Ersatz Haderach

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Ersatz Haderach

Ontologically evil leftist. (He/Him, also cool w/ singular they)
This will never be not funny to me
Yeah- “the NYT is institutionally transphobic and their influence on policy has been very bad overall” and “Bouie personally has little influence over editorial or the prestige of the paper and his influence is at worst neutral overall” are in fact quite compatible things to believe at once
I feel like a lot of people are confabulating "defense of Jamelle Bouie specifically" with "defense of the NYT" and it's becoming really toxic to the conversation
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
Wish I could find the post I made about how I feel allegiance with the dolls because so frequently when people need someone to yell at they choose either a doll or a black woman because that’s still how I feel and still true
Cobolt!! You finally made it over!!!
I realize I'm coming in on the tail end of this controversy but the NYT (and NYT Opinion's) prestige doesn't come from Bouie. If he were to quit tomorrow the paper would continue to be influential and he'd almost certainly be replaced by someone worse.
Like, idk. The simple fact of the matter is that people in positions of power read the NYT Opinion page and having people with good opinions on there is important, even if the paper itself is shitty.
I realize I'm coming in on the tail end of this controversy but the NYT (and NYT Opinion's) prestige doesn't come from Bouie. If he were to quit tomorrow the paper would continue to be influential and he'd almost certainly be replaced by someone worse.
I’m not sure what the way to say this that doesn’t sound mean or snarky is (and for the record I overall like Harris, she was my #2 choice in 2020), but frankly if she didn’t want the exposure that came with being President maybe she shouldn’t have taken the job.
Did that new Ghostbusters movie come out? Did it go in and out of theaters and I missed it?
Honestly I feel like half the time there’s drama around here I can’t figure out what’s going on because all that’s left is a bunch of cauterized threads. (And admittedly the last few dustups seemed to mostly be taking place on folks’ personal discords)
I feel like the summary of “Effective Altruism” has always been “the *real* threat isn’t climate change which would require taxing us, it’s some hypothetical threat presented by AI in the year 3000 that can only be addressed by giving us money”
There’s a bunch of weird under-the-hood stuff, too; like, there are a couple elemental types that aren’t used at all or exist and do nothing, as I recall.
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
Look the point of "first they came for the x" isn't OH MY GOD THEY'RE GONNA COME FOR US eventually we should do something e v e n t u a l l y. The point is, go help the x
JD Vance comparing Trump to Hitler in 2016 and JD Vance comparing Trump to Hitler in 2024
Are there any liberals left at this point who aren’t wise to Vance’s bullshit? Seems like most of them have smartened up.
Fundamentally, if this case stays around it will eventually hit the SCOTUS, where any accountability for Trump is DOA
They are gonna ask for $17 so hard
man a lot of people who like to brand themselves as Progressives or whatever sure do go hippie-punching mode the second they are made uncomfortable huh
When’s Aileen Cannon coming up for re-election again?