
I live in the same town as this woman. She organized and runs a chapter of Moms for Liberty. She was removed from back to school night at the highschool for screaming about teen girls having their breasts cut off. She has doxxed teachers. Her activities resulted in multiple bomb threats at schools.
Here we have a 53-year-old woman who is so consumed with hatred for her trans kid that she pretends to be nonbinary to show the world how quickly you can get hormones and surgery. It takes 10 months just to get a referral.
I Pretended To Be ‘Nonbinary’ To Expose a Medical Scandal at Kaiser Kaiser gender specialists were eager to approve hormones and surgeries, which would all be covered by insurance as “medically necessary.”
The most important thing to know is that she isn't getting any traction at all. The community is organized and actively resisting her efforts.
good! these fascist freaks need to be ostacized
i would prefer if we could avoid the guillotine extravaganza but 🤷🏻‍♂️
But there will be cake!
Why deny them of something they worked so hard for?
Always ask yourself how would this skeet look being read by a prosecutor. I say this because I value your freedom.
Pro-tip: Prosecutors take cases they can win and “bad things should happen to fascists” isn’t anywhere near that bar
Unless you happen to be picked up at a protest and they want to disappear you.
Yes, I'm another one of your neighbors and it's hard to overstate how absolutely nuts it is to be this way in Davis, CA specifically. She basically could not be more isolated in these beliefs.
I'm glad her son has one supportive parent.
Wow, sounds like a very normal person that is deeply committed to discovering how awful retirement homes are once she is of age and her child has legal power of attorney.
Does faking a medical condition count as health insurance fraud in the States. Apparently, that's a federal offence. 🤔
I wondered the same thing, but in this case I hope that angle is not pursued, simply because it's best not to set a precedent that could be used later against those engaging with the process in good faith who later change their mind for genuine personal reasons.
"I went to a liquor store, asked for whiskey and they gave it to me. Now can you imagine if they just gave whiskey to a toddler?"
Remember when Republicans used to shame people because they loved enough to put “Family First” and they bragged about their parenting prowess and how they loved their children unconditionally? Who knew those would be the good old days?
If Republicans were even telling the truth about being good parents ... I suspect their children have a different story.
Sandy Hook proved Republicans love their guns more than they love their kids.
Narcissists are rarely self aware. She needs comprehensive mental health help, but probably doesn't think so.
There it is. I didn't dig in because she disgusts me, but not surprised she's with the minivan taliban as well.
"Minivan Taliban" lol 🤌
I wish I could say I'm surprised but they really are just this incredibly idiotic
This isn't exactly a revealing insight on my part, but one phenomenon we have been witnessing in the past 10+ years is how visible and shameless these loons have become. In the not too distant past they would be quickly shunned, if they even felt safe saying this stuff out loud in the first place.
That leads to my second "not exactly revealing" insight. Trump gave them license to slither out from under their rocks and social media, in particular, has helped them to find kindred spirits. The latter, of course, then fuels a sense of safety because they support one another.
That but also there were always nuts people shouting nonsense but they didn't organize online (because no online existed). She's insane. Some decades she would be heavily medicated but now it's considered a 'political opinion' instead of 'hysterical insane ranting'.
Absolutely wrecking her life because she got brainwashed by a soulless political grifter
One of the founders of M4L in my county formed the chapter when her daughter came out as gay. Mom could not deal and decided to tear down the public school system instead. As a bonus point, she'd white and her husband is black and she's fighting the school system for counting her kids as black.
People like this make me sick. Live your f*cking life and quit worrying about how others live theirs. You aren't clever, you aren't wise, you are not "saving" anyone. Mind your business Karen and let people be.
Can you imagine what she told the medical staff? These people are so deranged and out of touch with actual trans and NB issues, I can only imagine the wild shit she is telling these people.
So she oversees a wing of a terrorist hate group. It all makes sense now.
Sadly, this argues that some physicians should start googling their new patients.
I so need to go into the straight jacket business. I sense there maybe a good run on them post November.
I went to grad school with the dork whose blog she posted on, who got his PhD in social spiders and worked for Jonathan Pruitt, the namesake of the Pruittgate data fabrication scandal. He’s not qualified to comment about gender and can’t get a career as an ecologist.
I'm pretty sure she arranged for him to speak at an event at the library last year. So happy to hear that he's struggling to find meaningful employment! Because I'm petty like that.
If he ever shows up again I’m going to show up and mock him. I know enough about him (and know enough people who know enough about him) to make it hurt
Anyway, he’s been a transphobe since at least graduate school. I know at least one person he was an asshole to on those grounds.
Yes, he’s the person that led to bomb threats at multiple DJUSD locations and at the public library—all that BS because of his willful disregard of biological complexity and what it means at the individual level. It’s next level hubris.
Sorry to "well actually" you, Dr. Smoot, but the bomb threats came after after a different event. The event that the library shut down was about trans women in sports. They were shut down for misgendering, and the bomb threats came in days afterwards.
Ah, thanks for the correction! I thought he was invited to speak at the library.
While I suppose there’s also no evidence of anything she thinks is actually happening in her town…?