as much of a pansy little pacifist as is humanely possible and I honestly believe I could rip through them like a power washer hitting some kleenex
As a therapist, I often have to help clients (usually cis men) understand that their emotions are a vital source of information, and that by ignoring/dismissing/suppressing them they are making their relationships sooooooo much harder to navigate.
YES. They think they are uncluttered by emotion and thus can "think more clearly." But not having empathy (or being willing to chuck it aside at the first chance) doesn't make you think more clearly, it just means your model of the world is broken and you don't want to put in the effort to fix it.